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The world has changed. What do I mean by that? Well, for one, it turns out Lovecraft was right. We learned that in the 1950s. Turns out that testing nuclear weapons is a great way to wake up Cthulhu from his slumber. And you think this would be the end of the world? Ha, jokes on you, turns out most of the governments knew about the eldricht beings that inhabit the universe. And so, the first thing the United Nations did for international laws was a set of terms aimed at Cosmic Beings, those being the Outer Gods and Great Old Ones. Extraterrestrials include things like Shoggoth, Elder Things, Night Gaunts, Deep Ones, etc. 

Turns out that even Eldricht Beings beyond Human comprehension are nothing before the might of the incomprehension of the bureaucratic and legal world. And so the existential becomes the mundane. Psychology even had a new branch of because of a new mental affliction called Mental Cosmic Incomprehension Shutdown, which is caused by seeing the true forms of the Eldricht Abominations of the Great Old Ones and Outer Gods. 

Some Humans were lucky. They ended up getting what is called Eldritch-Induced Amnesia, causing the person to reconstruct events that have to do with the Great Old Ones and Outer Gods. This can go away if exposed to too much Cosmic Existential Events. And that's what happened to me, Sofia Drake. I used to have EIA until I saw one too many CEE. 

Also, might I add that fandoms have now been called Cults, well when it comes to the fandoms of Outer Gods and Great Old Ones. Really, many a Cult War has been fought over which cosmic being should be shipped with which.

Anyways, like I said. My EIA vanished, and I had to get therapy to deal with the revelation that Eldricht Beings beyond our understanding were real, but also that Humanity has become the new cosmic horror apparently, like I've read Lovecraft, what the hell is up with that?!

What's even more of an existential crisis, though for me? Well, do you know how much those therapist bills cost. I'm swimming in debt, and that meant I had to get a job. The true cosmic horror is how much money I needed. Cosmic Psychological Therapists must get paid a lot if it's costing me close to a million. Or my healthcare sucks. And it just so happens there was the perfect job available. Looking for maids, the Dreamlands Hotel, a rather prestigious hotel, was hiring. The hotel was run by some dude called Arthur K'thul. Obviously, I wasn't picky, so I accepted it. 

The next day, taking what little cash I had, I headed to the coastal city that had been built during 1964 called Arkham. Why they named the city like that,well I'm guessing because of how many Elder Things, Shoggoths, Mi-gos, Night Gaunts, etc. live there. 

If at the time I knew the clientele that went to this hotel, I would have never gone. After all, I wanted to avoid CEE. But sadly, I didn't know about it, and also didn't realize my boss would be the one who kick-started the events because he couldn't sleep through a few nuclear blasts, Cthulhu himself.