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In the story that won’t be passed down…


The last of the guards fell at their feet.

Saffaron, the second oldest and the second youngest, the middle one, struck down with her left arm. Her right arm half-broken, just like the shield she held before.

And just like the body of the opponent who was stupid enough to get in the range of her sword.

But there was another opponent coming, and behind him yet another and another.


In the story that won’t be passed down…


Vermillian, the oldest one, squeezed the last of his mana as he shouted:


“Saff! Step back!”


And in the same moment when his sister took a step back, he launched the swarm of magic fire birds to devour the endless waves of attackers. Turning them into black ashes.

But there were only a few birds, and the traitors had their own mages. The clumsy water cannons shoot at the birds.

They weren’t as strong as the Vermillian’s fire birds, but there were a lot of them.

The fire birds went out.

And the water cannons turned towards the siblings. Shining with ominous toxic color.


In the story that won’t be passed down…


The poisonous water cannons were blocked by the dark foggy barrier. The barrier shook a bit, but stood strong.

Amaranth, the youngest, continued his dance, pouring all the holy power he had into a ritual.

Though his eyelids were trembling and his lips were dry, his hands didn’t shake as he properly completed all the steps of ritual, keeping the barrier impenetrable to the sea of enemies outside.

He concentrated all his efforts on protecting his siblings.

And his siblings did the same.


But in the story that won’t be passed down…


It wasn’t enough.

Saffaron lost her sword and tumbled.

Vermillian suppressed his shout of distress and tried to launch a magic arrow at the opponent, who swung his sword at Saffaron.

Amaranth tried to put a stronger barrier around Saffaron.


But it failed.


Vermillian, who used up all this mana, failed to cast a spell and coughed a dark blood.

Amaranth, who put a stronger barrier around Saffaron, disregarded his own safety and an arrow flew towards him.

Saffaron, who saw it, barely managed to dodge and then launched towards her younger brother. She took the arrow for him.


But it failed.


Amaranth, who saw his sister collapse at his feet, lost his concentration, the holy barrier was lifted.


“Am, concentrate!” She shouted at him, as she tried to stop the bleeding from her ribcage, ripped apart by the blade of an arrow.


Vermillian, who had realized the situation, ran to his siblings and then standing before them, he tossed all kinds of potions he had and set them on fire.

Amaranth held the bleeding Saffaron and tried to heal her, but his hands kept trembling and holy symbols came out crooked.


But it failed.


When from the smoke assassins suddenly appeared, their knives pointed at Amaranth. He could do nothing but twist his body, trying to dodge a critical injury.

He was stabbed in the stomach once and two times in the back.


When Vermillian tried to fend off the assassins, who jump out, with his bare body, but only broke his hand and then was hit in the head and collapsed.

His skull was broken from the shock.


When Saffaron, lost in rage, tried to dig out the eyes of assassins with her nails, but was struck by magic lightning.

Her body was charred black.


They stuck close until their last moments, holding at each other as if that could keep them alive.


In the story that was passed down…

The three great kings,

Vermillian the ruler of Magic Red Throne,

Saffaron the ruler of Sword Yellow Throne,

Amaranth the ruler of Spirit Purple Throne,

Who had founded and led the kingdom of Luminere to its golden age,

Turned against each other desiring the ultimate one throne.

All of them and all of their followers perished in the bloody battle.


They said that the siblings fell to each other's blades.