Chapter 17: Naming Sense Go Brrrr
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Chapter 17: Naming Sense Go Brrrr<*?>

(Warning: Kissing and implied nudity)
{Should I put this sort of warnings in the future as well? Or are ya'll grown-ups?}

After gawking for a while, I snap out of it and try to focus on my book. But it looks like that won’t happen anytime soon. 


In my old world, I was your stereotypical good guy who would always help out when asked for. My identity was defined by the words ‘respectful’ and ‘hesitant’. 


Even if one of my friends who are of the female variety could be open to being… ‘more’, I would hesitate and keep a respectful distance. But not anymore.


I’ll still be respectful of course. But that hesitance to even shoot my shot is going to be booted out. New world, new me!


After taking a few deep breaths, I pump myself up to go and talk to her. After mentally recalling the teachings of the (Self-Proclaimed) Rizz Lords of Instagram and Reddit, I pick up the neglected book and make my way over to her.


I walk with as much confidence and determination I could muster. She looks up from her book as she feels someone looking at her with intent. 


When she sees me walking over, her expression from before freezes and turns into an emotionless one. However, the twitching of her eyebrow showcased her dissatisfaction at being disturbed. 


She sends a sharp glare but when I continued and stopped before her table, her gaze turns into one of pure shock. 


“Umm…” As I stand in front of her thinking of what to say, I try to remember the teachings of the great Master Oogway. 


The beauty before me schools her expression before looking at me with a questioning gaze. I, however, fail to notice her hand stiffening near the sleeve of her hoodie in preparation. 


After taking a moment to breathe, I look into her eyes as I prepare the foolproof pickup line which was said to be tried and tested for generations and has succeeded without fail.


I gulp as I ask, “Do you like sleeping?”


With a raised eyebrow and in a clearly confused tone, she replies, “Yes…?”


 “Then wanna do it together?” With my eyes lighting up and a confidence previously lacking in my voice, I ask, fully knowing that she’s caught in my trap.


With a dumbfounded expression, she looks at me. Taking my chance, I deal the final blow. Ensuring that my place in her heart would be firmly engraved. 


I use the GigaChad Face emote.








Space freezes. Time stops. There is no other sound in the world. No distractions from the ongoing era-changing event. 


The woman subjected to the ultimate rizz unleased upon her by yours truly, flushes like when someone has had one too many tequila shots. 


She drops her book, jumping out of her chair and into my waiting arms. She wraps her legs around my waist and gives me a deep, passionate kiss.


After a couple of minutes of intense snogging and using our hands to explore each other’s bodies, we separate. A string of saliva connecting our swollen lips. 


“I love you! Please put your babies in me!!” She all but screamed in my face when she got a chance to catch her breathe. She starts to grind her very wet crotch on my 2-feet long fuck stick, which has torn a hole through my pants and rests firmly between her lovely plump cheeks from below. 


“If I ever say no to that, then you can shoot me!” And with reckless abandon start to take her on the library floor. 








“Are you done staring? Or are you going to do something other than act brain dead?” A clearly angered voice broke me from my reverie. 


“Huh?” I jolt, only realize that I have been staring at the woman for well over a minute. 


“Umm, ehh, uhh…” I try to think of a response to clarify the blunder I found myself in. Damn my overactive imagination! If not for the book in her hand obscuring my lower half from view, then I’m pretty sure that she would be able to see my… ‘delight’ at meeting her. 


Shit! Her book! I quickly raise my book so that it’s clearly visible and ask her about the requirements to be able to borrow it. I’m so smart! Well done me! With a smug look on my face which flew over the woman’s head, she shared the information. 


“You cannot directly borrow the book,” She was looking at me like I’m an idiot, “You need to link your phone to the library website through the librarian’s terminal. You can then freely read any book in the library on your phone.”


I was bewildered and with a scrunched-up face, I ask, “Then why is such a place still maintained?” 


“It’s more for the people who can’t afford the website’s subscription fees. Not to mention the academic atmosphere of the place, which is exploited during the exam season by the students from nearby universities.”


“Now if you’re done, I would like to return to my book” she said in a tone that brokered no arguments. 


With a quick word of gratitude, I bolted out the door. Not before remembering to store the entire section on coding into my inventory for a second and placing it back with all the books previously taken in it as well.


With all the knowledge on info tech Sage would realistically need for me to eek out a living, I hurry out the library as if someone set my ass on fire. Embarrassment clear on my face for everyone to see. 


(15 minutes later)

With an audible sigh, I make my way to the biggest electronics store in the area. The place also has good stuff from what the memories of the villains I ate entailed. 


The plan was to buy the laptop with the best specs realistically possible. I would rather go for a custom built one but I lack the requisite knowledge for it. 


It’s not a matter of books but the fact that I don’t own a workable phone yet and can’t YouTube my way out of any mess I make. 


Sage can actually assemble one in no time even without instructions since, well, she’s not an idiot. But I’d save myself some hassle since I don’t need something specific right now. 


So here I am. Standing in front of the largest Anti-Apple center south of Tokyo.


Also referred to as ‘Pear’ by the plebeians.


(A/N: I just watched LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring, and all I want to say is that we all need a Sam in our lives. 😊

It’s still technically Thursday since the west is behind, even though it’s about 2 am rn for me on a Friday. Hence, technically I’ve not posted late. Even though WN follows a time zone faster than my own.



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