Chapter 6: Along The Highroad Part 1
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‘ Pick up the pace, Bel,. We’re  late,’ ’ Lydia said, running through the hallways of the villa.   

The Marquis left for the capitol yesterday,, which conveniently coincided with the day my lady was supposed to begin her journey back to Halavisa Academy.   

Given my history,, I’ve never studied magic, but even an outsider like me has heard of Helves. It’s one of the three great schools of magic on the mainland.   

The other two being Greyferry in the Faylen Kingdom and Rakura in The Kharis Empire.  

Luckily for us Helavisa isn’t in the Duchy. It resides safely in the Republic of Yue, a friendly nation to the Duchy with a rich history of righteousness and neutrality. 

‘Apologies my lady’ I said pretending that I needed to catch my breath.   

‘Well, you show proper manners at least.’  

‘Thank you for praising me, My Lady,’   

‘You can stop with My Lady business. You will address me as master. Are we clear?’ 

‘As an azure sky’ I smiled, trying to contain my giddiness.

My lady stepped towards me and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look her in the eyes.  

‘Address me properly, fail again, and you’ll be punished.’  

‘I’m not opposed to some stern discipline from you, but your orders are absolute, Master.’ 

‘Better! Now then, quickly let us depart.’ 

A carriage was waiting in the courtyard for us, flanked by two guards dressed in Redgrave colors. They had simple swords at their sides.   

They were trained well enough from the looks of things, enough to deal with bandits, us or anything else we might encounter on the high road.  

My master had given me a far warmer reception than I was expecting, after some initial scrutiny she’s been nothing but kind to me, sure she throws some barbs here and there and isn’t afraid to reprimand me but that really turns me on to be honest so it’s actually quite nice. 

"May I ask you a question, Master?’

‘Go ahead, just make sure it’s worth my wasted oxygen.’  

Gosh, I love it when she takes that tone, those frosty eyes, that little sigh she gives every time I raise my voice, the way she treats me like I’m a pest, like I’m a buzzing fly that won’t leave her alone, it’s the best 

‘Why did you accept me into my service so readily, Master?’ 

‘Because I needed a new servant and I trust Father's judgment.’   

A succinct and honest answer I wouldn’t expect any less from the daughter of a Marquis, I don’t really have a reason I’m doing all this If I’m honest. I could have vanished into the night without a trace several times, yet I’ve had no desire to do any of that.

As of this moment I will put down my blade as an assassin, I’ll only use these calloused, blood drenched hands to protect my others, to protect my master. Bel Serpico never left that damp dungeon cell. I left her to rot and decay, a fate she very much deserved.

‘Why are you just staring into space? Do you find me that boring, servant?’  

‘Not at all, master, I was just lost in, ’ I said, stifling a yawn. 

‘Pay attention seriously. You call yourself my servant, but you can’t even do that much,’,’  

Being scolded and lectured might be horrid or tedious to others but I found it refreshing, the way my master carefully chose her words before speaking, structuring every sentence like it was the most important one she’d ever say, the very picture of grace and nobility.  

‘Excuse me, me, master, master, if it’s not too much trouble, may I ask you another question?’  

‘You’re pushing it Bel , but I suppose II wouldn’t mind answering one more question, but just the one. Push. Push it any further and I’ll discipline you,’,’  

‘What will my duties comprise once we reach the academy?'  

Master paused with a sigh once again choosing how to phrase her answer with careful precision, she was meticulous in all things, being the daughter of not only Marquis but also a famous warrior and general in the war against Faylen must put a lot of pressure and expectation on those slender…beautiful shoulders. 

‘Nothing untoward if that’s what you're thinking, Your tasks will be simple matters such as waking me in the morning getting me dressed, brushing my hair, keeping our living area immaculate, washing my clothes, delivering my meals and being by my side at all times while in public. Think you can manage that? 

‘I won’t cannot meet your demands, master,’   

‘You’re a quick learner at least. I’ll give you that.’  

‘A compliment from Master, I’m melting,’   

‘Oh, shut up will….’  

A bloodcurdling scream and a sharp jolt sent Master lurching , but I caught her in time. That scream was likely one of the guards. The driver given how the carriage jerked.   

The High Road was the easiest way to travel to the different regions of the mainland, but parts of it are also heavily infested with monsters and bandits, so it’s unwise to travel unless you can handle yourself in a fight.   

Given how weak those guards seemed, I guess the Marquis really trusts me to keep his daughter safe, not that I needed to be asked, I won’t let any harm come to my new master.  

‘What in the world was that?’   

My master said, her breaths labored and a look of panic smeared across that utterly adorable face of hers.

Stepping off the carriage, a most unexpected sight greeted me. Instead of bandits wanting to plunder, it was a horde of goblins that halted our journey. Primitive and weak little shits that use ambush tactics and fight with primitive weapons like bows and stone axes.   

There were ten of the wretched creatures, four archers standing in the back, six hunters with bone knives and stone axes and a bloody shaman.

Despite their brittle bodies and primitive technology, Goblins are far from stupid. And Shamans are a real pain in the ass at the best of times.

Greenhorn adventurers lose their lives to them all the time. It’s a gruesome spectacle, but nothing I can’t handle..

‘Who dares attack a carriage bearing the Redgrave insignia,’  

‘Save your breath, master,’ 

‘Goblins aren’t exactly known for their people skills,’   

‘Seriously? We haven’t been on the road for 20 minutes and there're goblins?’  

‘Do not threat master, allow your humble maid to clean up this disgusting mess,’