Chapter 8 – Scarecrow
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Jonathan Crane awoke with a feeling of dread on the morning of his next birthday. He lay staring up at the ceiling as anxiety churned in his gut, contemplating the day ahead.

After last year's mortifying surprise involving a whipped cream pie, he had ensured strict new security protocols were in place. Joker, Harley Quinn and the other rogues responsible for the cruel prank had been put under intense solitary confinement and monitoring.

Even so, Jonathan still couldn't help the nagging sense of anticipation and worry. There was no telling what sort of new humiliating pranks someone might try, regardless of the increased precautions.

Glancing at the clock, Jonathan realized he had no choice but to face the day. With a heavy sigh, he threw back the thin sheets and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, bracing himself for whatever the day might bring.

Upon arriving at Arkham, Jonathan headed straight for his office with cautious, hurried steps. He kept his eyes peeled for any telltale signs of an impending birthday "celebration" - balloons strewn across the hallway, streamers dangling from the ceiling, or suspicious giggling from his coworkers.

When he finally reached his office without incident, Jonathan allowed himself a momentary sigh of relief. But he knew better than to let his guard down.

As the morning dragged on, he found it impossible to focus on his work. He couldn't stop picturing his colleagues plotting behind his back. Every sound in the hallway heightened his anxiety.

Jonathan decided to step out of his office for a moment, hoping a break might calm his rattled nerves. As he locked his office door, he peered warily down the long Arkham hallway. Seeing no one, he cautiously proceeded toward the staff lounge for a cup of coffee.

His shoes echoed sharply against the cold linoleum floors. Jonathan winced at the sound, feeling as if he had just announced his presence to any scheming co-workers in the vicinity.

Just as he reached for the lounge doorknob, he heard a friendly voice call out his name. "Dr. Crane!"

Jonathan jumped, whipping around to see Dr. Joan Leland approaching with a wave and a warm smile.

She gave him a bemused look. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you! Just wanted to let you know there's a staff meeting in five minutes in the second-floor conference room."

Jonathan's eyes narrowed in suspicion. A "staff meeting" sounded exactly like the kind of excuse Leland would use to lure him into an unwanted party situation. He decided to try calling her bluff.

"I'm quite busy at the moment. Please provide my regrets for missing this meeting," he said coolly.

Leland raised an eyebrow. "It's mandatory, I'm afraid. Dr. Arkham will be discussing some important policy changes."

Jonathan suppressed a scowl. That sounded plausible enough. Maybe he was just being paranoid. Reluctantly, he changed course and headed upstairs.

Upon reaching the conference room, he paused outside the closed door, straining his ears. No noise came from within. Cautiously, he eased the door open and peeked inside. Just a standard meeting room scene - staff members seated around a long table, papers, and notepads in front of them. No balloons or banners in sight.

Jonathan slid into an empty chair, muscles tense, ready to flee at the slightest hint of birthday shenanigans. But the meeting proceeded normally, true to Leland's word. After forty-five tedious minutes, they were dismissed.

Jonathan lingered in his seat, peering suspiciously around. "No cake? No birthday song?" he asked dryly.

Leland looked at him questionably. "Why on earth would there be cake or singing at a staff meeting?"

"Oh, no reason," Jonathan muttered, quickly gathering his notes.

"Well...happy birthday, by the way," Leland added politely. "I hope you have a nice rest of your day."

Jonathan gave a terse nod before swiftly exiting the room, still on high alert but also feeling confused. The staff meeting had proceeded exactly as described, with no signs of tricks or surprises. He couldn't help feeling a slight sense of disbelief - could it be possible they had genuinely left him alone this year?

Not wanting to get his hopes up, Jonathan decided to remain cautious for the rest of the day. He kept a watchful eye and ear as he made his way back to his office, half expecting a pie to come flying out of some hidden doorway at any moment. But the day dragged on without incident with no disruptions or disturbances related to his birthday.

As Jonathan finished up his last patient appointment of the day and returned to his office, his heart sank at the sight of a large, brightly wrapped box sitting smack in the center of his desk. He eyed it with distaste. Clearly, the celebration was not over yet after all.

Approaching with slow steps, Jonathan considered simply tossing the package in the trash unopened. But morbid curiosity won out. Hands clenched, he ripped off the paper to reveal...a pet carrier?

Jonathan blinked in bewilderment as a small furry face peered out at him through the door. He fumbled with the latch and freed the border collie inside.

As he held the puppy, memories of his childhood flooded back. Growing up in rural Georgia, Jonathan had always longed for a dog of his own, particularly a border collie like the family's beloved Bandit. Bandit was the only friend who provided comfort during harsh beatings from his abusive father and cruel great-grandmother or when the other children tormented him.

Now, as the puppy licked his face ecstatically, Jonathan was flooded with nostalgia. Slowly lowering himself into his desk chair, he cradled the wiggling pup, still in a state of disbelief and shock. His eyes scanned the typed note explaining it was a gift from his Arkham colleagues, hoping the dog would provide companionship in Jonathan's lonely life.

Jonathan sat motionless, the pup squirming on his lap. After so many horrible birthday surprises, could this thoughtful gift truly be real? Tentatively scratching behind the dog’s perky ears, he felt the pup's tail thump rapidly against his leg, and an unfamiliar warmth bloomed in his chest.

Overwhelmed, Jonathan felt his eyes grow unexpectedly moist behind his glasses. A single tear trailed down one hollow cheek as he cradled the precious pup. This thoughtful surprise was more meaningful than his colleagues could possibly imagine.

A soft knock at his open door made Jonathan glance up. Dr. Leland stood in the doorway, grinning when she spotted the puppy.

"I see you got your present! What do you think?"

Clutching the puppy like a lifeline, Jonathan met her gaze. "I'm... grateful," he said simply, but the catch in his voice spoke volumes.

Dr. Leland just smiled wider. "What do you say we head over to the pet store to get your new friend some supplies?"

Jonathan nodded, not trusting his voice. Cradling the puppy close, he followed Dr. Leland out. As they headed to her car, his colleagues paused their work to beam at the sight of the usually stern Dr. Crane tenderly holding the puppy.

Arriving at the pet store, Jonathan was overwhelmed by the options but Dr. Leland helped steer him through the essentials. Food, bowls, collar and leash, bed, toys - soon the cart was heaping with all the necessary puppy paraphernalia. Jonathan insisted on selecting the toys himself, taking great care in choosing intellectually stimulating options to develop the pup's mind.

When Jonathan arrived home, he began setting up accommodations for his new puppy. He placed a soft bed in the living room and food and water bowls in the kitchen. As soon as he opened the carrier door, the ball of fur scrambled out with her tail wagging excitedly.

The pup immediately began exploring her new home, sniffing every corner with curiosity. Jonathan watched with a small smile as the dog rolled on the carpet, gnawing on toy bones and pouncing on shadows around the apartment.

Jonathan pondered what to name his new companion. He had never had a pet before and wanted her name to be meaningful. "What should I call you?" he murmured.

The pup just blinked up at him with her adoring brown eyes. None of the common dog names seemed fitting. Jonathan resolved to take some time and wait for inspiration to strike.

The next morning, Jonathan decided some fresh country air might spark naming ideas. Hooking the leash to the pup's harness, he drove them out of Gotham to a rural meadow filled with tall grass and wildflowers.

Unclipping the leash, he watched as the puppy bounded through the field, tail held high, barking excitedly as she gave chase to butterflies and grasshoppers. Jonathan felt a rare wide smile form on his face. Just like his childhood companion Bandit, this collie clearly loved room to run free.

As a murder of crows erupted from the grass, cawing in protest, Jonathan watched his pup leap high, play bowing and trying to herd the wary birds. He chuckled in amusement. With her nimble bouncing and attempts to frighten the crows, she resembled a frolicking scarecrow comically dominating the field.

"Scarecrow," Jonathan suddenly said aloud.

The dog glanced back at him, tongue lolling happily. Jonathan smiled. "Scarecrow. That shall be your name."

Tail wagging, Scarecrow barked joyfully in agreement. Jonathan clicked his tongue and patted his leg, and the newly christened Scarecrow bounded joyfully to his side. He ruffled her downy fur, feeling more content than he could ever remember.

The next year on his birthday, Jonathan awoke feeling surprisingly optimistic. Reaching over to stroke Scarecrow, he smiled as her furry head-butted affectionately against his hand.

Yet as he showered and dressed, Jonathan couldn't ignore the trickle of unease. After so many wretched surprises, this date still put him on edge. What if the affectionate puppy party last year had merely been his colleagues' way of lulling him into a false sense of security? What new humiliations might they have devised this time?

Arriving at Arkham with Scarecrow prancing eagerly at his heels, Jonathan kept his eyes peeled warily for anything out of the ordinary. But the green grounds stood empty and serene in the morning light. The heavy front doors swung open to reveal only the usual security checks. Still, he remained on high alert as they headed inside.

The morning passed uneventfully, almost pleasantly with Scarecrow snoozing beneath his desk during patient appointments. By lunchtime, Jonathan felt himself relax slightly. Perhaps last year truly had broken the cycle of annual torment.

A sudden knock at his office door made him flinch. Dr. Leland poked her head inside, an odd smile playing about her lips.

“Jonathan, sorry to interrupt your lunch but we need you in the staff room right away.”

His pulse spiked with adrenaline, Jonathan forced his face to remain neutral. “Oh? What seems to be the problem?”

“No problem,” Leland shrugged with poorly concealed nonchalance. “Just a minor staff issue that requires your quick input.”

Jonathan’s eyes narrowed in suspicion but he rose calmly, gesturing for Scarecrow to follow. They accompanied Leland down the hall, the doctor making small talk which Jonathan tuned out, apprehension rising.

Pausing outside the staff room, he tensed, readying himself for whatever unpleasantness awaited. Scarecrow whined softly, picking up on his anxiety. With a steadying breath, he pushed the door open.

Jonathan blinked in bewilderment at the sight of colorful party decorations and presents filling the staff room. His colleagues jumped up with a loud "Surprise!" Scarecrow barked joyfully, charging forward to excitedly sniff the pile of gifts.

"W-what's going on?" Jonathan stammered.

Dr. Leland laughed brightly. "It's a birthday party for Scarecrow! We wanted to celebrate your special girl and the incredible effect she's had around here. Go on now, open your presents!"

Still stunned, Jonathan slowly moved further into the room. His colleagues beamed, handing him gift bags overflowing with toys, treats, and even a new dog bed.

Scarecrow pranced happily, shredding wrapping paper and then devouring slices of dog-friendly cake. Jonathan looked on, feeling his throat tighten with emotion. Wiping his glasses discreetly, Jonathan marveled at his colleagues' thoughtful surprise. The day he'd come to dread for years had somehow transformed into one overflowing with warmth, praise, and affection - all thanks to one shaggy four-legged friend.