Chapter 19
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“It’s very nice to meet you. My name is Emira, and you are?”

If I would answer now, she’d probably faint.
Shit, the temptation actually makes it hard to remain still.

“{My name is Priscea. I am the most beautiful fairy in the whole world!}”

I think that was meant to be me.
Talia must never hear even a single word about what is happening here!!!

Emira reaches out and pushes me into a curtsey, still being extremely gentle so as not to break anything.
She has been holding on to me until now, so she must have realized that my body isn’t made of a hard material, but is supported from the inside.
Even if she doesn’t think I have bones, she seems to be aware that I’m probably delicate.
Speaking of which, do I have bones?
Doesn’t matter, stop using me like a puppet!

“How wonderful to meet you, Priscea! I hope you’ll be my friend! I have many here, but surely you have more!

Well, my circle of friends is rather limited.
That glade full of insane fairies isn’t considered among them.
Garen would surely count, and of course Maline as well, although I haven’t seen her for some time.
I hope they’re doing okay, despite my sudden disappearance.
I probably should find a way to let them know that I’m alright.
Even though, currently, my safety may be in question.

Speaking of which, Emira begins slowly spinning me around, apparently examining me once more.

“Oh, you look so pretty! You’re ador, ad…adorable!”

Some say that receiving complements is never bad.
I would highly disagree.
Being praised by a young girl for being an adorable doll is extremely troubling.

“So what should we play now? Tea party? No, too early. Ah, yes. I’ll show you your new home!”

I have a home!
A nice one, with my family!
It might be a bit big for me now, but that’s fine.
Nonetheless, Emira carries me to a corner of the room and sits on a low stool.
Directly in front of her, there’s a building standing on a wooden foundation.

Okay, this is a big house!
Yeah, sure, it’s only big to me.
This whole thing might have barely reached my waist before, but now it’s a massive three story mansion with an attic.
The wall facing me is split and swung open to allow access to the interior, which enables me to see all the rooms inside, and I can’t help but grind my teeth.
Everything is exactly my size!

Well, maybe a few of the commodities are a little large, but most are just right.
Also, it is extremely well-made, quality craftsmanship.
I cannot accept that such a place could be my ideal environment!
Shit, there is even a perfectly sized princess bed!

After a moment, she grabs the enormous section attached to the right corner of the house and effortlessly swings it shut, revealing the elaborate facade of this manor and an entryway towards its far right side.
Then she gently places me on the porch in front of the entrance.

“Are you ready to go inside, Priscea? Don’t be shy, I’m sure you’ll get along with everyone! Here, let me open the door.”

She does so, then places me into the large chamber it reveals.

“This is the living room! Everyone plays and talks to each other here! They’re all very nice, and no one is mean at all! You’ll like it here, I promise!”

I can see how your dolls usually don’t make much trouble, but I’m rather certain I won’t be settling in here.
In a few moments, the lighting in the room increases.
Most likely, she has reopened the front wall.

“And now if you’ll come this way.”

She grabs me from behind, then turns me to the left and begins moving me forward in the typical doll fashion.
Many short, quick hops that removes the need to bend the legs to simulate walking.
Which I’m rather thankful for.
Even if I’m stronger than I first assumed, that doesn’t mean I intend to test the limits of my body’s durability.

In only a few moments, she finishes moving me into the next room.

“This is the kitchen! See all these pots and pans, Priscea! I’m sure you’ll make lots of tasty food here!”

Actually, I’m a terrible chef.
Talia takes up that task when mum is busy.
They don’t trust me to cook alone for fear I’ll set the house aflame.
A fear that may have been exacerbated now that I have magic.

“Now, on to the upper floors!”

She seems really excited about this.
After moving me to the base of the nearby stairs, she lets go.
How is she going to move me up these steps?

Don’t grab my head!
Fortunately, she did so only for a brief moment to pull me directly up the stairway before returning to her previous tender grasp.
I was so close to slipping up.
She couldn’t see me properly, but I flinched in surprise for a moment.
I must do better.

“Welcome to the second floor! Down those halls are the rooms for the many girls waiting to be your friend. But I have a special room just for you! Let’s go up another floor!”

Not again!
She puts her hand down through the stairway above and repeats what occurred previously.
Would you stop that!?

“So, above you is the attic. That’s where Minora is sleeping. You’ll need to be careful of her, as she’s a bit of a snob, but it’s fine as long as you don’t wake her up.”

Not like I had any intention to make much noise here in the first place.
She begins moving me down the hall.

“There on your left you can see the bathroom. You may use it whenever you want, but you should wait to take a bath till I get your things ready.”

How is this fair!?
There is more than just a bath here, it’s an exquisite tub!
This playhouse is more luxurious than my own home!
Now you’re just mocking me, world!

“On the right is a dressing room, but first, we need to go to the bedroom. This is going to be your place.”

She makes me do some more doll hops and pushes me into a bright pink room with a fancy princess bed that is currently occupied.

“And this is Shera! She is my oldest and closest friend!”

Shera appears to be the well-loved doll, slightly larger than I, lying on the bed.
It’s sad that such a nice girl apparently has no real friends.

Emira takes the other doll and brings her close to me, its empty, blank eyes staring into mine.

“[Hello! I’m Shera! I hope we can get along!]”

“{Hello, Shera! I’m Priscea! Of course we can! Let’s be friends!}”

Hello, creepy inanimate doll!
With surprising dexterity, probably honed by countless play sessions, Emira gently lifts my arm with her finger, then does the same with the doll and forces us to shake hands.
Absolutely! Never! Telling! Talia!

“Here, Priscea! Take a seat. You must be tired.”

She places me near a stool in the room then gently pushes me into a seated position.
Would you please stop!
For now I’m holding still, but I promise I can sit on my own!

“Oh, Priscea, your hair is so colorful!”

“[I know a style that would look absolutely lovely. Won’t you let me brush it, please?]”

Oh no!
My hair comes down to my shoulders, and while it’s true the last time I tended to it was the morning of that horrible day, that doesn’t mean I want a giant, young girl meddling with it.
If she starts pulling, I may not be able to remain motionless.

Emira takes up a brush from the nightstand next to me, then spins my stool so that I’m facing away from her and looking at the wall.
Tensing slightly, I prepare myself to rush away if necessary.
One of her fingers rubs along the back of my neck, lifting my hair.
Then she starts brushing!

It feels rather pleasant.
Even though my hair should be full of tangles at this point, the brush runs through my wavy locks with ease.
Evidently, the color isn’t the only difference from before.
She seems to be talented at this, as I feel only the gentlest tug with each stroke, and she’s avoiding my wings.
Quite relaxing…

That was too close.
I almost forgot to stay still for a different reason than I had first supposed.
Luckily, Emira doesn’t appear to have noticed.
After a prolonged period of time, she deems my hair sufficiently groomed and puts the brush back.

Please tell me you’re done!
This does not compensate for being treated as a toy!

Unfortunately, she takes a comb and a couple ribbons from a nearby table, then begins working on my hair once more.
She seems to be parting it in the back.
Now she’s pulling, but not too harshly, it’s bearable.
As long as it doesn’t get worse than this, I can keep still.
After some extensive fiddling, during which I desperately wish I could look back, she stops.

“Your wings are very pretty, Priscea, but could you please close them for just a moment?”

If you dare pull on my wings, this doll act will be over!
I don’t want to use my magic on you, but I will if I must!
The pain from that would simply be unbearable.
There’s no way I could stay frozen like this!

Despite my worries, Emira tenderly pushes my wings together.

“Yes, I believe this suits you better for now. Oh, but let me quickly take care of this.”

Take care of what?
There’s nothing wrong with me!
Well, for a fairy at least.
I think.

From the sounds of things, she’s searching for something in the room.
I’d like to turn and look, but that would require me to move.
It isn’t long before the vibrations from her steps let me know she’s returning.
Then her fingers gently, but firmly, wrap around the front of my torso, and she picks me up once more.

“Please hold still, Priscea. This will only take a moment.”

What, exactly, do you think I’ve been doing!?

Immediately following her words, I feel something along my back, directly along the base of my wings where my dress is cut open.
She then, incredibly slowly, moves it back and forth across my back, consistently progressing downward.
From the feeling, it seems to be a damp brush of some kind.

Am I dirty?
There wasn’t anything that I noticed, but maybe I missed something under my wings where I couldn’t see?
This wouldn’t be terrible, except for the fact that it tickles!
I would’ve never called myself sensitive before, much to Talia’s chagrin, but the place my back meets my wings now tickles dreadfully when the brush touches it.
Thankfully, the feeling soon ends, but then returns on my other side, again for only a few moments.
Which is quickly followed by a gust of warm air that rapidly dries me off.

“That should do. You did very well, Priscea!”

Thanks, I guess?
But that’s still not my name!
Stop treating me like a toy!

Emira then places me on the side of the doll bed.

“Shera did up your hair very prettily! Do you like it?”

With this, she brings a hand mirror from a nearby stand and holds it in front of me.
The reflection nearly shocks me out of my role.
What has she done to me!?
Not satisfied with separating my hair into twin tails, which are fixed with large, gaudy pink ribbons, no, she also braided in small, shiny, marbles near the ends!

“{Oh, yes, this is wonderful! Thank you so much, Shera!}”

Seating the doll beside me, she continues.

“[It was my pleasure! It’s always an honor to work with such wonderful hair! I’ll help you whenever you need!]”

“{Oh, Shera, I’m so grateful! Mmwah}”

While speaking, Emira uses her fingers to press my face against the cheek of the doll next to me.
This isn’t nearly as pleasant when the doll isn’t yours.
Or for that matter, when someone is forcing you to kiss it!

“Oh, I’m so glad the two of you are getting along this nicely!”

Emira looks on happily at the scene she built in her house, while swinging her legs under her.
Does she seriously have tears in her eyes?
Ugh, I’m going to have to destroy this illusion of hers.
Amazing, Akari, you seem to be getting skilled at making little girls cry.

She seems to be pondering something.
What’s she going to do now?

“You’re so beautiful, Priscea, but why don’t you try on something a bit fancier? Wait here, I have just the thing.”
