Chapter 14: The Path Forward (Part 2)
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Chapter 14: The Path Forward (Part 2)

[Part 2 of the Double Chapter Release for reaching 150k views on WebNovelšŸ„³]


Anti-heroes in My Hero Academia defy the traditional hero archetype. They don't adhere strictly to the established rules, often bending or breaking them in pursuit of their goals. Their methods can be questionable, and their motivations might not align with the lofty ideals upheld by the hero society. These characters challenge the notion of a clear-cut contrast between heroes and villains, injecting moral ambiguity into the story.


One prominent example of an anti-hero in the series is the vigilante Stain, also known as Hero Killer Stain. Stain despises the current hero society, viewing many pro heroes as hypocrites who prioritize fame over genuine heroism.


His brutal methods involve incapacitating heroes whom he deems unworthy, based on their motivations and actions. Stain's ideology, while extreme, raises thought-provoking questions about the hero system's flaws.


The Hero system is a structure created by society and like all creations, it is imperfect. I understand the need for a good positive image with the populace but the heroes who do not live up to their fame and act in a different way than they portray behind the scenes are the ones who need to be disposed of. With that, I do agree.


Anti-heroes often operate outside the bounds of the law, leading to conflicts not just with villains but also with the hero establishment. This injection of moral ambiguity elevates the storytelling, prompting viewers to question the conventional definitions of heroism and villainy.


Even in the series, there were Stain sympathizers among the populace. If he had stayed active for a bit longer, the people would start questioning the heroes just like how I did when I heard Stainā€™s and Togaā€™s story.


One of the underlying themes in My Hero Academia is the exploration of what it truly means to be a hero. While the hero society upholds certain values, the series invites scrutiny of these ideals through the lens of anti-heroes.


Characters like Endeavor, a pro hero with a trash personality and even trashy facial hair, adds another layer to this exploration. Endeavor's complex character arc delves into redemption, accountability, and the consequences of prioritizing success and power over empathy.


In a world brimming with quirks and superhuman abilities, the introduction of anti-heroes provides a sort of counterbalance. It challenges the notion that heroes are infallible, and villains are irredeemable.


The moral grayness of anti-heroes prompts introspection not just within the fictional world of My Hero Academia but also among the wannabe shounen protagonists watching the anime at home.


As the series progresses, it becomes evident that characters exist along a spectrum, with their allegiances and actions influenced by personal experiences, convictions, and societal expectations. The hero-villain conflict, once seemingly straightforward, evolves into a multifaceted exploration of morality, justice, and the consequences of wielding extraordinary power.


In conclusion, My Hero Academia's hero-villain conflict is spiced up by the inclusion of anti-heroes who challenge established norms and introduce moral ambiguity. The series delves into the difficulties of heroism, scrutinizing the flaws in the hero society while presenting characters who walk in the gray areas of morality.


This approach elevates My Hero Academia beyond a traditional superhero story, inviting viewers to contemplate the intricate interplay between power, responsibility, and the shades of morality that define the series.


ā€¦But that moment of contemplation and the feeling of almost attaining enlightenment is shattered when that grapes-for-hair kid gets an upskirt view of Momoā€™s striper-like hero costume. (I legit forgot his name and I donā€™t care enough to google it)


And all those who could be great philosophers in the theory of morality instantly shake away any distracting thoughts and unzip their zippers. If they arenā€™t satisfied by the amount of fanservice in the episode, then theyā€™ll simply go to Shontai and continue their business, destroying the possibility of achieving anything in the future.


ā€˜*Sigh* What a waste,ā€™ I think as I contemplate my course of action. If I choose the path of a hero, I donā€™t know any other ways than graduating from a hero school. Not to mention my proclivity to bite my preyā€™s head off. The way of an anti-hero is also a meh kind of choice given that I donā€™t have a strong passion to changing the hero system.


My real problem, is with society and its treatment of mutant quirks. Friendly reminder that my first human kill was a mutant toddler with a mutation so serious that I couldnā€™t differentiate between him and an ant with a quirk.


*Sigh* Despite Rumi just starting her hero gig, given how young she looks and the lack of wisdom shown by breaking through the roof, Iā€™m pretty sure that she already has a decent fan following.


This straight-up proves that as long as the mutant quirks aren't too physically disgusting, they are cheered on and supported. Politics is a better route to start fixing the issue at its root, but I donā€™t think that I can understand the Japanese thought process enough to manipulate the people into voting for me.


Even if I have a brief overview of how much the society is fucked up and even having the knowledge of future events, I donā€™t have the street smarts to take advantage of that. Reminder that I was, and still am, just a random nobody who got isekai-ed.


ā€œ*Sigh* So villain route it is then!ā€ I say a bit too loudly for my liking. Now the waiter is looking at me like Iā€™m sus. Although I spoke in English, the word villain is still used as is, in the Japanese language.


I sweat drop as I focus on my food with a strained smile. The next step of being a villain is rather easy. I can get my followers from the ones with mutant quirks who want to see a change in society.


Then like Momonga, I can relax and let my future Demiurge scheme and plot while I occasionally use my overwhelming might to keep dissenters in check. No Albedo. I don't want a yandere who might slaughter any female I look at. Itā€™s a good plan if I say so myself.


Now, where to find my personal right-hand woman. Why woman you ask? Naturally since Iā€™d rather have a beauty giving me head as I nom on some. Ohh and also because women are just as capable as men are and can do anything they put their mind to. Definitely not because I find them more pleasing to the eye.


Now back to the gameplan on how to become a villain. Aha! I know! Letā€™s break into Tartarus and see if I can score some useful subordinates. At the same time, I can solve (eat) a future problem before AFO breaks them out.Ā 


ā€˜But to do that I need information. And I know just the place to find some.ā€™ A malicious grin spreads across my face as I start scheming. The waiter from before seriously contemplates whether calling the cops would be a good idea.


(A/N: Hey allšŸ‘‹! Thank you for 150k views on WebNovel and 6.5k views on ScribbleHub in just over 10 days!!


As a treat, I wrote 2 chapters. Honestly, I was gonna do it for just 100k views but since you all were generous enough to double my views in 24 hours, who am I to say no? So I returned the courtesy šŸ˜„.


It wasnā€™t that hard since I just had to go beyond the limit I placed on myself for the philosophical ramblings. Ā Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed the chapters.


I have been getting a lot of feedback on the author notes in between the chapters so Iā€™m gonna work on it and try to incorporate the gag moments in another way. I hope that yā€™all would stick with me to see the end of this fic.


Iā€™m a newbie writer and this is my first work. So after the end, when you read the first few chapters again, I hope youā€™d go, ā€œDamn, heā€™s come a long way!ā€


Anyway, donā€™t forget to toggle on your notifications since the Romantic Interest is revealed in the next chapter šŸ˜. Thank you all for the continuous support and Iā€™ll see you in 2 days!)


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