Chapter no.46 Genius
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Nie Li sat in his dorm room, gazing upon the system as he looked at the new class he got after his time in the library.

[ Class: Inscription Array Scribe ]

[ A cultivator who uses the blood of demon beasts as a medium to create powerful and intricate inscription arrays. This class combines the mystical arts of inscription with the tangible essences of the natural world, crafting arrays that can alter reality itself. ]

[ Class Features: ]

  - [ Array Infuse ]

    [ Level: N/A ]

    [ Type: Active ]

    [ Description: The hallmark ability of an Inscription Array Scribe, allowing them to infuse magical arrays onto objects or surfaces. This process turns ordinary items into artefacts of power, embedding them with various effects such as enhanced durability, elemental resistance, or even hidden offensive capabilities. ]

    [ Boosts: ]

      - [ Enhanced Infusion: Increases the potency of infused arrays by 20%. ]

      - [ Durability Infusion: Infused objects gain a 30% increase in their resistance to wear and damage. ]

      - [ Elemental Affinity: Allows for a 25% more efficient use of elemental blood in arrays, reducing waste and increasing effectiveness. ]

      - [ Quick Cast: Reduces the time required to infuse an array by 15%, enabling faster preparation and deployment. ]


  - [ Eye of the Scribe ]

    [ Level: N/A ]

    [ Type: Passive ]

    [ Description: An advanced perception skill that grants the Inscription Array Scribe an unparalleled ability to analyze and understand any inscription array, whether to exploit its weaknesses or to replicate its design. This skill is essential for deconstructing enemy arrays and enhancing one's own creations. ]

    [ Boosts: ]

      - [ Weak Point Analysis: Identifies the most vulnerable part of an array, allowing for a 20% increased efficiency in disrupting or dismantling it. ]

      - [ Strength Insight: Provides a 25% better understanding of an array's strengths, enabling the scribe to incorporate similar strengths into their own arrays. ]

      - [ Array Deconstruction: Increases the success rate of accurately deconstructing foreign arrays by 30%, facilitating the learning of new array patterns. ]

      - [ Pattern Recognition: Enhances the ability to recognize and understand array patterns by 20%, speeding up the learning process of new inscriptions. ]

Nie Li had a moment of revelation. 

Originally, he planned to use his newfound knowledge solely to court Shen Xiu, but that suddenly seemed too narrow a goal. 

"Why stop there?" he thought. 

"My knowledge could revolutionize Glory City. I'm not just going to court Shen Xiu; I'm going to turn this city on its head."

Nie Li was struck by how Glory City clung to outdated practices in inscription arrays, failing to see their true potential. "Inscription arrays are meant for innovation, for creation," he mused, shaking his head. "Here, they merely echo the past. It's like they're using a dragon to pull a cart. What a colossal waste of potential."

Ideas began to race through his mind. 

"I could design arrays the likes of which this city has never seen. Defenses that could shield us from any threat, enhancements that could elevate our cultivators to new heights, innovations that could transform our daily lives. And the so-called experts here? They won't know what hit them."

Nie Li's excitement grew. 

"Shen Xiu expects to be teaching a beginner, but she's in for a surprise. I'm going to introduce her to arrays that'll dazzle her, leave her questioning everything she thought she knew."

He let out a laugh, picturing Shen Xiu's astonishment. 

"The moment she realizes that in this dance of knowledge, she's not leading—I am... I can't wait."

He came to a halt, a bold plan forming. "System, simulate ideas that will not only advance Glory City but also make me filthy rich," he commanded.

[ Simulation System Initiated ]

[ Input: Player's Desire - "Simulate ideas that will not only advance Glory City but also make me filthy rich." ]

[ Process: Generating ideas ]

  - [ Analyzing... ]

  - [ Progress: 1% ]

  - [ Progress: 2% ]

  - [ Progress: 10% ]

  - [ Progress: 50% ]

  - [ Progress: 60% ]

  - [ Progress: 80% ]

  - [ Progress: 100% ]

[ Analysis Complete ]

[ Result: Ideas Generated ]

- [ Steam Engine Inscription Array. ]

- [ Printing Press Array. ]

- [ Electric Light Array. ]

- [ Telecommunication Array. ]

- [ Automobile Movement Array. ]

- [ Flight Propulsion Array. ]

- [ Refrigeration Array ]

- [ Camera Array. ]


[ Next Morning ] 

Lu Piao was sitting in the breakfast hall, eating his meal with a sullen expression. 

His plans for dual cultivation with that attractive physician – whose name escaped him at the moment – had fallen through, leaving him feeling stood up and somewhat dejected.

"Ah, there goes a pretty girl," he mused to himself, his mood lifting instantly. His mind began to weave a suave introduction, his earlier grumpiness fading away like morning mist.

However, just as he was about to make his move, a loud slam echoed through the hall, startling everyone, including the girl he had his eyes on. 

She hurried away, leaving Lu Piao staring after her in frustration. 

"Seriously?!" he groaned, annoyance replacing his fleeting moment of charm.

Turning around, Lu Piao's annoyance morphed into concern as he saw his friend Nie Li, looking disheveled and wild-eyed, a stack of papers under his arm. 

Nie Li's hair was a tangled mess, dark circles under his eyes like he'd been in a fight with the night and lost.

"Nie Li, you okay, man?" Lu Piao asked, eyebrows raised.

Nie Li turned slowly, a manic gleam in his eyes. 

"I haven't felt better," he declared, his voice eerily calm.

Lu Piao leaned back, a little unnerved. "When did you last sleep?"

"I didn't," Nie Li replied nonchalantly, scribbling furiously on his papers.

"What are those?" Lu Piao gestured towards the stack.

"Drafts," Nie Li said, not even glancing up.

"For what?" Lu Piao probed, his curiosity piqued despite himself.

"Inscription arrays," Nie Li muttered, still engrossed in his work.

Lu Piao's eyes widened. 

"Don't tell me we had an assignment I missed?"

"Nope, this is my personal project," Nie Li said, his tone casual as if he hadn't just pulled an all-nighter designing arrays based on the ideas given to him by the system.

Lu Piao looked at Nie Li as if he'd grown a second head.

"Personal project? What are you, some kind of inscription monk now?"

Nie Li finally paused and looked at Lu Piao. "Tell me, what are most inscription arrays used in?"

"Battle?" Lu Piao guessed, unsure where Nie Li was going with this.

"Exactly. But how do inscribers make money?" Nie Li probed further.

Lu Piao frowned. "What does this have to do with anything?"

"Just answer the question," Nie Li urged.

"I don't know... sealing weapons?" Lu Piao offered.

Nie Li shook his head. "The largest market isn't cultivators. It's the common folk. They buy storage rings and lantern lights for their businesses..."

"That's great and all, but what does this have to do with anything?" Lu Piao asked, his confusion growing.

Nie Li leaned in, his eyes gleaming. "Imagine inscription arrays for everyday life. Boiling water for bathing, preserving food for months, making carts faster than horses. Wouldn't you buy them?"

Lu Piao's eyes lit up. 

"That sounds amazing, but most arrays are for battle."

Nie Li smirked. 

"You know you can make new arrays, right?"

Lu Piao paused, a lightbulb moment dawning on him. 

"Wait a minute... don't tell me you're..."

"Yep, I'm creating my own inscription arrays," Nie Li announced proudly.

Lu Piao stared at him for a moment before shaking his head. 

"You should really eat something and get some sleep. You're sounding even more insane than usual."

Nie Li chuckled, a hint of pride in his laughter. 

"Insane? Maybe. But when these arrays change the world, who'll be laughing then?"

Lu Piao just rolled his eyes, grabbing a bun. "I'll laugh if you actually manage to stay awake through breakfast."


[ After Class ] 

In the empty classroom, Nie Li slouched in his chair, looking every bit the part of an insomniac beggar. 

Shen Xiu eyed him with a mix of disdain and annoyance.

"You know, I expected you to be more formal for our first tutoring session," she remarked.

"Sorry, Teacher," Nie Li replied, his voice laced with feigned exhaustion. 

"I was... deeply immersed in studying inscription arrays. I wanted to impress you." 

Nie Li pretended that his lack of sleep made him say bold things, using this as a cover to make Shen Xiu think he was interested in her.

Shen Xiu nodded as she began her lecture.

"Well then, let's begin. Inscription arrays are divided into two categories. What are they?"

Nie Li perked up slightly, a sly grin forming. "They are divided into combat arrays, which enhance weapons with various effects, and utility arrays, like storage rings and such."

"Good," Shen Xiu responded, a flicker of approval in her eyes. She turned to the board and drew two inscription arrays. "These are examples of the most commonly used arrays in Glory City. Any questions?"

Nie Li leaned forward, his eyes scanning the arrays. 

"No questions, Teacher. But I must say, these arrays are... quaint. Traditional, but quaint."

Shen Xiu raised an eyebrow, a hint of irritation in her voice. 

"Quaint? They are time-tested and reliable."

Nie Li shrugged nonchalantly. 

"Of course, of course. Reliability has its charm. But sometimes, innovation can be quite... exhilarating, don't you think?"

Shen Xiu looked at him, her suspicion evident. 

"Are you suggesting you know more innovative arrays?"

"Oh, I wouldn't dare," Nie Li replied, his tone dripping with false modesty. 

"But who knows? Maybe one day, I'll surprise you."

Shen Xiu stared at him for a moment, trying to gauge his sincerity. Finally, she shook her head slightly, as if dismissing a puzzling thought. "Focus on the lesson, Nie Li. There's much for you to learn."

Nie Li nodded, hiding a smirk. "Of course, Teacher. I am here to learn from the best, after all." 

Shen Xiu, her arrogance peaking, challenged Nie Li. "Why don't you come up here and show me your so-called innovation?"

Nie Li feigned hesitation. 

"I wouldn't dare," he said, but rose to his feet as Shen Xiu's glare intensified.

Standing before the board, Nie Li gestured to the arrays she had drawn. "Well, Teacher, these arrays... they're like using a horse-drawn carriage in the age of flying beasts."

Shen Xiu scoffed. "Explain."

Nie Li pointed at the first array. "This circuit here, it's so linear. It's like cooking soup over a candle when you could use a roaring flame. You're limiting the flow of energy."

Shen Xiu's expression shifted from scorn to curiosity. "And what would you suggest?"

Nie Li started re-drawing the array. "See, if you re-route this line here, create a feedback loop, and then amplify the core energy flow here..." He sketched swiftly, his fingers moving with confidence.

As he worked, Shen Xiu's questions began to flow. "But wouldn't that overload the array?"

"Not if you balance it with a secondary containment circuit here," Nie Li replied, adding another line to the diagram. "It's like balancing a sword on your fingertip; you need the right point of stability."

Shen Xiu leaned in, her earlier arrogance forgotten. "And what about the energy dissipation? Wouldn't that be an issue?"

Nie Li chuckled. "Only if you're thinking inside the box. If we introduce a spiral dispersion pattern here, it not only dissipates energy but recycles it back into the array. Efficient and elegant."

Shen Xiu's eyes widened slightly, a rare moment of surprise. "That's... quite ingenious."

Nie Li stepped back, admiring his handiwork. "It's all about reimagining the basics, Teacher. The old ways aren't wrong, but they're just... old."

Shen Xiu, now completely engrossed, continued her inquiry. "Could these modifications be applied to larger scale arrays?"

"Absolutely," Nie Li replied. "Think of it like baking a cake. Whether it's a small cupcake or a large wedding cake, the principles remain the same. It's all about scaling and balancing the ingredients."

As they continued, Shen Xiu's questions became more rapid, her arrogance forgotten. She was no longer the imposing teacher, but a student absorbed in learning. Nie Li, in turn, reveled in the role reversal, his explanations becoming more animated and detailed.

"You're not just making this up, are you?" Shen Xiu asked.

Nie Li feigned shock. 

"Teacher, I'm hurt. Would I ever deceive you?"

Shen Xiu found herself lost for words, completely absorbed in the new perspectives Nie Li was sharing with her. It was hard to tell who was the student and who was the teacher as Nie Li confidently navigated through complex topics. Shen Xiu was beyond confused. Just yesterday, Nie Li had seemed like a beginner with the inscription arrays book, and now here he was, displaying skills that could rival, and perhaps surpass, the expertise of the most renowned inscription masters in all of Glory City. 

To any onlooker, this rapid ascent in proficiency would seem impossible. But as Shen Xiu watched Nie Li, a single word crystallized in her mind: "Genius."