Chapter 19: The strongest 2
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Lucifer, head of the Lucifer family, known as the most powerful demon in hell, second only to the King himself.

Few are the entities capable of facing him without dying in the attempt, Luna Leviathan one of the entities capable of standing in front of Lucifer as an equal, however the whereabouts of that woman is unknown.

In front of an absolute power the instinct rooted in all beings makes an appearance << Fear >> as a bottomless abyss that threatens to overflow and devour them, however those who can stand against the absolute power and face it, are those with enough will to break the rules imposed by the natural order, entities that deviate from the flow called destiny, an entity capable of breaking the destiny, has unlimited potential.


My wounds had already closed and my body felt heavy, however that is the least of my problems, floating in the air, over a big hole in the center of the coliseum, was Lucifer looking directly at me with a certain interest in his eyes.

"Lilith, do you know where Luna is?"

I turned my gaze to Lilith who was looking at me with a worried expression.

She shook her head

"I heard from Claire that a meeting with the council is currently taking place, she should probably be there"

"It seems to be a tradition that a council meeting is held during the tournament to elect the <<Chosen One>> of each jewel of hell"

Explained Valery

Lilith turns to look at her as if she doesn't understand what she is saying.

"If they have a meeting, it must be the heads of the families, right? Then what is that guy doing there?"

Lilith points towards Lucifer

"I have no idea"

Valery shrugs his shoulders

"Although I can't do anything about it, honestly, soiling his clothes would be an accomplishment in itself"

I said while trying to think of ways to get out of this situation.

Winning is impossible, escaping would be ideal, I'm not such an idiot as to fight a battle that I'm going to lose no matter what I do, at best I can distract him, nothing more than that.

I got off Aqua's body and fell on the balcony next to Lilith and Valery.

"Wasn't there another girl?"

I said as I looked around the balcony

"Leticia? She left while you were attacking Lucifer"

Lilith came closer to me and hugged me, I could feel her warm body as I wrapped her in my arms, it was hard to spend a year away from her, it was as if my body was looking for her by instinct.

"Stop it!"

Valery shouted in annoyance.

"Let go of envy, my dear"

Said Lilith in a mocking voice

I laughed internally before turning my gaze to Lucifer who was still staring at me without doing anything.

[Do you have any ideas?]

Aqua asked me worriedly


I said smiling nervously

[All that's left to do is escape]

I nodded

"He probably only wants to kill me, so he won't touch Lilith"

[That's right but...]

Lilith hugged me tighter and buried her face in my chest.

"Don't even think you'll leave without me"

I turned my eyes to Valery for help, but when our gazes met she shook her head..

I sighed resignedly

"I wish I had learned stealth from Luna"

[There wasn't much time, mostly the training was physical and the control of our power.]

Luna's training is tyrannical, that thing doesn't even have feelings....

While I was thinking about what to do, a certain voice was heard in my ear

"If you could distract him, there is a good chance of escape..."

I looked around confused.


Aqua seemed to have heard it too and turned her gaze towards me.

Our gazes met and we nodded.

We have no other options


I said in response and almost instantly I heard that voice again.

"I can't get too close because that way I would be easily detected, you have to alter the whole environment, enough to distract him for a moment, from what I saw, you won't leave without Lilith Leviathan, so I'll be by his side, everything depends on you"

I nodded at that voice

"I'll be right back"

I said while I kissed Lilith's forehead.

"Aren't you going to commit suicide?"

Valery asked

"Bad grass never dies"

I answered amused

I tried to let go but Lilith refused to let me go, so I got close to her ear and talked to her.

"I'll do something, so you should be ready to go at any moment"

Lilith looked into my eyes for a moment before releasing me.

"It's okay"

[What shall we do?]


I said as I jumped and fell on Aqua.

[That... you won't be able to stand it for long and even less with your body in that state].

"We have no other choice, I don't think Luna will miraculously arrive and save us"

[I can't deny that]

"Come on"

Aqua in response rose into the air, flapping her wings, although it's really not that necessary to do so....

When we were at the same height as Lucifer, he spoke.

"Ready? You're strong, so I gave you a little respect by letting you get ready."

It seems that the interest I had until a moment ago is slowly fading away.

"In that case I appreciate it"


Aqua asks


When I answered Aqua's body started to glow.


There was a slight change in Lucifer's expression.

As Aqua's body glowed, I felt her body made of water, it started to run through my body slowly covering me, after a few seconds the glow became even stronger and an armor of water covered my whole body.


Assimilation an exclusive ability of entities that have a link with an ancestral beast, giving great powers to its contractor, however it is not a power that anyone can exercise, the only way to get it, is that the ancestral beast offers its power, by itself.

There are few entities that at some point could be contractors of these ancestral beasts, but if there is something they all have in common, is that they left their mark on the world.

"An assimilation"

Lucifer looked with interest at our new form

[20 seconds until your body can't take it, hurry!]

Aqua speaks in my mind

Quickly two wings appear on my back and I shoot out towards Lucifer, before reaching him, I extend my hand forward and a curtain of steam is generated from my hand covering everything around him.

[19 Seconds]

With my free hand I snap my fingers and 30 water stakes appeared around me in immediately shot out towards Lucifer.

"Certainly the power increased"

Lucifer said while deflecting the water stakes with his hand.

[18 seconds]

Without wasting time, I extend both hands in the air in front of my chest and from my hands a large sphere of water began to generate, compressing it into a small drop of water, it shoots out towards Lucifer.

However he stops it with his hand without flinching.

[17 seconds]

I generate a large disc of water in my hand, spinning it rapidly on its own axis and hurling it quickly towards Lucifer..

Lucifer extends his hand in the air with the intention of grabbing the water disc, however I don't allow it, I snap my fingers and the large water disc splits into small water discs directed towards his whole body.


Lucifer creates a thin layer of light in front of him and all my water discs are extinguished.

[16 seconds]


[15 seconds]

[14 seconds]

[13 seconds]

My body froze for a moment and started to ache, my whole body was burning as if all my muscles were twisting at the same time, my breathing was hitching I tried to move but my body was not responding

[12 seconds]


I heard a worried scream from Lilith.

[11 Seconds, Lucas, you must move!]

I gritted my teeth hard and forced my body to move, I swung the water wings on my sword.

A large amount of small drops of water and ice shot out towards Lucifer.

[10 seconds]

As if it were just a small breeze, they hit his body without leaving a scratch.

"Powerful and showy Eeeh"

I muttered to myself before moving back several meters until I was close to the balcony where Lilith was standing.

"The most powerful thing I have!"

I shouted to get Lucifer's attention.

[9 Seconds]

8 Heads similar to Aqua's appeared around me, however this time the heads were 5 times bigger than the last time and Lucifer's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of them

"Here it goes!"

I shouted

[8 seconds]

The 8 heads lit up as they opened their jaws and a great blue glow covered the coliseum blinding everyone in the stands.

Lucifer placed one of his hands in front of their eyes.

[7 seconds]

[6 seconds]

[5 seconds]

"If he doesn't stop it part of the city should end up destroyed"

I said to myself

I turned my gaze to Lilith who was trying to keep her eyes open, our gazes crossed for a moment.

And as if she understood my intentions, she nodded.

[4 seconds]

The 8 heads shone even brighter than before and 8 beams of water shot towards Lucifer.


I created a wall of Ice in the air to use as a support and jump towards Lilith.

The moment I kicked the Ice wall a huge shiver ran through my body, and without looking back I extended my hand towards Lilith with the intention of touching her, Lilith in response extended her hand towards me, the moment I took her hand, I felt something piercing my abdomen.

[3 seconds]

When I looked back, Lucifer had his hand outstretched towards me, I saw towards my abdomen and it had a small dagger embedded, I quickly grabbed the small dagger and threw it back

But when I saw, Lucifer was already in front of me and his hand was millimeters away from my head, but suddenly I saw something light pink and everything went dark, I still felt Lilith's hand but there was another hand touching my back.

[2 seconds, I will deactivate the assimilation.]

The moment Aqua deactivated the assimilation a great amount of pain attacked my whole body, as if thousands of red hot needles were embedded on me, while my muscles were twisting.

Almost immediately I felt my body floating and being swept away

"We don't have much time, being Lucifer, in a few seconds he must identify my location"

Said the mysterious voice as he dragged me away.


I couldn't say anything, Aqua was still inside my body probably trying to heal me.

Everything around me was black, I looked back and I could see white lines as if they formed the outline of a building and not only that, it was as if it was going through everything in its path.

When I turned my eyes forward, I could see long strands of pink hair as if they were the leaves of a cherry tree but I could not identify who it was and next to her Lilith who was also dragging me while running

"To my house!"

Lilith shouts

After a few seconds, in which I couldn't identify where I was, something called my attention, a silhouette was approaching quickly towards me.

"We are here"

Lilith said and as if nothing happened, she went through everything in her path.

It's a convenient ability

That's what I was thinking

"Where to!"

"Here, jump"

Then I felt like I was falling and suddenly everything went back to normal.

I fell to the ground in surprise and Lilith quickly helped me up.

"What are we doing here?"

I asked

"We are getting out of here, if we get out of hell Lucifer won't be able to touch you"

After hearing that, I turned my eyes to the woman next to her and for some reason I feel I have seen her before but that is not important now.

"Thank you"

I thanked her sincerely

"Lucas, your medallion..."

Lilith quickly intervenes.

"Ah... yes"

I extended my hand and a black medallion materialized.

Lilith took the medallion from my hand and placed it on the door in front of us, it was made of stone with several runes around it, but the moment the door opened, I felt an abysmal amount of power over us.

Lilith and the other woman also seemed to feel it, but without wasting another second I grabbed Lilith and the woman next to her.

Almost instantly I felt an embracing warmth on my back and everything went dark.