2.1 Pilthering goblin.
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I sit panting for a good minute.
There's a lot to unpack. 

Gordon's dead. He tried to rape me. And I turned his guts into confetti. 

I'm magic!

I'm a murderer.

My arm is super broken.

Does Grabosh recognize self-defence? Will they believe this was self-defence? What happens when one of Gordon's wives comes in and sees this? Should I still be here when that happens? I'm covered in blood and meaty bits, and a little of whatever was in his bowels.
He tried to fucking rape me. 
My new bruises smart as I curl up in on myself. This is all way too fucking much.

Magic huh, a few weeks ago I feel like this could have solved all my problems. It's incredible how much more complicated your problems can become in such a short time.
I need to prioritize, first things first I need an escape route. I look over at Gordon's corpse. I sure did a number on him. There is a 30cm hole going through his hip and lower abdomen,  the rest of him seems fine though, covered in gore but doesn't seem like my spell affected most of his body.

I have an "explode that guy" spell. Wouldn't be my first pick of spells, but it's a start.  Kind of sucks that it broke my arm though. 
I assume I will get better if I practice, but honestly, the risk seems quite high. There's probably a better way for me to learn, like finding a teacher.

Ignoring that for now I look over Gordon's corpse for a key to the door.
Standing up is very painful. Gordon gave me a few new bruises, and that's ignoring the state of my left arm.
Gordon never actually fully took off his trousers, he just undid his cord belt and brought them down to his knees. I'm in luck because I find the iron key to the door in his pants pocket. I also find another smaller key. I wonder what it opens.
His money pouch is also on his cord belt.
Which is a bit of a conundrum. I killed him in self-defence, does that mean I get to keep his stuff? I really need the money.
He did take my 30nail and rucksack. I open the pouch and find 5nail and a whole bunch of tacks.
The royal steel tack coins come in a wide range of sizes, each coin has a crown surrounded by dolphins pressed into one side and a numeral written on the other. In his pouch there are coins denominated 1, 2, 5, 10, 25 and 50. There are too many coins to count quickly but my guess would be at least 250tack, so another 2nail worth. Then the pouch has about 7nail'50 altogether. nowhere near enough to get what I'll need. 
More than anything right now I need clothes. All I have is this nightie, which is torn across the chest and covered in bloody flesh. Maybe I'm still decent by Grabosh standards but I'm too exposed for my liking. I need to find my pack or something else to wear before I head out into the street.
Ideally I'd also have enough money to get healed. Magic can as far as I'm aware do pretty much anything. Provided the shaman is skilled enough. But I've heard getting healed is expensive, I've never bought magic before though. Shamen are rare in the South. 
Gordon has money.
I look at the shells sewn into his bloody poncho's collar. The poncho might be ruined but the shells must be worth a few nails each. There are maybe 30 shells, if I can find a merchant to buy them maybe it'll be a few fingers altogether. But I can't find a merchant without clothes. And taking a little money after he took my bag is one thing, but looting him for every valuable thing I can find is another. Can I cross that line?

Fuck it. I'm a goblin. I'm stealing all his shit.

I tear the shells off Gordon's poncho and put them in the money pouch along with both keys.
This is his bedroom, there'll be more stuff in the closets and crates. I ransack his room and find mostly clothing and bedding, unfortunately he doesn't have any more valuables here. 
I do need clothes though. His clothes are laughably ginormous on me, but after wiping myself down with a sheet I put on a white shirt (which I use as a baggy mid-thigh length dress) and a purple shawl. I also take a leather cord as a belt around my waist and tie my new trinket pouch to it.
If I was dressed like this on Perrifare, other than how my dress (shirt) doesn't remotely fit, I would actually be quite happy with my outfit. The purple silk shawl especially is very nice. When Gordon wore it, it must have only covered his shoulders and chest but for me, it's almost a hoodless cloak. Getting dressed with a broken arm is both painful and slow.
I wonder why he has shirts? It's the dry season currently so maybe people wear shirts when it rains? It never gets very cold in the Crater.
Actually, my outfit will probably stand out in Grabosh, I'll need to find something more conventional if I want to blend in.

I also really need to find underwear, socks and boots. Nothing Gordon had will substitute there. I do know how to sew. If I took something to break down into cloth, and maybe took a pair of his boots for leather, I could make my own. 
Actually I don't have any tools, I'm entirely used to relying on access to grandma's sewing kit. But I can buy needle and thread cheaply, and as for shears... I did see a pair in the cupboard. 
I find the iron shears and try tucking them into my belt. It doesn't feel very secure. They're also a bit too big for me, orc hands are huge compared to my little mitts.

Looking around for a solution I remember the linen sack Gordon had used off the boat. It had been emptied and put away in the cupboard. I wrap the shears in a pair of black linen pants and take a pair of boots to use as materials. I also take another white shirt as a spare dress, another light pink silk shawl, a wooden comb and the blanket I woke up under. It's warm enough I don't really need a blanket, but I don't know where I'm sleeping tonight. If I sleep on the streets I may want to wrap myself up just to feel safer, or to keep my clothes clean from the ground. I stuff it all into the linen sack.
I look around the room for anything else I might want or need, and notice something on Gordon's corpse. A knife.
It's common to bring a knife with you in the Crater, mostly to eat with but there are almost endless ways knives are useful. I lost my previous knife in the hide of the marmaluke.
I take the bronze knife (tin bronze, not ancient bronze) from Gordon and tie its sheath to my belt. It's big enough to almost be a dagger on me, the weight feels comforting.

Finally happy with my Sweet Loot, I think about my priorities again. Which I forgot about after finding the key on Gordon. I just spent like 20 minutes pilfering and getting dressed instead of worrying about escaping or about my still very broken arm and wrist.
Well, nothing that can't be fixed with more pilfering. Near the hearth are piles of wood and kindling in case Gordon wanted a fire. I pick out the straightest and smoothest stick and get to tying it to my arm with strips of linen that I tear off from Gordon's things. I wonder how many bronze fingers of Gordon's clothes I've ruined? I'm sure he'd add it to my 'debt' if he could.

I do know how to set a broken arm. I'm an isle girl from too rural an island to have a shaman or alchemist nearby. I've set a few of my brother's and cousin's broken arms before. But it is five hundred times harder doing it on yourself. 
After 30 minutes of grunting and crying, my arm is straight and secured. At least the breaks were clean.

Let's get the fuck away from here.
I limp to the door but as I reach up to unlock the handle I'm reminded how filthy my hand still is.
I had wiped myself down as best as I could with the sheet, but I was unable to get all the gore and bloodstink off. It blends in a bit on my dark pink skin but it's still noticeable. And if it's this bad where I can see it,  I hate to think about my face or silver hair. I mentioned before that goblins are sensitive to body smells, I must be covered in a few of the worst stinks that can be found inside an orc. I shudder to imagine what I'll smell like if I don't wash this off before the morning heat.

I have a really bad idea. Like probably the worst I've ever had. But I open the door a crack into the courtyard, checking the coast is clear I slink off across the dark courtyard. By the sound and smell, I think the wives are all eating dinner. 
I then sneak into the bathroom and after double checking that the coast is clear I go in, get undressed and start furiously scrubbing my skin and hair. It would be really dumb if I got caught right now, so I scrub as much as I can in 10 minutes with only my one good arm. Cleaning my scrapes and bruises smarts, but I'd regret leaving dirty if I end up sleeping on the streets tonight. Also, everyone I passed would think I was a murderer covered in this much blood.
And for all I know I am.

I get dressed without drying off and return to the empty courtyard. I don't know how long I have until someone comes, so I need to decide my next steps quickly. I have the small key in my pouch, if I wanted to I'm sure I could find what it unlocks, maybe Gordon keeps his fortune in a safe? And even if not I might be able to find my bag. Or I could at least find some cash to catch a boat off Grabosh. 

But isn't this crossing another line? So far, at least according to my sense of justice from the Southern Archipelago, I don't think I've done anything wrong. Gordon wasn't a good man. He took my stuff, very seriously injured me and tried to rape me, he even succeeded in shoving his worm down my throat. So I think I was fully in my right to kill him and reimburse myself. Even if Graboshen law might disagree, my conscience is clear so far. 
But if I begin taking anything else from the house, am I stealing from Gordon or his wives? I could just find my rucksack I suppose. 
A sound from the kitchen decides for me. I don't have time for this, I rush back into Gordon's room and shut the door. I look around to make sure there's nothing else I might want. I check Gordon's corpse, it's pretty well ruined now. I'm almost surprised how little I feel about his death, I don't feel guilty in the slightest. I am scared of the potential consequences though.
 I unlock the outside door. After double checking no one on the street is watching me, I finally escape Gordon's villa. Or I guess his widows' villa I suppose.