Chapter no.6 Talentless; so what?
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In Glory City, one's standing, one's position, authority, word, reputation and honour lied with something out of their control.

A potential they are born with.

This potential is known as Soul Realm.

The sole indicative measure of talent in Glory city.

There were seven classes of soul realms:

Red: At the lowest end of the spectrum, red symbolized weakness. Those with this realm were often looked down upon and considered common. It was an unfortunate mark, often leading to a life of mediocrity in the cultivation world.

Orange: One step above red, the orange realm represented average talent. 

It was a common realm among cultivators, neither particularly weak nor exceptionally strong.

Yellow: Another step up the ladder, the yellow realm also denoted average ability, albeit slightly better than orange. Those with a yellow soul realm had the potential to be decent cultivators with enough effort.

Green: Here began the realms of geniuses. A green soul realm was rare, with individuals possessing this realm naturally having an easier time cultivating and were considered prodigious.

Cyan: Just above green, the cyan realm was also in the genius category. Those with a cyan soul realm were often regarded with envy, their talent undeniable and their potential vast.

Azure: The azure realm was the stuff of legends. 

Individuals with this realm were few and far between, their very existence often turning them into important figures through history.

Indigo: The pinnacle of soul realms, indigo was the stuff of myths. 

Those with an indigo realm were destined for greatness, their paths often intertwined with the heavens themselves.


[ First Timeline ]

Nie Ming and Nie Li, were riding together in their wagon, feeling the breeze brush against their faces. 

Today was a significant day, the day Nie Li would discover his soul realm. 

Leading up to the ceremony, Nie Li had let his mind wander, imagining what his realm might be.

"Maybe I'll be Azure," he daydreamed with a chuckle, knowing deep down it was a long shot. 

"Cyan? That would be amazing. Green? Definitely a possibility. Yellow? I'd be happy with that. Orange? Not great, but I could make it work."

But reality had other plans. 

In a twist that felt like a cruel joke from the universe, Nie Li's soul realm was revealed to be Red. 

The thought weighed on him like a label of being just average, a mark showing that he, a farmer's son, was meant for nothing special.

"Dad, I am sorry," Nie Li said, gazing at the setting sun, his voice tinged with regret.

Nie Ming's lips tightened before he spoke. "Nie Li," he started, his voice heavy with emotion, "do you know my biggest regret? It's letting you think that your value depended on some random measure of talent. Letting you feel lesser because of a color, a realm. For that, I'm deeply sorry."

"But isn't our family's honor linked to how strong and talented we are?" Nie Li questioned, the confusion clear in his eyes.

Nie Ming took a moment, looking for the right words. 

"To the world, perhaps. But not to a father. Your worth, to me, to your mother, to us all, isn't about your soul realm. It's about the kindness in your heart, your character's strength, and your actions' integrity."

Nie Li was stunned, absorbing his father's words.

Nie Ming continued, "I blame myself, Nie Li. If there's any lack in your talent, it's my fault. I never wanted you to feel inferior over something beyond your control."

Tears welled up in Nie Li's eyes. "Dad, I thought..."

His father placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. 

"What matters is what you do now, with the time and chances you get. Forget the past. Look to the future, son. You have so much to offer, so much potential. Don't let a realm or color define you. Remember, effort will never betray you. Talentless; so what. Just keep trying, again and again. Even for the talented, effort is key, working hard for oneself."


[ Second Timeline ]

[ Present Day ]

As Nie Li queued up, waiting for his moment, he watched the ceremony unfold. 

One by one, teenagers stepped up, pressing their palms against the soul crystal. 

The crystal, in response, would gleam with a color, declaring the soul realm of each individual. 

The hall buzzed with a cocktail of feelings: excitement, hope, and nerves. 

Nie Li's gaze then shifted towards the main family members of the Heavenly Marks Family, who were celebrating their results. To outsiders, the joy over yellow soul realms might seem misplaced, as yellow typically signified nothing remarkable. 

Yet, for the Heavenly Marks Family, this was a cause for celebration. 

They were, after all, a family of mediocrity standing within the aristocracy of Glory City. Their continued recognition as aristocrats hinged solely on the patriarch's gold rank. Should he pass away, their status would vanish overnight. 

Yet, there they were, basking in their own pride, seemingly oblivious to their position.

Nie Li couldn't help but feel a mixture of disdain and frustration as he observed their self-congratulatory behavior. 

"They really live in their own bubble," he thought, a bitter taste in his mouth. "Their arrogance is astounding. The Heavenly Marks Family doesn't need enemies when it has such members." 


In the center of the hall stood the soul crystal, a stunning centerpiece drawing everyone's eyes. It looked as pure as water from the most pristine lakes, set upon a dark metal base adorned with complex engravings. 

Only a handful knew the truth behind these markings: they were key to measuring a person's soul force.

"An orange soul realm? Step aside now. Nie Li, it's your turn."

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Nie Li moved toward the soul crystal, his mind filled with whispers from the past. 

As he touched the crystal, Nie Li felt an unusual connection, as if there was an invisible link formed between him and the crystal. It was the inscription array, a script that commanded soul force to manifest in visible form.

As his soul force flowed into the crystal, the room was suddenly engulfed in a red light. Whispers turned to loud murmurs, and laughter filled the air

Nie Li let out a sigh. 

"So, nothing's changed, even after going back in time," he thought to himself. 

As the jeers and mocking filled the air around him, he took another deep breath.

"A red soul realm? My little sister did better than that!" someone jeered loudly.

"How disappointing. I thought the Heavenly Marks Family might surprise us this year," laughed another, barely hiding their amusement.

Then, a younger voice added with feigned pity, "Oh, poor Nie Li. Maybe he's just a late bloomer?" 

This comment set off a wave of laughter among a small group.

Another added, "With a soul realm like that, he's doomed to be average. Why even bother trying?"

Nie Li understood all too well why he was the target of their ridicule. 

He was the first to reveal a red soul realm, making him an easy mark for these insecure people, desperate to feel superior. They needed someone to mock to distract themselves from their own mediocrity and avoid facing their own insignificance in the vast world.

Nie Li looked for his dad in the crowd, noticing how his father's head was lowered. He could tell his dad wasn't feeling let down or embarrassed, but scared. 

He was scared of the challenges and tough times his son would now have to face because of his soul realm.

Nie Li turned his gaze to his father. 

The words that his father had once given him, words that had become a beacon of hope in his previous life, now came to the forefront of his mind. 

Nie Li whispered, "Talentless; so what?" 

"Move it, trash!" Elder Wei's harsh words broke the moment as Nie Li tightened his grip into a fist.

"If only I could help make this family better," Nie Li thought.

Then, everything around him stopped. People's mocking smiles, their hushed talks, and even the tiny dust particles hanging in the air - all of it froze, as if time itself had paused. The world turned into a silent, grey shadow, except for a blue-black window that appeared right before Nie Li, something he had seen before and was now becoming a strange comfort in this chaos.

[ Simulation System Initiated ]

[ Input: Player's Desire - "If only I could help make this family better." ]

[ Process: Analyzing Simulation of Decisions to Fulfill Player's Desire ]

  - [ Analyzing... ]

  - [ Progress: 1% ]

  - [ Progress: 2% ]

  - [ Progress: 10% ]

  - [ Progress: 50% ]

  - [ Progress: 60% ]

  - [ Progress: 80% ]

  - [ Progress: 100% ]

[ Analysis Complete ]