Chapter 12: Along The Highroad Part 7 (Lydia)
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Lydia POV

It has been forty-five minutes since my maid left me with that harrowing warning and vanished in the night.

The carriage walls were feeling awfully thin as I listened to the sounds of the forest, the shrill cry of insects, and the rustling of the leaves as the wind rustled through them.

I wanted to distract myself from the tedium, but all I could do was focus intently on every single sound that crossed my ears. There was a lump in my throat, and I felt nauseous.

Yes, I had my magic to protect myself, but still, I couldn’t shake this sense of uneasiness and dread from washing over me.

A bloodcurdling scream and the sound of flesh tearing wide open jolted me from my thoughts as the carriage jerked, causing me to fall forward, almost slamming my head into the carriage wall.

Putting two and two together, I realized it was the horses; something or someone was out there attacking our precious horses.

I knew that Bel had instructed me to remain in the carriage and that she would have had good reason; her austere face belied her intentions.

But as a Redgrave, when our assets are in danger, I cannot stand idly by, not when I’m fully capable of handling the matter.


I used the searing flame at the tip of my wand to melt the lock of the carriage door, allowing me to open it and step outside.

The crunching of bones and tearing of flesh ceased as a deafening quiet lingered in the forest once again.

I rushed over the horses, still nursing my aching head, only to discover a nightmarish spectacle.

Our horses were torn to ribbons, their throats slit open, and their entrails ripped and strewn over the ground.

‘Unbelievable! Could this day get any worse'? I scoffed, taking a second to pray over the deceased horses; they served House Redgrave dutifully and deserved a more dignified end.

‘On my honor as a Redgrave, the beast that did this to you will meet an end most foul'

‘Mistress!  Mistress!' A comforting voice cried out in the distance, accompanying a swift barrage of footsteps.

Bel lunged towards me, wrapping her arms around me in a tight embrace.

‘Sorry it took so long, but your trust maid has returned to your side'

‘Hey Bel, can you address me one more time?'

‘Of course anything for you, Mistress'


I pushed my wand into its face and sent it careening backwards with a jet of searing flame.

‘I don’t know who or what you are, but you’re not Bel. She has never once referred to me as Mistress.'

‘Observant little bitch, I’ll give you that'

Bel’s face had melted away, revealing a grotesque, half-rotting skull underneath, as the stench of death filled my nose, making me want to gag and vomit.

‘That look suits you better. Gosh, you’re ugly though. Poor thing'

‘Such bountiful Mana,  Oh, I’m going to enjoy sucking you dry.'

‘If it’s my mana you’re after, I’d be more than happy to give you a taste; it’ll cost you though.'

I said, aiming my wand at the grotesque abomination.

My threatening speech seemed to do little more than entice the creature; I could practically feel it salivating as it prepared to attack.

I had to be mindful of how I used my magic; however, a single errant spell could set the entire forest ablaze.

To say nothing about how little I know of this ghastly creature and what it’s capable of, Father would always say that knowing the extent of your opponent's capabilities and limitations is the first cornerstone of the formation of a successful strategy.

It’s perfectly fine. I just need to be cautious and attack with diligence and precision.

I raised my wand and steeled myself for the fight ahead; a solitary misstep could prove fatal.

‘Look at you; you're all skin and bones. You must be simply famished. Please allow me to show you some Redgrave hospitality'

I said, raising my wand and trying to still my trembling hands.

‘You can do this, Lydia; you have to.