Chapter 14: A Small Respite
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Truth be told, I wanted to scold Master for being foolish and disregarding my orders, but then again, it’s not like her type to stand idly by even in the face of great peril.
I didn’t exactly dislike that quality, however.
I loosely explained to my master that the repugnant beast we battled was called an Akka, a low-ranking but formidable creature of the Alptraum.
They use a sorcerer's mana to fuel their own vile brand of arcane magic, and then they feast on the blood and marrow of the victim once they’re exhausted from their defenses.
Creatures of Alptraum only emerge during the early hours before dawn and sow havoc and chaos. Though resembling beasts, they all have an uncanny intelligence and can even imitate human speech and mannerisms.
They tend to appear in woodlands or on the outskirts of small villages, places where they could end up devoid of life, and nobody would so much as give it a passing glance.
Because at the end of the day, who really gives a shit about a piss-ant village if it ain’t your own?
Akka in particular are a curious brand of beasts, as they cannot enter a domicile, be it home, carriage, or church, unless they’re invited in. That's a pain in the ass, though, so they use tactics like mimicking voices or killing horses to create a reason for their targets to leave the safety of their dwellings.
‘I’m sorry, Bel' Master said, refusing to meet my gaze as we trudged our sore, aching feet further down the endless high road.
‘A maid has no right to demand apologies from her master. However, yes, you should have heeded my advice, and I would greatly appreciate it if you would do so in the future'.
I said, my voice trailing into a sigh. I was used to traveling great distances by myself, but usually I’d hitch a ride in a carriage or steal a horse. Walking for this long is killing my poor, innocent feet.
'No, I am in the wrong, and thus I must apologize. If you hadn’t come when you did, well we wouldn’t be having this conversation, and I’d be just another corpse for that revolting creature to feast upon'
‘It’s not necessary, but if it makes you feel any better than, apology accepted, Master.'
The sun grew ever lower in the sky, and the prospect of spending another night in the wilderness of the highroad was something Master was clearly not delighted by.
‘We won’t make it till the next village by nightfall, so we should set up a campsite and rest for the evening' . .
‘Oh right… but what about those creatures?’
‘They’re only attracted to large surges of Mana, so don’t go slinging spells, and we’ll be fine... probably’  
'Well, that’s reassuring.' Master said, trying her best to force a smile.
Something was clearly on her mind—something different from the attack last night. I wanted to ask her, but it’s not my place. If she wanted my counsel, I’m sure she’d ask for it.
The crackling of the campfire was our only light in the starless sky.
‘There’s no rivers nearby, so it looks like we will be taking a bath anytime soon, sorry Master'
Masters' expression was forlorn, and her eyes seemed to be focused on the flickering flame of the campfire. If I had to guess, she’s currently moping and blaming herself for our situation.
Stinky goblins and avaricious tricksters were supposed to be a part of this trip, although in my experience, unexpected variables always find a way to worm themselves into even the most perfect of plans.
A proper maid would say something inspiring to boost her morale at a moment like this, and I’m sure the words would come easily to Ceres or the other girls back at the villa.
A life spent maiming and torturing has made me woefully unequipped to handle delicate matters like this.
‘So are you planning on telling me who you really are, Bel?" Master said, her frown twisting in the faintest of smiles.
‘You already know my story, Master; I’m afraid there's just not much more I can add.'
'Oh, I can think of plenty to add'. Master said, walking slowly towards me.
‘Firstly, how exactly does a commoner from a small village in the Empire know so much about these creatures? I was terrified and powerless, and yet there wasn’t a flicker of fear in you at all. To the contrary, you were the spitting image of composure.'
'Well, that's a really good question, actually'.
'Secondly, there are countless capable hands in the employ of the duchy, and yet Father picked you to be my new maid specifically. My father is a brilliant and calculating man; he wouldn't have assigned you to stand by my side without good reason. So, Bel, I order you to tell me who you really are'.
"You're really raking me over the coals, aren’t you, Master?"
‘I am, but I need to know. I can’t trust you when you’re blatantly hiding things from me.'
‘You’re not going to let this matter drop, are you, Master?’
'No, I’m not' Master sighed, stepping before me.
‘You really want to hear my story? It’s a most unpleasant tale and one I’m not fond of telling, but for you, Master, I’ll make an exception.'
My response appeared to catch Master of Guard, as she took a few moments to really digest my words before offering a reply of her own.
A simple nod and attentive gaze were all I needed to proceed.
‘Let me set the mood. It’ll be easier to paint a picture for you this way, Master'
I said as I slowly disrobed, revealing my back.
A look of horror and concern washed over my master's face. It seemed like she moved to comfort me before holding herself at a distance.
Revealing my past wasn’t something I was planning on doing. I was quite happy to keep up the ruse that the Marquis concocted, but with how perceptive Master is, she’d catch on sooner or later, and I’d rather she hear it from me than anyone else.

‘That’s awful. Who... or did this to you, Bel?' The master said her voice was soft yet still bubbling with curiosity.
'Hey, could you not stare at them, lease? It  makes me feel gross'.
‘I’m sorry, Bel. Please forgive my rudeness.' Master said, averting her gaze momentarily.
‘Please tell me everything; don’t spare any details' Master said, covering me up and guiding me to a tree near the campfire.
‘Let me tell you the story of a lonely little girl'