Chapter 14 A Chance Encounter
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Stumbling over roots, and lunging over rocks, I was making my way (downtown, walking fast, faces pass) to the stream just enjoying the ambiance of nature. I hummed a tune, just random deep high hums with no real song qualities, it was fun though.

I enjoyed using my new strengthened claws to cut a clearer path in what I made yesterday. Looking back, I could see a real difference in my new path. I also scooped out large rocks that uglied my path, used my inventory to store the big ones for my wall back home.

Surveying my surroundings, I noticed some berry bushes I had missed last time. I couldn’t pluck the bushes yet though, they were still small and unripe, maybe in a month they could be plucked and eaten. Blasting the bushes with Observe I was proven correct ‘2 months they would ripen’ was a small excerpt from most of the bushes description, some wild blueberries however said they would ripen in 1. Useful knowledge for the future. 

How would I eat my Deer was a recurring thought. Should I try it raw? Should I try make a fire to cook with? Should I just take a bite when it’s raw and cook what’s left? The last idea was the best honestly, and the only reason I was having this debate was due to my Ability Maximum Potential now shortened to M.P. Why? Because cooking meat or food doesn’t just make it taste better and kill harmful germs, it also makes it easier for a body to digest, because basically you are predigesting the food when you cook it. 

Weird thought aye? But it’s a fact that allows humans to gain more calories from food they eat. {^AN look it up, compare raw beef vs cooked beef and you should get an answer. Raw = 172. Cooked = 250-286.^} Well you know with me being a  behemoth every calorie counts, but my M.P Ability means it doesn’t matter if it’s raw or cooked I would gain all the possible nutrients from what I consume anyway. 

That means I would never have to cook again! Wooo!! A small dance was had with that important knowledge, but between you and me, I liked cooking. So I would definitely cook, I just didn’t need to. I could perhaps make a spit to roast wild game that I hunted.

For now though, I just enjoyed looking at the lush vibrant jungle, by jungle I mean an unexplored area of nature, you know like why Lions are known as ‘King of the Jungle’? Because they are the kings of the unexplored lands, but honestly Lions aren’t really the kings of anything an apex predator yes, king? No. A Bear would win a 1 vs 1 fight against a—

‘What was that?’

I was pulled out of my wandering thoughts after seeing something out of the corner of my eye. It was a brown humanoid blob that moved quickly and… weirdly? That was it, the blob was shifting between being seen and unseen, almost phasing through reality. It was a wonder I could even see it, subconsciously I wanted to look away and ignore what I had seen. The memory of what I was seeing was… I don’t understand… drifting away? It was like my brain was telling me I saw nothing, and nothing was there, but there was definitely something there.

How would I describe its appearance, could I even in the first place? I know I caught glimpses of its appearance, I KNOW THAT. However, for the life of me I couldn't remember what I saw, I could only assume what I saw. Standing on two legs it had an ape like body structure with a Gorilla esk head shape. Brown shaggy fur held onto all its limbs with its midriff being bare of any hair at all like a human. I estimated that it was a bit over half my Height? With the way it walked it felt bigger, with long confident steps that made something jiggle… wait a minute… jiggle?

It fit the Bigfoot legend to a T… except for those huge boobs. I mean some serious honker. A real set of badonkers. Packing some dobh- dobon- I don’t remember the full meme but those were some HUGE tits.

I would say G cup but as I have an untrained eye (I’m a virgin, sacrifice me) I couldn’t put a real good estimate. Looking lower (respectively) I noticed a MASSIVE dump truck that surprisingly went unnoticed until now. A real Bakery if you know what I’m saying. 

A juicy toned ass uncovered by hair, exposed for any to see, and seeing I was. Swaying hypnotically side to side as she walked, my eyes following the best they could (Respectively of course). A slight jiggle with every step taken, how I wanted to spank dat bunda (Look at me. *Respectively*)

Apparently noticing my leeri- appreciation, the female Bigfoot turned to look at me. Just like I had done to her, I was now being appraised. Her face was Ape like with a pushed in nose and flat face but other than that she looked human, and what a beaute she was. Watching her look me up and down I could sense her trepidation, reminding me of a Hare ready to leap away at a moment's notice.

Trying my best to look unthreatening, I could still feel wariness exuding from her (give me a break I’m a 14 foot killing machine). In a last ditch effort I slowly raised my hand to wave at her. That failed spectacularly. After my little wave she jolted, full speed sprint away. I wouldn’t say I look that bad. Right? I mean I am pretty threatening but that doesn’t mean I’m a run on sight kind of scary.

Ass (hu hu hu ass) I watched her runway I was entranced by a beautiful bubbly shaking dariere. I could have chased her but I feel like that would lead to negative consequences. After all, if her species are anything like apes she would be running back to her community / troop. Wait a minute, that's a bad thing! 

Just as I’m about to rush after her I realised she was gone. Not in a ‘she is out of my sight’ gone, but a complete absence of her. No sight, no smell, no presence cause apparently I subconsciously used my new Ability to track her.

Walking over to where she had disappeared, I noticed an abrupt end to her foot prints. She vanished mid step like she was raptured. Taking a quick glance around, I saw no evidence of her at all.

“Shucks, now I can’t see that ass.”

That was kind of my main take from this situation. I expected her to run away after she noticed me. The only thing that worried me was the effects this encounter would have. Would a tribe of Bigfoots, Bigfeet? Would a possible tribe of Wookiee’s come and hunt me? Perhaps nothing would come of this, only time can tell.

Returning back to my path I briskly walked to the clearing that held the stream. Nothing remotely interesting happened, the only thing I was doing along the way was remonise on the booty I was blessed to see. And making my path more visible.

Arriving at the stream I clenched my hands on the side of my head and screamed with pure anger to god or whatever was watching me.


Bigfoot lady is part of the SCP 1000 species