Chapter 15 Eating With Company
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Again I forgot to use the powers invested in me. Just a simple Observe and I would know what species the lady was from, for now I would coin her as Bigfoot Lady. Sighing, I resigned myself to my fate of doing stupid things for the rest of my life. I would have had to train like anime protags to create a habit of always using observe on anything, I mean anything. That random rock? Observed. That flower? Observed.

Honestly I didn’t really care about using Observe. It was useful but I feel like I would rely on it too much, or just begin to view the world in numbers and become apathetic. For those who need a wake up call, ‘this is not a game, this is my life’. 

I don’t want to stumble down the route of a ruthless MC who looks at everything based on profit or loss. Not to say that being level headed is a bad thing but personally I would say it should be a controllable trait and that’s who I am. 

Who am I? I’m a freedom loving Brit that desires to try everything at least once, explorer of the great unknown, anticipator of what has yet to come and enjoyer of the moment. And at that moment there was a Deer that I had to prepare. Oh and I had to fill up my Inventory with Water.

Ceremoniously pulling out the Doe from my Inventory, I checked its decomposition rate, meaning how far rigamortis had set in and how congealed the blood is. Important to know if I want to do a good job processing it’s meat. 

However, to my surprise the body was still quite warm and the blood was flowing out the puncture wounds around its neck. I thought that it would be cold and stiff, difficult to work with in my experience.

The body felt and smelt fresh, I would estimate that it was an hour… maybe less, old carcass if I spotted it out in the wild. I knew that it was a couple hours old and should be in rigamortis. Instead I front of me was a still bleeding corpse. Not that I wasn’t happy just thinking about how I could use this knowledge.

Looking at the Deer in my hand that was primed for butchering. I started some mental maths, the body would help me understand the time flow in my inventory. With a quick estimate I had spent 4~ ish hours to get to my home and another 30 minutes to reach the stream. 

Adding it all together I guessed that time in my Inventory flowed 5 times slower than outside. Why 5? Because it is a nice round whole number, nothing is ever 4 times or 6 times unless it’s a levelled up skill (MMO’s haven’t proved me wrong! … yet).

Now onto preparing the Deer. Holding it up with its back legs, I used my now razor sharp (Ok not razor sharp, but sharp) index claw to pierce the Deer's crotch (not where you're thinking, you pervert). I managed to pierce the hide with disturbing ease. 

Wrenching my finger down, I tried to keep the cut shallow to not pierce any of the organs. I had limited success, only piercing the large intestine, then surgically I removed all the organs placing them in my Food Slot to eventually clean them. 

I ended the cut at the bottom of the neck, now the Deer looked spread open ready for the next steps. 

Next I cut the Deer's neck to allow it to bleed out the remaining blood. It was near decapitated, only held by its neck, that I brutally snapped like Scorpion. It was important to let water flow through, needed if you want to eat good meat, and me want.

Placing the now disembowelled and decapitated Deer into a calm straight of the stream, the head had to face down stream to let the blood flow out. Just like the videos and survival manga, blood started to drain out from the corpse. 

The river below the Deer started turning Wine Red and I was looking forward to eating venison. However the process was slow though… really slow. I would probably have to wait for a while until the river stopped turning red.

I however had a task I could focus on, cleaning the organs I had kept in my Inventory. Let’s get this done!!


Took like 5 minutes, I just cut and washed all the organs that hold the gross stuff. I then cut out parts that I won’t eat, like the colon. I liked eating ass but that’s a bit too far for me. Surprisingly that was the only thing that I felt I wouldn’t stomach, I had tried everything else once before. 

Now… the head. I was just going to throw it into a bush, the brain wasn’t that entisining, I would rather eat some good cuts of meat. I now again had a problem, I had nothing to do. Thinking about stuff I could do, I was stumped. All I could do was wait for the blood to drain.

Sitting down at a comfortable looking boulder nearby, all I had to do was wait and keep singing. Singing? Of course I was singing, ever since I got this skill I have been using it. Why? Because fun. That’s it.

I did do something else with this free time, and that was eating the organs. What? I was hungry and it was the perfect opportunity to test out my new mouth. By Odin every organ I stuffed in my mouth tasted good! Better than when I had it as a human. 

The Kidney I ate tasted fresh, juicy and with an almost jelly like texture. Same with the Pancreas and Liver. As a human, the strong iron flavour found in most internal organs would be off putting, but as a Bear? This was some gourmet shit!


Snapping my head to where I heard unnatural rustling, there was absolutely nothing. It was just clear meadows, with the swaying grass and flowers. Not a soul in sight, nothing around. There was however a presence, it was small so I hadn’t noticed it before. A sole Hare was where I had heard the rustling.

“Aww look at the wittle bunny!! I would eat you if I didn’t have a Deer already!”

I did find it weird that there was an unnaturally pressed bit of grass around it. It looked like something heavy had stepped or sat on that grass patch. I chalked it up to clumsily making it yesterday or earlier and just forgetting about it. But I now had a Hare that just beamed at me with innocent pure eyes seeking survival.

It was cute but I kinda wanted it gone. “Alright, you’ve extended your welcome Bugs.” I spoke towards the Hare… still didn’t move. Next plan of action “Shoo!! Shoo!!” Waving my arms to seem threatening… that also failed. Let's try again this time insults, “Your motherrr was a Hamsterrr, and yourr Fatherr smelt of ElderBerries!!” That famous line was also unsuccessful.

Finally I used the oldest trick in the book to startle something… I threw a rock. Well not a rock more like a pebble. It was like 30 feet away and I didn’t want to stand up. That was also why I didn’t try to catch the little thing. I couldn’t trap it if I wanted to either. I sure wasn’t going to chase it. Little bastards are nimble. 

I, however with a miraculous aim, along with the full power of my [Mind Over Body] Ability, missed. Hey!! Having more muscle than you have ever had really fucks with a person. But throwing the pebble did the trick, because when the pebble was not even halfway between me and it, it skedaddled.

A triumphant victory for me!! A Worthy Opponent!!

Eh enough messing around back to- *pebble hitting flesh sound* Snapping back to see what I hit, I saw nothing. But the pebble hadn’t travelled to where I had estimated… 

“Must have been my mind playing tricks.” I said, my mind feeling slightly clouded. Nonetheless the Deer was fully bled and it was time to head home!! Woohoo!

Standing up and stretching I ran through the process of fully skinning the Deer to my best abilities. Honestly there was still a lot of flesh on the skin, but I would prefer that over a damage hide that I would turn into my pillow. I would try my best tanning it but i wouldn’t get my hopes up.

After skinning the Deer I quartered it, meaning I cut off the legs, and split the main body in half, then into segments further. I was glad that I was a weirdo in my past life and enjoyed learning more about obscure crafts or techniques. And also that I had learnt to skin and skinned animals with my Dad and his family.

If I had a more delicate hand and was smaller I could have skinned the Deer better. But I live on and it was time to leave and cook some food!

Placing the now butchered Deer and its skin into my Food Box (Calling it a Box now cause it sounds better in my head.) I left the stream to head back home. 

Walking back to my house singing ‘What a wonderful world’; the journey was uneventful and nothing interesting happened. Just a nice walk along with the training of my abilities and skills. 

I did hear some random snaps of twigs or movement behind me, whenever I looked back however there was nothing there and I would feel slightly muddled in the head. I reasoned that I was just paranoid and all the noises that I heard were just hallucinations. I did feel like I tried to talk with someone but…?? Brain fart.

Reaching my cave in record time, I removed the rock barrier I made earlier that day and prepared the start of a fire. First though was carving a way for the smoke to leave from my cave. Laboriously chipping away the ceiling with my new strengthened nails was easy, and the task was done in an hour.

I had fun doing it too, afterall I had been doing an architectural stone masonry course before this. Applying the skills learnt during my tenure made the resulting carve look pretty decent. It almost looks like it was part of the cave instead of an addition. Except for the difference in colour.

I swear I caught glimpses of some movemen-… ‘Must have been the wind’.

Well onto the fire, that was an easy thing to handle. *Puffs out chest* I was a pyromaniac afterall!! Well I never burnt down buildings but I enjoyed finding new ways to start fires. Growing up in the wilderness really let me understand practically how to create a good fire. 

A really easy method to start a fire in my current situation for example would be with a friction method. I.e rubbing a material against wood to make an ember start. I had used this method many times before, and was first taught it on a field trip to a Hadzabe Tribe.

Using one of the 2 signs remaining from my earlier pilfering, along with the pole. I scraped a bit of wood from the sign into a divet that I had carved earlier but forgot to mention. A simple few centimetre deep pit to minimise the chance that the fire would spread. Next I surrounded the scraped wood with twigs in what looked like an open triangle tent. I was now ready to create the ember.

Placing the dry sign in front of me, and using my back paws to hold down the sign, I rubbed the pole between my front paws, the end of the pole placed on the sign. With some rubbing, (Not that kind) I started to see some smoke, until a ready smouldering ember was in front of me.

Quickly corralling the ember onto the wood chips, and some blowing ( >:[ ) the ember quickly grew into a crackling fire. ‘UGG HAVE FIYAA!!’ I yelled in my head. I didn’t want to seem weird in front of a pretty- 

The rest was simple, putting some stable rocks on the side of the fire and using some sticks as a makeshift grill. I cooked some AMAZING Venison. Oh the sweet succulent rendered fat. But how did I cook it? You didn’t ask? Well I’m gonna tell you anyway.

Placing the meat around the fire to cook as much at once as possible, I slipped into a rhythm of watching and moving the meat. I enjoyed the peaceful moment with decent compan-. 

I Watched the meat cook making sure to not burn it too badly, but I was getting ravenous. Something about the sizzling of fat, and the charring of meat really gets the stomach growling. And knowing I hunted and butchered the animal myself made it a whole lot better.

I would have liked it with some salt and pepper but beggars can’t be choosers. 

Again seeing and hearing something outside I took one of the cooked Deer legs on a flat rock and left it outside the cave. I don’t know why I did it. I just felt like it was for someone? I can’t quite remember. I think she appreciated it? I don’t know.

It was now dusk and the sun was setting on the horizon, an end to a peaceful and productive day. I hunted a Deer, stole something, completed the Mission, saw a sexy furry lady. Cooked and ate my Deer. I was miffed that my memory seemed to get worse but Eh don’t really care, I know the reaso- do I? 

Replacing my rock wall entrance in preparation for a good long sleep, I feel like I invited her in? But who did I mean by she? There was nothing out there.

Crawling to my now designated sleeping area, I smashed my head onto the comfy grass pillow I had created today. Tossing and turning until I was comfortable, I closed my eyes and prepared to sleep. The crackling coals of the fire like a lullaby. The songs I sang being the final nail that drifted me to sleep.

Just to let people know, any repeating of sentences and cut of sentences / thoughts are all intentional.