Chapter 8 The First Mission
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Something about letting go and just singing really hit me in a new way that nothing ever has, I could feel the annoyance and thoughts drifting away in the notes that I sang. And I just felt like singing. Going from high notes to low, from Rock songs to Pop. Singing in weird tones to just humming along with the tune. It just felt freeing.. It felt right, and I was sad I only now followed my passion.

Even while I was serenading my cave walls and the nature outside I was still mulling over what needed to be done so I could survive. I needed to find water first cause without it I would die real fast, faster than starvation from lack of food and I also kind of had the shelter covered.

“Time to actually be productive”

I had sung for a pretty long time and the sun had moved slightly and it was becoming darker showing that it was around the middle of the afternoon. SO I had apparently sung my heart out for an hour or so. It didn’t feel that long but I can’t really judge the passage of time well if others are to be trusted, they also told me I had spatial awareness issues. I have some other bits that make me whole but I won’t go further into.

Pushing myself forward and onto my ha- paws, fuck it I’m just calling them hands cause I can’t be bothered to call them paws. Anyway, on all fours I went, and on a journey I shall begin to find the legendary nectar that causes all to live, WATER.

Ambling over to my entrance I noticed how weird it was to walk on all fours. It didn’t feel uncomfortable or difficult to do unlike when I was a human. I didn’t need to bend my knees to be on all fours cause my arms are now the same length if not slightly longer than my legs. Instinctively I knew how to walk with maximum efficiency, which equated to moving at a slow amble that looked slow but was probably faster than a human’s walking speed. Just thinking about my running speed gave me intense euphoria.

Sticking my head out I confirmed that indeed the sun had moved a decent amount from earlier and it was probably time for a siesta if I was Mexican. Jokes aside, it was time to focus.

“Time to find water I guess”

And the System heard my prayer




Mission Available

Description: You are in a new world and have nothing to your name, but you can change it with your effort and tenacity and survive. Maybe even thrive!!

Objectives: Find a water source that can be continually used, Get enough food for your continued survival (Optional) , Make your home comfortable to live in (Optional)

Rewards: Weak Presence Sense, Strong Claws and Teeth (Optional) ,1x Random skill Ticket (Optional)]

Time Limit: 1 week



Huh that looks familiar. But it has a slight change, it seems more difficult than ‘ARPJ’ but also fair. I mean it seems to give me more details on what I'm supposed to do and what is considered a pass. It also has a time limit so I can’t skive until I complete everything then accept the reward.

Reading my objectives I could see that I would probably barely be able to do the last one in the time given to me by the System. The second one appeared to be slightly difficult to do but not impossible if I knew how much food I would have to eat to be counted, I guess that's the same as objective three in that sense.  Deciding that it was best to ask, I decided to focus my intent on knowing more about my extra objectives.




Get enough food for your continued survival (Optional) - Eat at least a medium sized animal worth of food every 4 days, or 20 to 30 kg. Ability {Maximum Potential} will extract all usable calories. (Host species must eat around 20,000 calories a day)

Make your home comfortable to live in (Optional) - Make your cave home liveable by your personal opinion.



That was helpful in many ways, it told me exactly what I had to do to complete my two optional objectives and also helped me realise I had an amazing skill. I found out how much I had to eat based on the System, which doesn’t look like much if I can live off one animal for 4 days. That doesn’t seem like alot by human standards but I was now a goliath at 14 feet tall, I was thinking I would have to eat a deer every day to live now, but lucky for me I had an Ability for this.

‘What does the Ability do?’ I thought. 

Bringing up the Ability and description I saw that I was blessed to have this skill.




Maximum Potential [MAX] - You use everything to its full potential. Your body reaches its full theoretical potential meaning size, weight, strength and senses. All food consumed is broken down to use everything, leaving no waste except for toxins that will be excreted through peeing. Your body's immune system works at maximum efficiency and can fight all mundane disease, parasites and ailments.



This basically just told me that it had given me the perfect body that has difficulty getting sick, poisoned and pushed me to my species physical potential limit. It also just helped me reduce the amount of food I have to eat, because everything is being used by my body. No more pooping for me!!

Moving from my godly Ability I actually finished reading about the third optional objective that was just really general. Like come on ‘my personal opinion’ I was a classic male that didn’t really care about how I lived. I have literally lived on a floor with blankets for a couple weeks when I was moving around. I have even slept outside with just a blanket when I was camping and I liked it. 

What I understood from this is that I basically had to make my cave look like a home that I would probably want to live in for the foreseeable future. Maybe I had to make a bed for it to count as passing the objective, or I had to expand my cave to have a kitchen, living room and bedroom which didn’t feel right for what was being asked. But I will do my best to complete everything in the mission.

Walking out fully I stood up and observed the surroundings from my cave abode and realised just how beautiful the scenery is. The woods surrounding me a cacophony of emeralds and shamrock green that glittered in the dampening sunlight of the afternoon sun. 

Looking up from the surrounding trees and above their canopies, from my high hill top view I could see a sprawling sea of trees and glinting mountain peaks. Further away, too far away to walk or run to in a day there was a glittering lake that I couldn’t see earlier, it was below me and had a few hills that blocked my vision from seeing its full greatness. It was quit big but I wasn’t judging the size because all I thought was that a lake meant there was a stream or river that fed it that I could probably use for water.

Standing up to my full height I took in a large deep breath that really helped me understand how powerful my new nose was. I could smell an amazing universe of scents that I had never known as a human. The smell of earth and minerals that permeated everywhere. The Pine smell that oozed from the trees. The smell of blooming flowers and the discord of different pollens that told the tales of spring's growth and rejuvenation from winter. 

But there were also the smells of animals that I could differentiate but I could not place what type of animal it was. AND THEN THERE WAS THE PISS!! OHH SOO MUCH PISS!!! I could smell it everywhere and it was on everything, from rocks, trees, soil, grass, EVERYWHERE. I had realised why I hadn’t noticed my increased scent earlier, because my brain had blocked out the smells because it deemed it not important at that time to smell everything. 

Taking time to reorient myself I took another breath and noticed something that was lost in the  blast of scent information from last time. It smelt like minerals and wet that was common to smell before rain. It had a slight fishy scent that told me what it was.

“I think I can smell water”

That's right I could smell water from where I was. Meaning a stream was probably nearby that I could get a good drink from. Maybe I could even kill something along the way for dinner or find some other foods like berries or fruit that I could eat. Well I would just have to find out for myself as I explore further.

“Time for an adventure!!”

I said to no one and started my walk to the water source that I could smell in the distance. This is the beginning of my journey, Properly this time.