Ch2) New Beginnings – Observe? Review!
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I... don't know? Wait! 'Why don't I know!?' Ideas bounced in my head, nothing settled, my thoughts messy. How did I forget my name- who was I- where are my- "Lyssa." ... 'That-' "Thy name."

"Indeed, thee hast remnants to pull from whilst the remainder..." She paused, closing her eyes and looking towards the ceiling. "Indeed." Her eyes open- "'Know thyself.'" Stretching her arms forward, she looks to the window. "What I know of thee, I learned from she who brought you to me. Thy name, what happened to thee, and why thy soul resides in this body of mine." Slowly, Envanna walks towards the window. "Shadow Veil." '!!!' As if it's alive, her shadow rises up like dark flames and coils around her feet, rapidly climbing her body while becoming pitch-black clothing. In moments, it... solidifies? Anyway, Envanna is now dressed in a dark grey Victorian-era ball gown that transitions at the skirt into a deep crimson. "This shall do for the time being."

'Envanna?' I, don't even know what to think! 'A... lot of things happened... I'm out of the loop completely.' "Indeed." A small sigh escapes her lips. "Thou art in such predicament, yet cause and truth are unconsciously diverted from thought by thy own mind. Preservation of self and sanity so-to-speak." Pausing her thoughts, Envanna silently moved from the window and sat upon a bed. Right. I didn't really notice but we're in a bedroom. "Lyssa. Take time to ponder upon recency. Details shall divulge should thee desire them to."


I... 'I met you.' "Indeed." 'I... met someone else. Just before meeting you.' "..." 'And, she was telling me something. I didn't pay attention. My mind, was off.' The lengthy pause seemed so loud. 'I, died.' "...Indeed."




The world seemed dark. Mine new sister... a torrent of information flooding one's mind, rendered her insensate. Death- be it fear of or it's encroaching presence- holds mine sister under lock and key. Mayhap, I rushed this, and yet she requires reformation should survival be desired.


"Lyssa." My name. I'm being called out to. Hearing my name- "Lyssa." -is painful, but her voice is so soothing... and I want hear her more. 'Envanna?' "Ah, Lyssa!" She smiles brightly. "Thee remained despondent for some time, permitting mine mind to entertain... thoughts." For a moment her face darkened into a terrifying scowl, before returning to the smile from before. "How dost thee feel?"

Taking a moment to think... 'I, should be okay? It's a complex feeling, to comprehend my own, death.' I could feel some words getting stuck, but I was able to say them. "Then, shall I review?" ...what? 'What do you... Envanna? Review?' "Indeed. Thee hast put thought to it and remain hesitant to fact. May it help or hurt... hearing from another person- myself namely- professes potential in granting thy heart reprieve."

... 'I. Okay. Please do.' Envanna lays back atop the bed, which, I didn't notice until now... "Thy mind became muddled." She threw out a frank statement in a chiding tone, before returning to the soft and comforting tone from before, "I shall confer to thee why, but foremost, pertaining to thy occupation of mine body. Thee hast met with Esmeray, if not spoken, no?" Without giving me time to reply- "Rhetorical, so thee need not answer." Esmeray... ah.

"I myself have received an oracle prior to meeting thee, regarding to thyself and our connection amongst others. Thy spirit occupies mine body alongside mine own spirit. The connection between thee and I is not of interconnectivity yet holds a bond similar to such, and pertain solely to our spirits. 'Two halves of a whole' was it?" Envanna paused. "Be this overbearing, or can thee endure?" 'I am okay! Just, some parts are a bit confusing... Please, continue.' I answered eagerly, surprised by my lack of reluctance to learn from another person. It's very strange.

"Very well." Envanna cleared her throat, and then laid backwards onto the bed. "Perhaps thee can surmise, but this world differs from thy former world. Details for another time, for I shan't digress." She gestured as if waving the thought off before continuing, "I ask of thee to retain thy mind. Bluntly stated, thee perished, and thy spirit can no longer remain in that world." It's... a bit tough to swallow. But... 'Envanna?' "Yes Lyssa?" 'What, is going to happen to me?'

Envanna stopped swinging her legs- whish I didn't even notice she'd been doing until now- and sat up. "Thee need not worry." Giggling at my confusion, she continued, "Esmeray tasked me with caring for thee. Once thy spirit is housed in a proper body of thine own, of course!" But... 'But, what if I wanted to stay with you, like this?' Her body stiffened. 'Can't we stay like this?'


'No' Her face said that, and she shook her head. "Two spirits cannot share a mortal body. Our case pertains as an exception in the upmost, and even then... thine spirit could be assimilated by mine own should I push against thine. Were thee not under Esmeray's protection..." Trailing off, I understood what Envanna was saying. "Although!" I jerked in surprise. "As stated before, I shall care for thee. With our souls connected as such, thee can understand, yes? I wish to protect thee."

I felt, warm. It's really nice. This feeling... Hesitantly, 'Envanna?' "Yes?" ' do I, get my own body?' No matter how you put it I don't know anything about this! But, Envanna is saying it with such confidence. '-and you'll... care for me?' A warm smile, and gentle eyes. "Indeed I shall. As for thy body, that will be up to Esmeray, for I have no such powers." A jolt ran through me, anxiety gripping me. Envanna clearly felt it as her face showed her worry. "What is wrong?" Her tone... I felt some anger, from her. 'I... when she talked with me earlier, I was, rude... to her.' Envanna's face immediately cleared up, and felt soothing. "Ah, worry not, for Esmeray holds benevolence towards those akin to thee. Thyself included. Moreover, comprehension of thy circumstances pertains to the reasons why Esmeray adopted thy spirit."

... 'So, she doesn't hate- wait, adopted?' "Hahaha! Nay! Esmeray hates thee not!" Envanna burst out laughing, answering with amusement. "Thy spirit was ferried over by Esmeray herself, which then refers to thee as 'being adopted into this world' by Esmeray herself." She wiped the corner of her eyes, where tears were forming. Even if I don't have a body I still felt like pouting. She probably felt my mood, "Apologies. Shall we proceed?" ? Feeling my confusion, Envanna continued, "To grant thee a mortal body. Once thy mind stabilized enough, I was to call for Esmeray, and she provide thee such."

Even if I understand that it's dangerous, staying with Envanna like this was the most comfortable... and happiest I've ever been. Giving this up is... "Lyssa." A gentle voice, which seemed to see through my worries, "I shall be here for thee henceforth. Not every moment- although enticing- but should ever thee request, I shall be with thee." I felt as if I was being comforted by her whole being. Though I missed a portion of what she said since she mumbled, 'Then, please tell Esmaray, er, Esmeray that I'm ready... and, be with me. I... want someone- no, I want you there, next to me. Please.'


This chapter has been delayed for QUITE some time... whoops! Now that I'm more used to my new sleep schedule, I should have more energy to write. Right?