Chapter 2: Why are you naked?
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Chapter 2 -  Why are you naked?

Why are you naked?   I asked trying to steal a glance without Krueger noticing.

“Do you know long it’s been since I’ve had a warm bath?   Now scooch over a smidge”  

“Is that an order?”  I said feeling a slight flush fall over my face.  

“More like a request, I get so tired of giving orders you know.”   

“it’s funny, for a  Captain you’re nothing like any of the other Redgrave soldiers I’ve met.”  

I said while desperately trying to unkink my neck,  that neck collar was a real bitch.    

“And you’re nothing like I’d expect a Serpico clan member to be,   Aren’t you all stripped of emotions and needs so that you’re perfect assassin?”   

“ Daddy Dearest did his best to mold his precious daughter into the best killer possible,  but in the end he was left disappointed,  I was… am… his greatest failure.”

“Disappointing our Father’s is something we very much have in common”   Captain Krueger remarked while sinking deeper into the bath water.   

“Well mine’s maggot bait now so I suppose it doesn’t matter what the bastard wants or thinks”   

“Wish my old man was too honestly”  Captain Krueger sighed heavily.

“ You’ve scarcely made eye contact with me from the moment we entered the tub,  is my visage displeasing to you?”

Captain Krueger's body was well  muscled,  with battle scars lining her bronze skin,  at a glance it was obvious that she had seen her fair share of battle.    

“No it’s just…  I don’t wanna say it okay,  Rest assured you’re very Pretty… For a military officer… I’ll add”    

“Well mannered and blessed by the gods with a cute face,  You’re an intriguing one Bel,  Still I have one question that I need answered.”

“Yes I’d love change of conversation direction please,  Ask way.”   

I smiled trying desperately to hide my nervousness,  I’d never been this close to such a beautiful woman.   

My heart is beating out of my chest.    Silting throats and breaking bones was like taking sweets of children for me but this… this is true torture.

“What’s up with the eating cockroaches?”   

“Oh that…  Let’s just say,  old habits die hard and leave it at that.”   I said averting my gaze again.

“They do have a satisfying crunch though”   I chuckled

“I could have lived the rest of my life without knowing that…”   

“You’re welcome”  

“So we have quite a few things in common Captain.   Shitty Father’s and we both know what it’s like to be scarred.     

I said raising my right arm out of the water which was covered in half healed scars.  

“You get them on one of your assassination missions?”

“Something like that”  

“This has been lovely but we really shouldn’t dally when we’re on the clock, let’s get you dressed”

Laid out on a table was the most beautiful azure and white dress I’d ever seen in my life,  it had ruffles and laces in all the right places.

  It would have taken like ten jobs to afford something like this,  not that I got to keep most of the profits from my laborious missions.    

Yeah see the common misconception is that assassins make filthy sums of cash from their murderous deeds.    And while that’s true,  we charged about 30k for a commoner all the way up 200k for nobility.   All of that money must be divided among the clan.

So by the time I got my cut I’d be lucky if I walked away with measly thousand gold.  

Sounds like a lot right?  Yeah try saying that when it’s the only pay you get for a whole fucking year.

“Can you fix this for me please?”  I said flailing my arms.

“You’re kidding right?”


“Bel you're how old and you still can’t do your own bra?”

“Never warn one before”  I whimpered trying to hide my embarrassment.

I clenched my fist as flashes of that rat bastard danced in my mind.

“Look.. I… I was raised like a boy okay.. I’m not good at all this… girl stuff… alright.”

"Say less,  I got you"  

With a swift movement the bra was properly fastened and Bel felt the shame melt away just a little bit

"This is going to sound crazy given our positions but...   If you survive,   How would you feel about being friends?" 

"Friends with a murderous assassin,  that won't look good on your resume,  Captain."   

"My personal life has nothing to do with my position,  but thanks for your concern."

"Why not,  it's not like I've got anything to lose at this juncture."  

To go from rags in a dungeon to wearing a dress fit for a princess and being personally escorted to meet with the Marquis Redgrave,  I'm getting whiplash from everything.    Oh well no point dwelling on everything,  this meeting is going to happen no matter how awkward or out of place I feel

'You ready Bel?"  Kreuger asked with a smile that was drowning with sincerity.  

I'd manipulate a kind girl like her in the past,  I'd use her like a tool and than cast her to the wolves once she had outlived her usefulness to me.    But I don't want to do that anymore, I don't want to be the person who thinks such things anymore. 

"Ready as I'll ever  be."  I nodded following at the Captains heels like a lost puppy.