Chapter 4: secrets
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Loud thuds reverberated in the air, shaking Zeek out of his sleep. As his vision cleared, he noticed his father, Zoro, standing at the edge of his bed, a serious look on his face. “Zeek, wake up. I need you to go to the shed and get the ship ready. Now!”

Zeek rubbed his eyes, still half asleep. “That thing barely runs right now. I thought we were going to wait another week to test it.”

The thuds got louder, and suddenly, the house vibrated, sending a chill up Zeek’s spine. In the distance, he heard his mother’s voice, Helen, shouting, “Hurry up, Zoro!” The urgency in her voice was unmistakable.

Zeek felt an urge to go to her as if he knew his mother was in danger. He attempted to leave the room, but his father punched him in the jaw, sending him into the wall.

“DO AS I SAID BOY!” His tone was intense, filled with fear and desperation. Zeek got up, rubbing his cheek. He had never seen his father act like this.

“Alright!” Zeek said, jumping out the window and flying towards the shed in his backyard.

Zoro watched him go, shaking his head. “He really is something else.”

When Zeek reached the shed, he yanked the tarp off the rusted personal warship he and his father had been working on, and just as he was about to enter it, the roof of his house burst open, and four figures flew out.

Zeek focused on the figures and realized that it was his parents. They were in a heated battle with his aunt and uncle.

“What the hell!” Zeek shouted, confused by the scene unfolding before him. His family fought fiercely in the air, holding nothing back.

Zoro roared,” It doesn’t have to be this way, brother. Just let us go, and we will leave Viltrum forever.”

Zeek’s uncle Richard said,” I’m sorry, Zoro. Your kindness is a blight to the Viltrumite race, and you must be eliminated.”

Richard lunged forward and clenched his fist, thrusting it into his brother’s chest and ripping out his heart. Zoro could have moved out of the way, but he knew Zeek was watching and wanted him to understand that he could no longer trust any of the viltrumites.

“NOOOOOOO!” Helen screamed, her eyes filled with tears. “How could you do this? He’s your family!”

With a solemn look, Richard replied,” That’s exactly why it had to be me, Helen.”

Helen charged at Richard, determined to avenge her husband, but before she could reach him, Zeek’s aunt Rebecca flew behind her, wrapping her in a sleeper hold.

Helen screeched in rage, “Get off me bitch!” She clawed at Rebecca’s forearm as Richard closed in for the kill.

But before he could reach her, Zeek lunged in, punching Richard in the jaw, sending him flying.

Zeek was in a state of shock. His body moved on pure instinct now. He attempted to fly to his mother to free her, but Richard had made it back, tackling him into the ground below.

Zeek pushed him off, and they traded blows. Unlike his father, Zeek had no problem killing those who betrayed him, Even if they were his kin. Zeke was filled with an uncontrollable rage; his fists flew, and every skill he had learned over the years was being used viciously. He could hear the sickening sound of bones breaking and the gurgling of his uncle’s intestines being ripped out as he finally reached for his heart and ripped it out from his chest.

Zeek was a prodigy. No one could stand against him if he were serious. He wiped the blood off his face and looked up at a horrifying sight. His aunt had already pierced his mother’s chest from behind, slicing through her heart. Rebecca let her go, and Helen’s body descended.

Zeek moved in to catch her, but before he could get close, Rebbeca lunged downward, kicking him to the ground. Zeek countered, breaking her leg and forcing her face into the dirt. His eyes were ice cold and filled with murderous intent as he snapped her neck and removed her head from her body.

Zeek threw the head to the side and flew to his mother to see if she was still alive.

He thought, “If her heart is still intact, I can bring her on the ship, and she can heal over time.”

Zeek embraced his mother, shaking her awake,” Open your eyes, mother. You need to stay awake.” Tears streamed down his handsome face as panic and desperation flooded his mind.

Helen opened her eyes and wiped the tears from his cheek with her bloody hand,” It’s okay, Zeek. I won’t make it, so get to the ship and get out of here before the others come.”

Zeek was overwhelmed with emotion, his heart shattering as he looked into his mother’s eyes. He wanted to say something, but his throat was too tight. He bent down and kissed her forehead, the warmth of her skin still present despite her fragile state.

As her strength faded, Helen spoke one last time, her voice filled with love and sorrow, “You’ll do fine on your own. I know this because you’re my son. The prodigy of the Viltrum race and my pride and joy. Don’t forget your teachings, fall in love, and most importantly, live. Your father and I will be with you forever. I love you.”

Her hand dropped, and the light in her eyes faded away. Zeek ran his hand over her eyes to close them and carried her over to his deceased father, laying them next to each other.

Tears streamed down his face as he said his final words, “I’m sorry.”

He flew to the ship in the shed, powering everything on. The engine kicked on, making loud knocking noises as it warmed up. Zeek hit the accelerator, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he broke through the atmosphere and entered space.

Zeek suddenly sat up in bed, a cold sweat covering his body. Looking around, panicked, he noticed the beautiful room and Lydia, his maid, sleeping beside him. As his senses returned, he heard a loud knocking at his door. He wiped the sweat from his brow and said, “Fuck, that dream sucked.”

Zeek rolled out of bed and stripped his sweat-soaked shirt from his body. He made his way to the door and opened it, and Angela stood outside. She seemed to be very upset as she barged her way into the room uninvited.
“My father has been waiting all morning for you!”
Angela scanned the room, her gaze fixated on Lydia as she lay peacefully in bed. She spun her head to Zeek and noticed his shirtless figure, sweat dripping down his chest.

“Did you!?”

Before Angela could make any more noise, Zeek covered her mouth and pushed her against the wall. “Relax, I didn’t do anything with her. We just slept in the same bed,” he whispered in a deep, intimate voice. Zeek could feel her hot breath on his palm and hear her heart beat loudly.

Angela nodded her head, and Zeek released his hand from her mouth. He grabbed his wet shirt and led Angela out of the room. “I apologize for making your father wait. I didn’t mean to sleep in like that,” Zeek said, his voice sincere and apologetic.

Angela pouted, “Don’t worry about it. We all had a long day yesterday.” She looked over Zeek, still shirtless, and asked,” By the way, why were you sweating so much?” Zeek sighed, “I just had a bad dream.”

Not wanting to think about his dream, he attempted to change the subject, “Let’s head to your father together. That way, we kill two birds with one stone. You said you wanted to speak to me after, right?”

Angela blushed, her cheeks flushing a deep pink as she knew her father would speak about his asking for her as a reward. She wanted to talk privately afterward and didn’t want to be there when they discussed that.

“No, I think it’s best if you two talk alone.”

Zeek, happy the topic had changed, nodded, “Alright, but could you lead me to him? Lydia probably needs to get herself ready for the day.”

Angela felt a surge of anger at the suggestion, but she quickly reigned it in, not wanting to make too much of a fuss. She would potentially be his wife, and having concubines was just part of being royalty. She forced herself to remain calm and replied through gritted teeth, “Fine, follow me.”
Zeek and Angela strode into the grand and imposing Meeting Room, its magnificent architecture exuding a regal air that was almost tangible. At the end of the room sat the King at a grand oak desk, and his face lit up with a kind smile as he noticed the two.

“Good Morning, Zeek,” He spoke with a powerful and gentle voice.

Angela bowed her head in acknowledgment. “Good morning, Father,” She replied, her voice thick with emotion. She began to turn away, but before she could reach the door, King Jora called out to her. “Since you’re already here, Angela, why don’t you stay? You can leave once we finish discussing the reward.”

Angela gave a forced smile and said, “Of course, Father. I’d love to.”

King Jora chuckled and gestured for them to take the love seat directly in front of the desk. Zeek and Angela both made their way to the couch and sat side-by-side.

Angela’s emotions stirred within her, and she had to fight to keep her aura from bursting around her in a fit of rage.

King Jora smiled, “You’re just like your mother, Angela.” His comment softened her mood. “Now, why don’t we finish this first part.” His face turning more serious, King Jora turned to Zeek. “Zeek, Angela informed me about your request for your reward. I want to know whether or not you’re serious about it.”

Zeek crossed his legs confidently and leaned back into the couch, his face full of determination. With a firm smile, he replied, “I’m dead serious, sir. I want your daughter as my reward.”

The King remained silent, his eyes scanning Zeek’s figure as he thought. At last, he broke his stoic expression with a smile and said, “Alright! You have my blessing.”

Angela stood with a smile, “How could you say yes so easily!?”

Jora chuckled, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of amusement and nostalgia. “It isn’t easy in the least, Angela. I love you, and this situation reminded me of how I met your mother.”

Zeek raised his brow at Jora’s statement, his surprise evident.

Angela’s voice was filled with confusion as she asked, “What do you mean, Father?”

King Jora pulled his hair back, and his ears warped to a point. “I meant to tell you after your mother passed, but I was still grieving and couldn’t bring myself to do so. I’m a summoned hero like Zeek from a place called Faerûn. I’m a half-elf. I was summoned here over two hundred years ago. I lost my battle in the tournament and luckily wasn't killed. However I was banished from the kingdom and marked as a failed hero. I wandered the countryside for years until I ended up in Estaria where I finally met your mother. She pitied me enough to give me a chance and long story short we ended up married. I don't know how your mother convinced your grandfather to allow our marriage but it worked. And I became king after he passed. I'm only half an elf and Kayla was Human, so Angela and her sisters didn't get any Elvish features. They did however gain a greater affinity to mana.”

Angela was overwhelmed with emotion, her face a canvas of shock and joy. She sat down, too stunned to say anything.

Zeek laughed uproariously, astounded by the unlikelihood of their similar stories. King Jora guffawed in amusement, “I suppose it’s not exactly the same situation, but it is incredibly similar in some ways.” His ears glowed with the magical energy of his elf heritage before returning to their normal state. “I was forced to conceal my identity to prevent resentment for my failed hero status.”

The King sighed, “Well, I’m willing to offer my daughter as a reward for your efforts. In the meantime, why don’t you get to know each other? You never know; there may be a spark of something more.” As he said this, he gave Zeek a knowing look as if he could sense something more than what was said aloud.

Zeek nodded his head, “I’ll do just that, sir.”

King Jora turned to Angela, who was still lost in thought, and his voice took on a more authoritative tone. “Alright, sweetie, you can go now. Come back later tonight, and I’ll answer any other questions you might have.”

Angela stood and curtsied, her face a mask of conflicting emotions as she left the room.