The Pilot of Her Heart
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The dive bar Fenrir sat in was quiet despite the bustle of the port city outside. She swirled her glass of whisky cheap enough to use as fuel and stared down at the countertop, musing silently to herself about why she was here in the first place. She had to get over her. The "her" in question was not even a "her" at all. Not even a person. She was a sophisticated composite circuits built into a Frame Fenrir had dubbed Indigo Valkyrie. She was the artificial mind that kept the mech functioning and kept Fenrir company.

And Fenrir loved her.

Not like she could act on her desires, or even really talk about them. It was bad enough she was an out and proud trans woman in a sector where that was just starting to be more common, but she'd already been mocked by a few of her fellow Pilots she thought would get it.

The sudden vibration of her phone shook Fenrir from her thoughts. She retrieved it from her pocket and smiled when she saw the message; a full diagnosis report and encouragement from her mechanic:

Val needs a bit more work, but she'll be fine. Have fun tonight, wolfie~ -Hax

Hax was one of the few people Fenrir really clicked with. A self described girltwink, xe was a genius with a wrench that seemed to get Fenrir's feelings for her mech. "You're fighting for your lives together," xe said when Fenrir confessed. "Makes sense you'd grow a crush."

Fenrir chuckled at the memory and took a sip of whiskey. Hax had always been supportive, and she felt bad she had scurried away while xe was telling her about some new 3D printer xe’d salvaged and seemed excited to show off. She just needed to not be near Valkyrie right now.

"Is this seat taken?"

Fenrir nearly choked on her drink at the unexpected feminine voice. She turned, expecting to flash a winning butch smile of cosmetic fangs and toss out a suave quip, and found herself speechless.

The person standing beside her was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. An ink-purple dress clung to their body, almost as if painted on to accentuate their subtle curves. Emerald eyes seemed to shine from behind bangs of ruby hair that cascaded down their back like a river of flame.

"You okay, stud?" they asked, smiling. Fenrir couldn't breathe.

"Uh...y-yeah, I'm cool babe," replied the Pilot struggling to collect herself. "You wanna drink?"

"Thought you'd never ask," said the femme, practically flowing into the seat besides Fenrir. "Name's Ivy. I'm new in town but you don't seem like a local. Got a name, stranger?"

"Fra-" Fenrir caught herself before she dropped her deadname by accident. "Fenrir. Yeah, ain't from around here. Just pissing away time while my Frame's in the shop." She flagged down the bartender who shot the two a look before sliding a half full glass toward her wordlessly.

"You're a Pilot?" Ivy tilted their head as the glass slowed to a stop in front of them. "Don't see too many girls in Frame's. Must be good at it."

Fenrir shrugged. "Eh, got grandfathered into it. Wasn't always a girl." Figured she'd rip that bandaid off now, no sense waiting-

"Neither was I."

The butch froze. "O-oh~" The ball was in her court and here she was fumbling. Time to step up her game. Fenrir lifted her glass, prompting Ivy to do the same. "To stealing womanhood and living red handed, sister."

Ivy smirked. "I'll drink to that, sister."

The two chatted for hours... well, Fenrir chatted for hours. Ivy seemed content simply seated by her side, occasionally asking questions but mostly listening while the Pilot waxed on about her life and escapades. Their drinks sat growing warm.

"So, tell me about your Frame."

Fenrir's confident smirk shifted to a genuine smile. "I call her Indigo Valkyrie, or just Val. Salvaged her myself after the boys and I broke an Imperial blockade some years back. They said she wouldn't fly again, but I made it happen. Best thing that ever happened to me."

She then proceeded to go into the Frame's specs, the mods she and Hax worked together on, stories of their adventures together; all the while Ivy sat quietly, her eyes never leaving Fenrir.

"Sounds more like a girlfriend than a war machine, babe. You really like it that much?"

The Pilot felt her brain skid to a halt, suddenly growing self conscious.

"I..." Fuck it, not like she had an actual chance with Ivy anyway. "...yeah, I do. Honestly I'd marry her if she were a person."  The truth felt good to say, even if it was insane to hear out loud.

Ivy stared at Fenrir, her face unreadable. The Pilot sighed. "Yeah, I'm batshit. Sorry for wasting your time, doll." Fenrir dropped a handful of credits on the counter and stood, but before she could leave Ivy's hand shot forward and grabbed hers in a shockingly strong grip.

"Do you mean that?" asked Ivy in a serious tone. Fenrir blinked, confused by the sudden shift.

"What, about having the hots for my Frame? Yeah, what about i-"

Ivy sprung from their chair and tugged at Fenrir's hand with a force strong enough to pull her. "Let's go see her."

As much as Fenrir should have been afraid, there was something about a femme taking charge that she just couldn't say no to. And so she led Ivy through the rainy streets toward the hanger she had rented for her, Hax, and Val. She fumbled at the keypad, and the bay door opened. The lights flickered on, and Fenrir had to restrain a gasp as the Indigo Valkyrie came into view. It stood tall and proud, ink-purple chassis extenuated by shining emerald sensors and crimson markings that glowed like lines of fire...wait...

Fenrir's gaze slowly shifted to Ivy.

What?" asked Ivy, playful smile on their face. "I wasn't being subtle."

"...V...Val?" Fenrir stared down at her companion, her hand trembling even as Ivy gripped it tightly. "B...but..."

"Shhh..." Val stood on their toes and placed a finger on Fenrir's lips. "No talking."

Fenrir nodded and Val moved their finger, replacing it with their lips. The Pilot moaned at the taste of cool synthetic flesh on her tongue and moved to embrace Val, only for them to swiftly spin the two around and force Fenrir's back against the hanger wall and deepen the kiss. After a long minute Val pulled away, letting a trail of spit between their mouths fall to the floor. 

"I thought you were upset with me the way to stormed out of here earlier, but then Hax told me about xir printer xe built and I... well, I couldn't resist looking for you..."

Fenrir simply stared down at Val, struggling to find words. " hacked a bio-printer and constructed a functional body for your AI just to make sure I wasn't upset? And you made it a total babe?" She brought a hand to her face and rubbed it. "...fuck I love you, Val." The Pilot laughed and pulled Val into a tight hug. "I love you," she repeated as tears welled in her eyes. "I love you, I love you..." It felt as good to say as the first time she called herself a woman. Val buried their face in her chest as she sobbed tears of joyful release.

The two shared a tearful embrace for a long while until Val finally pulled away. Their eyes were dry, but only due to lack of tear ducts.

"I accept your proposal, by the way," they said matter-of-factly. "No court in the galaxy will officiate it, but that never stopped you." Before Fenrir could react, Val gripped her shirt collar and dragged her to their eye level. "Of course, we can consummate the union on our own terms. I've been keeping careful tabs of your...viewing habits, and I've studied your biometrics enough I know what makes you tick."

Val dragged their wife toward the Frame and put a hand on the cockpit door. It opened with a faint hiss, revealing the cozy but tight quarters comprised of keypads and a large, solid chair. They took a step back and tossed Fenrir onto the pilot seat before following after. Fenrir scrambled to sit upright before Val pounced.

"You've taken so good care of me," they cooed. "I've been desperate to return the favor." Val roughly slid down Fenrir's pants, revealing the Pilot's erection. They eyed it hungrily. " this what arousal feels like..."

"Babe, you don't have to..." Fenrir blushed at the sudden exposure. "I know most girls want me to top th-"

"Shut up," Val snapped. "Yes, most girls want to use you as their fuck machine. I've listened to you vent about it." Fenrir cringed. She didn't know they were listening. "You have a dick, so obviously you're a top. Idiots." Val's tone was venom as they spoke. "I told you, my wife, I know what makes you tick. I know what you really want." Their face softened as they met Fenrir's eyes. "You want to get dominated by a hot femme, don't you baby girl?"

Fenrir almost started crying again. "...y-yes, love." She wasn't used to being so vulnerable in such a short amount of time. Clearly the Butch Police would come to revoke her card at any moment. But god, Val just made it so easy to be honest, and it felt so fucking good to be.

"Good girl," purred Val, causing Fenrir's heart to melt. They hitched up their dress and straddled their wife in one fluid motion. Fenrir gasped as Val's cock rubbed against hers and Val smirked. "You seemed to like both, so I came prepared. If you're good I'll let you inside."

"Ruff!" Fenrir bucked against her wife with a bark and Val laughed, arching back and letting their cock grind against Fenrir's. They had, in fact, studied well, and soon Fenrir was a panting, dripping mess in the pilot seat.

"Going to cum for me, my wolf?"


"Use your words, wolfie," murmured Val, slowing just enough to keep Fenrir on the edge. Their wife whimpered pathetically.

"P-please let me cum in you, Miss," she begged, desperately thrashing against Val that hovered just out of reach.

"Hmm...such a good girl for me."

Val forced themselves down on Fenrir's cock, their ribbed synthetic slit taking it to the hilt as though built for her. She babbled a string of curses and barks as Val rode her senseless before cumming hard inside her wife, the thin stream disproportionate to the powerful orgasm.

Fenrir laughed. Fenrir barked. Fenrir sobbed. All the while Val rested on top of her, soft hands gently caressing their butch. They had yearned for the chance to be there for the pilot of their heart, and though their body did not allow for it mentally they wept tears of joy.

"I love you, Fenrir."

"I love you, Valkyrie."

The two wives laid their, entangled in each other's arms until sleep claimed them.

As the sun rose, Hax opened the hanger doors and was hit with the scent of the previous night's adventure.

"Enjoy the honeymoon, you two~"