Chapter 3
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Urrgh, I feel horrible.
What happened?
The last thing I remember was something about fairies.
Probably mum telling her stories again.
Is this what a hangover feels like?
I didn’t expect mum to be able to afford any alcohol for my coming of age, but maybe she hid some away for me?
If this is what it does to me, I’m never touching it again.
I’ve seen what happens to others after a night of drinking.
I didn’t vomit in my bed, did I?
Don’t think so, all I smell is a Luicidae like scent.
Even my breath smells of it, weird.
What alcohol gives such distinctly fresh breath in the morning?
Uhhg, something to ask later, right now, I’m going back to sleep.

Why is this blanket so heavy?
It’s soft, and warm, but it’s not my usual blanket.
Guess I’ll have to get my eyes open.

Ugh, why is it so bright in here, and where am I?
The room is made of white walls which appear somewhat transparent, as I can see sunlight through them, and the bed I’m on is made of something soft and yellow.
My blanket…I appear to be embraced by a girl.

I also appear to be naked.

Yeah, sure, I’ve never drank before, but there is no way I got that drunk!
Not with my mum keeping an eye on me, at least.
I know she was planning something personal, not a public celebration.

But at a glance, this room isn’t immediately familiar.
Also, there’s no obvious door.
And where are my clothes?
If I removed them, shouldn’t they be on the floor?

Oh no!
Did someone kidnap the two of us!?
Are we trapped in here!?
But, that doesn’t make any sense.
We haven’t had crime of that sort around here in years.
What is going on!?

“Hey, ahem, Who ar-, cough, wher-”

What is up with my voice?

“Ah, ah, aaahhh!”

My voice is far too high, so high I feel I could break someone’s ears.
Even a little girl’s shriek doesn’t come close to this, and it’s not helping my headache.
I try clearing my throat, but there doesn’t seem to be a problem I can clear.
Maybe this person will have answers.

I shake the girl stuck to me, and she seems to slowly react.
She opens her eyes, and I stare at two tiny black dots, surrounded by an expansive field of deep, dark blue filling the entire eye.
Then I notice it matches her hair.
She gives me a tired stare before closing them again and shifting herself to snuggle closer to my side, causing one of her wings to move into view.
Butterfly wings!


I’m again stunned, struggling to process everything around me.
Eventually, I manage to get my thoughts together and do the only reasonable thing in this situation.
I panic.

I rush up, forcing the fairy up with me since she’s still holding me tight, and shake her till she opens her eyes again.
Then I shake her some more.

“Wha- hrmm, what i-, cough, Oh whatever! What is going on here!? When did you get so big!? What did you do to my voice!? Where am I!? Speak!”


Once I stop shaking her, the fairy just tilts her head at me, and then focuses her eyes on something behind me.
I follow her eyes and look back.
Nearly pure white butterfly wings.

I start pulling at them, trying to get this costume off me.
I’m guessing Miss Delia made it.
Is that what happened?
My mum had me wear a costume before drinking, then this giant fairy kidnapped me thinking I was like her?

Argh, these are stuck on somehow.
However they’re attached to me back there, it hurts a little when I pull too hard, and I can’t see with these wings in the way.
This girl is also trying to stop me, franticly grabbing at my arms when I try to pull.
Well, if I can’t see what’s holding these to me, I’ll have to tear some fabric out of the way first.
I manage to swat the girl’s arms away from me long enough to get a good grip on one of the wings, then yank in opposing directions as hard as I can.


I succeed in ripping a piece of the wing off, but immediately my back surges with excruciating pain.
As I lay screaming on the bed, the fairy jumps up and flies out of a hole in the ceiling.
After a few moments, I manage to reduce my screaming to mere crying, as I writhe in throbbing agony.
It’s so bad that it feels as if something even beyond my back has broken.
Did I injure something while pulling?
I know I’m an adult now, but seriously?
Hopefully, that fairy will bring some sort of help, because the pain is not going below pulsating torture, and I can’t even think clearly.

A shadow falls on me, and I manage to turn my head to see the fairy returning through the hole.
She’s carrying a blue orb of light, but it’s sparkling with hints of gold and green.
She holds it out in my direction and the light jumps to me.
Immediately, all of my pain ceases, and I let out a sigh of relief and relax, while I feel something shifting and stretching in my back.
Or rather, beyond my back.

I look at my hand, holding the torn piece of white wing, and find my skin is far too fair and smooth.
My hair hanging down around my face is also white with a blue tint, along with speckles of green and gold.
Timidly, I turn my head to look back at the wing I tore, already knowing what I’ll find, yet scared to prove it.
Instead of pure white, there are now small blue lines making patterns in the wings, with green spots in the top corners and gold bordering the outside.
They’re also completely whole again, with no sign of a tear.
Just as I felt them to be!

When I move my hand to touch them, the fairy flies toward me and hovers in the air.

“Miieep! Miep, Mieeep! Miep! Miep! Miep!”

She’s staring down at me menacingly while shaking her finger like a mum scolding a child.
I’m completely overwhelmed and my tears return.

“What is happening to me? Please, talk to me! I’m scared!”

Instead of answering, she tilts her head again, sees me crying, appears to panic, and then lunges forward to pull me into a hug.
This still does not help me know what is going on!!!
Why is this fairy as big as me!?
Why do I have wings!?
Where am I!?

Those first two I have no way of knowing, but just maybe, I can answer my last question.
I take a few moments and try to pull myself together, which the warm hug actually does help a bit with, then I take a look around the room, seriously examining everything this time.
This chamber is not very large.
It’s a round room with a dome ceiling that has a hole directly in the center.
The walls seem to be made of several layers, vertically aligned, overlapping next to each other.
The only furniture is the bed that lies in the middle of the room.
It’s made of a soft, yellow material that almost flows through my fingers when I try to gather it, yet is sturdy enough to hold me and the fairy when we were laying on it.
It also has a very familiar sweet smell.

I know this!
My gaze darts around the room again, desperately looking for anything that would indicate I’m wrong.
White overlapping outside, soft yellow center, an opening directly above it, and this smell.
This is no house!
This is a flower bud!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
It can’t be true!
If I fit in here…
She’s my size…
Butterfly wings…
This must be a joke!
A cruel joke with me as the punch line!

I am a fairy!!!