Book I : Betrayal (Part IV – Last Part)
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Jacquiz and Yarwen were also involved in a serious and tense fight, with an old grudge written all over their faces.

"You dumb kid, you're as weak as your mother," Yarwen said as he continued to parry Jacquiz's attacks. "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ?" said Jacquiz as he continued to wildly strike at Yarwen. "You know Yarwen, I have held a grudge against you for a long time and promised that one day I would avenge you," said Jacquiz as he continued to attack Yarwen.

"You naive boy, do you think you can defeat me with your strength ?" replied Yarwen, taunting Jacquiz. Enraged by Yarwen's words, Jacquiz continued to attack him mercilessly. But Yarwen was able to dodge and block all of Jacquiz's attacks. "Attacking your opponent like that ?!, like this you said you would avenge ?!, Idiot !" Yarwen said as he tried to attack Jacquiz's weak spots that were starting to appear.

Yarwen also blocked Jacquiz's sword attack as it came towards him, pointing the sword upwards so that it bounced off Jacquiz's hilt. At that point, Yarwen kicked Jacquiz in the stomach so hard that Jacquiz flew far enough to be hit by the kick. His body stopped as he hit a large boulder at the edge of the ravine. Jacquiz seemed cornered by Yarwen's attack. He could not move his body for the moment. "Damn it, he only attacked me once, I'm going to fall like this," Jacquiz said to herself.

Yarwen also approached Jacquiz as he lay on the ground and drew his sword towards him. "You want to know who the real Yarwen is, don't you?" Yarwen asked Jacquiz with a smile. Then Yarwen mumbled as if reading an incantation, and shortly after his body began to grow to a height of three metres and her muscles began to grow. Then two medium-sized horns appeared on Yarwen's head and a long tail. At that moment, he turned into a demon. "THIS IS MY REAL SELF, I AM ONE OF HIS FOLLOWERS, HAHAHA !" Yarwen boasted in front of Jacquiz.

"A long time ago your mother and the 12 sorcerers tried to destroy us, though our leaders perished because of the actions of those damned sorcerers, but we followers who still survive are determined to restore our glory days, HAHAHA!" said Yarwen to Jacquiz.

"Who are you?" the dying Jacquiz asked Yarwen. "I am one of the 8 Guardian Angels of the Hell's Gate," Yarwen replied to Jacquiz.

"Damn it, it turns out he is one of those destructive angels," Jacquiz said in his head. "There's nothing you can do now Jacquiz, I won't let you ruin my plan, I will kill the child, but first I will kill you," Yarwen said, swinging his sword at Jacquiz. "Mother, I'm sorry I couldn't avenge you on him," Jacquiz said as he closed his tear-stained eyes and surrendered to his current situation.

Suddenly, Jacquiz's body emitted a light so bright that it blinded Yarwen instantly. "WHAT ?!!" shouted Yarwen, surprised by the light that suddenly appeared. At the same time, the sky seemed to turn crimson, making everything look red for the moment. Yarwen tried to look back and saw that Jacquiz was no longer lying on the ground. Then, out of nowhere, something very hard hit Yarwen on the side of the head. Yarwen was thrown quite far by the impact.

Yarwen tried to get up and something else hit him hard in the face. Then Yarwen fell back to the ground. Yarwen kept trying to get up, but something kept hitting him. Then when he tried to get up, he managed to block the object with his sword, but because the object was too hard and strong to hit him, Yarwen's sword broke into pieces. "WHAT ?!" Yarwen said in his heart with great surprise as his sword was destroyed.

"No, he managed to awaken his mother's magic," Yarwen said in his mind. Then Jacquiz revealed himself to Yarwen. Jacquiz's aura changed like a cold-blooded killer stalking his prey, his eyes turned red and he grinned at Yarwen with a terrifying grin. "Now his form is really like a demon inside his mother," Yarwen said in his mind as he looked at Jacquiz. Then, without saying much, Jacquiz immediately attacked Yarwen again without warning. Yarwen, who no longer had a sword, tried his best to dodge and defend against all of Jacquiz's attacks.

But all seemed in vain. Jacquiz, who seemed to be growing stronger, managed to hurt Yarwen again and again. "HIS STRENGTH HAS INCREASED DRASTICALLY! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE ?" said Yarwen in his heart, surprised by what was happening to Jacquiz. Jacquiz continued to hurt Yarwen with attacks. Then Jacquiz also managed to find a weakness in Yarwen. He attacked Yarwen very quickly from the front, forcing Yarwen to dodge his attack, but as Yarwen dodged his attack, Jacquiz suddenly appeared behind Yarwen. "WHAT ?" Yarwen said in his heart. Jacquiz plunged his sword into Yarwen's back and pulled the sword down so that Yarwen's back was severely injured and he screamed in pain, "AAKKRRHH, MY BACK !"

Yarwen then turned quickly so that Jacquiz left his back, but as Yarwen turned suddenly Jacquiz sadistically cut off one of Yarwen's legs. "AAAKKRRHHHH !" Yarwen shouted, feeling pain as his leg was cut off. Yarwen immediately dropped to the ground, but before Yarwen could kneel, Jacquiz quickly cut off one of Yarwen's arms. Yarwen screamed in pain again as Jacquiz cut off his arm. "Jacquiz, forgive me," Yarwen cried as he begged for Jacquiz's mercy.

But Jacquiz didn't care what Yarwen said at the time. He continued to attack Yarwen very quickly. Yarwen was completely helpless at that time by Jacquiz, as if Jacquiz wanted to prove to Yarwen that everything Yarwen said was wrong about him. Jacquiz at that time really turned into a demon figure that was even scarier than Yarwen.

After hitting Yarwen for a long time, Jacquiz stopped and walked towards Yarwen who was covered in blood. He approached Yarwen and drew his sword across Yarwen's neck. "YOU'RE NOT MY MATCH, DIE BITCH !" Jacquiz said angrily to Yarwen. Then Jacquiz beheaded Yarwen at that moment. Yarwen also died at that moment at the hands of Jacquiz. Then Jacquiz raised his head and faced Yarwen's head to the sky. "i will make a count on you from today" said Jacquiz then suddenly the sky changed to its original state. Jacquiz, who had used up almost all of his strength, was unconscious.

Then Jacquiz woke up, he seemed to be in a very peaceful and calm place. "Am I dead ?" asked Jacquiz in his heart while trying to touch his own body. Suddenly it sounded like a female voice calling his name, "Jacquiz ..., Jacquiz". "Who is that ?" Jacquiz asked the voice. Then a cloud of smoke came towards Jacquiz who was sitting down. After seeing the cloud of smoke, Jacquiz stood up and faced it. Jacquiz also sharpened his vision towards the smoke and suddenly saw a woman's shadow figure from within the smoke.

The shadow seemed to approach Jacquiz. Jacquiz began to feel anxious and afraid of what was happening. But the closer the shadow got, the more it became clear who it was. When the shadow was close enough to Jacquiz, then Jacquiz began to shed tears because the shadow of the woman was Jacquiz's mother or Margareth Ellydyn Paleiah. "Mum, is that really you ?" asked Jacquiz to the figure while unable to hold back his tears. "It is, Jacquiz," Jacquiz's mother replied with a smile. "Mum..., you know how much I miss you" said Jacquiz while trying to wipe her tears. "I also miss my son very much" said Jacquiz's mum. "Do you know that my brother is gone?" asked Jacquiz to her mother. "Take it easy, you already know about it" replied Jacquiz's mother with a smile.

"I don't have much time, Jacquiz, I have to tell you something right now," his mother said. "What is it mum?" asked Jacquiz to his mother. "Right now you have awakened my magic in you, you must be able to use it well because it is very dangerous not only for your opponent but also for yourself. Every person you kill with this magic will demand one of your limbs in return for this great power. So you can't use this magic carelessly, the more you can't control yourself and your emotions, the more you will be consumed by it. Remember, Jacquiz, it's not only violence that can change someone, sometimes our gentleness can change others. Your magic is a magic that can turn a reality into an illusion or a mirage," the mother said to Jacquiz, holding both of her son's shoulders. Shortly after saying this, Jacquiz's mother disappeared and at the same time Jacquiz woke up from his sleep.

"WHAT ?!, so it was all a dream ?" said Jacquiz with great astonishment. Jacquiz looked around to make sure, but he saw Yarwen's bloodied body nearby. "No, this is not a dream...this is the truth," Jacquiz said in his heart as he looked at his palm, and when Jacquiz tried to move his right hand, he could not. "Oh my God, this means that what Mum said is true, it wasn't a dream," Jacquiz said again as he looked at the sky. Then Jacquiz tried to stand up with his right arm, which had stopped working. He cut his arm and then searched for roots or leaves to bind his arm so that the bleeding would stop.

Once he had managed to tie his arm, Jacquiz decided to continue his journey to Halstad to meet up with Cyril and Phillian, as she had promised. He spotted a map on Yarwen's body. He took the map and followed the directions on it to Halstad. But before he left, Jacquiz looked at Yarwen's sword, which seemed to be intact. "Should I not have destroyed this sword ?" asked Jacquiz, surprised by Yarwen's sword. Soon after, the sword seemed to glow and called out Jacquiz's name. Jacquiz finally decided to take Yarwen's sword and make it his own.

After that Jacquiz went down the cliff with all his might, he had to get used to being without his right arm. Jacquiz fought very hard to reach Halstad. But on the way, he ran into three thieves who seemed to be heading home with their loot. "Hey you, you don't seem to be from Phulton do you ?" one of the thieves asked Jacquiz. "Phulton ?" said Jacquiz in his mind. Then suddenly another thief saw the sword that Jacquiz was carrying. "Wow, you seem to have a good sword," said the thief. "How about you hand over your sword? And in exchange we will let you pass here" asked the thief to Jacquiz. "Then I'll just go round" said Jacquiz. "Oh ..., no young man. Then let us take your sword by force" said the thief.

They began to attack Jacquiz. Jacquiz also took out his sword and tried to keep defending from their attacks so that he wouldn't hurt them as much as possible. But suddenly one of the thieves said, "Come attack us, you son of a bitch". Suddenly Jacquiz's gaze went blank, he blocked the attacks of the three of them hard enough that the three of them fell down. Then Jacquiz bit the other sword and he began to attack the three thieves with wild speed. As a result, Jacquiz managed to kill all three thieves.

"You shouldn't have said that" said Jacquiz while looking at the bodies of the three thieves he had just killed. Jacquiz reinserted his two swords and walked towards the stolen goods stolen by the thieves. Then Jacquiz took some food supplies, gold and valuables that were there. But while he was looking at their stolen goods, he saw a book that looked like the "Book of Escalodia" in their sack of loot. Without thinking Jacquiz immediately took all the items he had collected earlier including the book and put it in one of the sacks and carried it and Jacquiz left the others in that place. So that whoever finds the three bodies will think that the three of them are thieves with the remaining stolen goods near them.

Next Chapter "Battle of Myrrie Valley (Part I)"