Chapter no.52 Yang Xin and Nie Li: Make Me Tame You
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As Nie Li sat across from Yang Xin, he couldn't shake off the feeling that Assistant Ping was watching them intently. 

Yang Xin was explaining something to him, but Nie Li's mind was elsewhere, trying to decode what Yang Xin really wanted from him. 

What opportunity had she seen in a guy like him?

He pondered his options:

Option A: It was possible she wanted more of his alchemy recipes. After witnessing his capabilities firsthand, she might be hoping to acquire more of his groundbreaking formulas. That made sense to him.


Option B: Or perhaps her curiosity was piqued by how he managed to obtain such a rare and unique recipe. It wasn't common knowledge, after all, and she might be baffled as to how someone so young could uncover such secrets.


Option C: And then there was the more outlandish idea – that she wanted to marry him because of his supposed "charm." Nie Li almost laughed out loud at that. "That sounds more like something Lu Piao would say, not a serious thought," he mused, dismissing the idea as absurd.


Yang Xin offered a warm smile, breaking the silence. 

"Do you want something to drink?" she asked, her voice friendly and inviting.

As Nie Li processed her question, he caught sight of Assistant Ping by the door. 

Just before the door swung shut, Ping made a series of gestures—pointing first at Yang Xin, then at Nie Li, followed by a wink and a thumb going into a circle. Nie Li immediately got the impression that Ping had completely misunderstood the situation, thinking there was something sexual happening between him and Yang Xin. 

Yeah, I wish.

Choosing to ignore the assistant's antics, Nie Li focused back on Yang Xin and her offer.

He squinted slightly, trying to decipher her intentions. 

"Is she being unusually nice, or is this normal for her?" he wondered. Her demeanor was almost overly respectful, as if he were in charge, which struck Nie Li as odd. 

Normally, such behavior was reserved for those with considerable strength or influence, and Yang Xin, being a gold rank demon spiritualist, was certainly no pushover. 

Nie Li's thoughts raced. 

"The Golden Sky Pill is from an untranslated tome, but to provoke such a reaction from someone as powerful as Yang Xin... it's as if she recognized..." His train of thought halted as he connected the dots. 

Yang Xin had seen through his camouflage inscription array, an array that doesn't exist. 

She recognized his cultivation rank, considering him a talent on par with, or greater than, Ye Mo. 

She had pieced together that he possessed knowledge from an untranslated tome, revealing a truth that could change everything. With his ability to decipher these ancient works, he held the potential to unlock secrets lost to time, translating hundreds, perhaps thousands, of texts. This could advance Glory City's understanding of alchemy by leaps and bounds, catapulting their knowledge forward by thousands of years.

Suddenly, everything clicked for Nie Li. He understood that Yang Xin had two potential motives. 

Firstly, she might be aiming to elevate her own standing within the Alchemist Association. 

By leveraging his unique ability to translate ancient tomes, she could push the boundaries of alchemy forward by millennia, enhancing her prestige and influence. 

Or alternatively, she could be seeking to form a strategic alliance with him, recognizing that together they could usher in a new era of alchemy, enriching not only the Alchemist Association but also Glory City itself. It was clear that Yang Xin saw in him an opportunity too valuable to ignore.

Realizing the game that was afoot, Nie Li decided he could play it too. 

"Water," he finally responded, keeping his request simple. As Yang Xin got up to fulfill his request, time seemed to freeze for a moment, revealing the system options to Nie Li. In that paused moment, Nie Li caught a more detailed look at Yang Xin's massive chest, but he quickly coughed to refocus on the matter at hand—figuring out his next move through the system.

[ Option 1- I think you should stop with that act, Miss Yang Xin. ]

[ Option 2- Let's get down to business. ]

[ Option 3- You're so nice and beautiful like a snake. Why don't we speak more comfortably, preferably in your bed? ]

[ Option 4- Let's have sex. ]

Nie Li scrolled through the options in his mind, his face hitting his palm with a soft thwack. 

"Seriously, what's up with you pushing me towards having sex with everyone?" he muttered to the air, half-expecting the system to reply. 


"Right, no answer as usual."

"Seriously, does me having sex somehow help me save humanity from the brink of extinction at the hands of a horde of demon beasts?" 

He quickly dismissed options 3 and 4. 

"Been there, done that, got the reincarnation t-shirt," he mused, remembering past lives where selecting the sex card had led to less-than-ideal outcomes. 

"Let's not replay the 'death by sex' scenario."

Now, down to the real choices. 

"Option 1... calling her out could go either way. She might respect the boldness, or I might just end up sounding like every other pompous young master in the stories. And option 2, straight to the point. She's definitely here for a reason, might as well cut to the chase."

He smirked, selecting the second option.

"Let's get down to business," Nie Li said, trying to sound more confident than he actually felt.

Yang Xin's smile widened a fraction, her eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and approval. 

"Looks like you figured it out," she said, her tone suggesting she was impressed.

Meanwhile, Nie Li couldn't help but smile back, a part of him wanting to maintain the facade of having some upper hand in this intriguing game of wits. 

I didn't figure anything out.

Yang Xin returned with the drinks, her movements graceful and measured. 

"Here you go," she said, placing a cup in front of him with a gentle clink.

Nie Li looked up, locking eyes with her. "Miss Yang Xin, I appreciate the hospitality, but let's cut through the niceties, shall we?" 

Yang Xin raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. 

"Straight to business then? I was enjoying our little dance of formalities, but I suppose we can fast-forward."

Nie Li leaned back, a half-smile playing on his lips. 

"I figured it's best not to beat around the bush. You're not here just to share a drink, are you?"

"No, I'm not," Yang Xin admitted, the corners of her mouth turning up in a smile. "But you're quite the interesting one, little brother. Not many would have the nerve to address me so candidly."

"Interesting enough to get straight answers?" Nie Li quipped.

Yang Xin chuckled, the sound like chimes in the breeze. 

"Perhaps. But let's see if you can handle the truth first. You do know that curiosity can be quite the dangerous game?"

Nie Li shrugged. 

"I've danced with danger more often than with partners at a ball. I'm game if you are."

Yang Xin's smirk widened. 

"You know, girls do have a thing for dangerous men."

Nie Li couldn't help but smile back thinking.

Oi, lady, you might see me as just another teen who'd blush and stumble over his words at the first hint of an older lady's flirtations... But no, I've watched Lu Piao's disastrous attempts at flirting for years. I've learned from the best—or the worst, depending on how you look at it. I can definitely play this game.

"Is that so? Well, I guess I'm in luck then. Dangerous is my middle name... or was it trouble? I can never quite remember."

Yang Xin laughed, the sound light and genuine. 

"Oh, I believe trouble suits you better. It seems to follow you wherever you go."

Nie Li nodded, feigning a serious tone. 

"You might be right. But, I've heard that some people have a knack for taming trouble. What do you think? Do you consider yourself a tamer?"

"Perhaps," Yang Xin replied, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she was enjoying Nie Li's bravado. 

"But it depends on the trouble. Some are more... rewarding to tame than others."

"And what about me?" Nie Li asked, leaning closer. 

"Am I the kind of trouble worth taming?"

Yang Xin paused, her gaze meeting his. "That remains to be seen. But tell me, Nie Li, what exactly do you think I want?"

Just as Nie Li opened his mouth to reply, time seemed to freeze, giving him a moment to think over his answer. 

[ Option 1- Let's be real here. You know, and I know why you are doing this. You want to help Glory City through alchemy; you want to repay the Alchemist Association with these recipes that can bring them fame and fortune that they so desperately need, but are you sure you want to do that? ]

[ Option 2- I don't know, you tell me. ]

Nie Li stared at the options before him, surprised. 

Option 2 was just... bland. 

But option 1? 

That was something else. 

It was like the system was pushing him into deeper waters, making him question things he hadn't considered before.

Choosing option 1, Nie Li took a deep breath and went for it. 

Yang Xin looked taken aback, clearly not expecting such a direct and profound question. 

"What do you mean?" she asked, curiosity piqued.

Nie Li just smiled, noticing the system had provided him with new options.

[ Option 1- Think about it... The Alchemist Association is facing its own downfall. It's becoming corrupt, losing its spark. Alchemists are being lured away by noble families, and the newer generation... well, they just don't care much about alchemy anymore. Sales are dropping because your prices are climbing too high. It's pushing people away. Nowadays, it's simpler for someone to hire an alchemist directly, provide the herbs, and get the pills made to order rather than buying from you. The common folk can't afford your products, and the nobles... they either have their own alchemists or they tempt yours away with offers you can't match.

By using my recipes, sure, the Alchemist Association might rise again. It could become more powerful, but at what cost? The association is riddled with corruption. Consider this... How many of your alchemists would leak these recipes? How many would reject them out of sheer ego? And how many would retreat into the shadows, using this knowledge for their own gain, possibly harming those who truly matter? 

Miss Yang Xin, I know you're grateful to the Association. It was a stepping stone for you, a means to aid the commoners. But in truth, it was your talent that made the difference, not the association. If you hadn't showcased your abilities, they wouldn't have cared about you at all. So, why continue this charade? Why not confront the reality? The Alchemist Association, as it stands, is just a decaying entity, plagued with the politics of those too set in their ways to embrace change. Ask yourself, when was the last time a truly new pill recipe was introduced? Not rediscovered, but genuinely new. How often do you find papers critiquing innovation rather than enhancing it, making it more accessible or affordable?

You're well aware of the actual state of the association. It's like a diseased, dying horse, being forced to keep walking by those who only seek to benefit from its labor while contributing nothing themselves. ]

[ Option 2- Simple, I am just asking if you think supporting a corrupt and dying organization is a good idea. ]

Nie Li couldn't believe his eyes as he read through the options. 

"Holy... this is big," he thought, realizing the depth of what he was about to dive into. Without hesitating too much, he chose option 1.

Yang Xin listened to Nie Li speak, taken aback, and placed her cup down gently.

"And what, in your opinion, is 'the real world' then?" she asked, genuinely curious.

Time seemed to freeze at her question.

[ Option 1- The real world is Hell. 

The real world is cruel and unforgiving. 

Glory City likes to remind others that strength is all, but those with strength don't know the real world; they only know the world that they created with their strength. But are they truly strong? 




That's not strength. 

People like Ye Mo aren't strong, Yang Xin. You are. 

Because you have empathy, you are kind because you can. 

Because you can stand against the storm. Because others can rely on you. 

You are empathetic because you are superior, being able to understand your fellow human is the first step to progress. You are empathetic because you have strength to spare. 

Yang Xin. 

Let us be strong. 

Let's make Glory City truly glorious. 

Let's make a new Alchemist Association with your influence and my knowledge. 

Not for the strong. 

But for the weak. 

Not for the cruel. 

But for the kind. 

Not for us but Glory City. ]

[ Option 2- Remain silent ]

Nie Li felt his heart racing, not from fear but from the weight of his own words. He had never felt so inspired, so moved by what he was about to say. Glancing at the system, he couldn't help but whisper, "You never cease to amaze me."

Choosing option 1, he took a deep breath and dove in.

As he spoke, Nie Li placed his hand over his heart, feeling it shake with the force of his conviction. 

Yang Xin was speechless, frozen in place as she listened. 

What could she say in response to such a passionate plea?

After a moment, she brushed some hair behind her ear, her heart pounding. 

"You weren't kidding when you said 'Dangerous' was your middle name... or was it trouble?" she finally managed.

Nie Li smirked, leaning in. 

"Didn't you agree that 'trouble' suits me better?"

"I did," Yang Xin admitted, her gaze locked with his.

"So, am I the kind of trouble worth taming?" Nie Li asked, a daring edge to his voice.

Yang Xin met his gaze, a spark of resolve in her eyes. 

"Make me tame you."

[ Mission Generation: Initiated ]

[ Mission: A Leap of Faith ]

[ Mission Type: Semi ]

[ Objective: Impress Yang Xin to the extent that she is willing to forsake her position, authority, and years of hard work to follow you. ]

[ Reward: Yang Xin's Loyalty ]


[ Author's Note: Holy shit, this was an intense chapter to write, especially the speech on strength. 

Anyways, this author note is to explain that I didn't repeat the option dialogue with Nie Li because I thought the options are big and it would be repetitive to read it again and again, so I just said Nie Li just said it and moved on, ok. 

Also, how is Nie Li supposed to impress Yang Xin to that extent? 

Also, why is the system always trying to get Nie Li to have sex with the NPCs? 

Quick question, would it be weird for you guys if I allow Nie Li to have more intimate relationships with females in the series like Yang Xin? She is 25, but Nie Li is physically younger ( 15 ), but mentally he is 19 to 20. 

You guys give me your thoughts in the comments. 

Also, thoughts on this plotline with Yang Xin.