[B1] Chapter 65: The Falling Star Party
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Catching Theo's suspicious gaze, Aerin hissed, "Hey, don't give me that look. I'm not going to be swayed by his offer." Her face puffed up with displeasure.
Despite her words, Theo remained on guard. He had the option of opening a portal to Lorian's location and fleeing with Neria using Teleportation spell, but he felt that Aerin was sincere. 
He contemplated the risks; saving her would be a gamble, but it was one he was willing to take. He wouldn't abandon her, not when she had stood by him and Neria at her own peril when she had no obligation to do so. Neria clung to Theo as if he were her only safe place against these people, while Lorian stood silently behind them. 
Oliver finally broke the eerie silence. "This is your last warning. Hand her over, or you'll all suffer the same fate as those royal guards." Murderous intent seethed in his voice.
Just as Theo readied himself to execute his plan, Aerin stepped in front of him, shielding him from the upcoming danger. "Before you lay a hand on her, you'll have to pass through me," she announced, her domineering voice flowed with unwavering resolve.
Guilt pricked at Theo’s heart; he'd been willing to abandon her in the worst-case scenario because they didn’t share any deep bond between them.
Seemingly unmoved by her fearless declaration, Oliver responded, "I really feel sad about doing this, Princess, but you've left me no choice," He signaled his man with a chilly whisper. "Finish her, George."
The man named George, whose burly physique couldn't be fully concealed by his dark cloak, stepped forward. With a wave of his hand, he summoned several boulders and caused them to float above his head.
As the boulders rose from the earth, hovering over Aerin, the expressions on the faces of Aerin, Theo, and even Lorian darkened. Lorian, who had thus far been rude to Aerin, felt a surge of respect for her.
"Rest in peace, Princess," George murmured, lowering his outstretched hand.
Aerin closed her eyes in resignation, bracing for impact. Almost instinctively, Theo moved forward, preparing to wrap her in his arms and initiate his escape plan. But the moment he touched her waist, he stopped at the sight in front of him. 
George looked dumbfounded; the boulders remained motionless in the air. Despite frantic gestures, they refused to descend and follow his command. 
"What on Earth is happening? Why won't they move? I can't control them anymore!" He spoke, his voice filled with annoyance.
Aerin opened her eyes, so shocked that she didn't even noticed Theo's touch, which he had quickly withdrawn. 
The boulders remained stubbornly motionless, undeterred by George's continuous attempts to command them. 
Frustrated, he took a step forward, only to find a face appearing before him—upside-down, as if suspended by the feet, with the head hanging down.
"Hey… What's up?" The man asked, his voice casual despite the intense atmosphere. He had neck-length white hair and wore black glasses on his face. Dressed in a white shirt and black pants, he exuded an odd sense of calm.
George staggered backward, his eyes widening in disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost. "Who are you?" No one had sensed his sudden arrival so this caused him to fear.
"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself." Just as the words left his mouth, a body thudded onto the ground like a discarded rag-doll. Blood splattered in all directions. 
Reacting instantly, Theo shielded Neria's face with his hand, averting her eyes from the gruesome sight once more.
Oliver's voice trembled with fear as he shouted, "Celestial Shadow Herald!" 
His exclamation sent wave of disbelief through the group. "This is not possible… He is one of the strongest elemental warriors on the continent," they murmured among themselves.
Oliver's smug demeanor had completely shattered. "How did you…?" he stammered, looking visibly shaken by this Celestial Shadow herald’s death.
The white-haired man shrugged. "Doesn't really matter. Even if the head of the Eclipse Guild  shows up, he'll be whining like a dog, running back to daddy." He added with an amusing whisper, "In Hell."
The seven men, who had been fearless just moments ago, now quivered like leaves in a storm. To witness the demise of Celestial Shadow herald, second only to their leader and one of the top ten strongest warriors on the continent, was beyond their wild imagination. Who was this man, who stood there unscathed and so carefree?
"Teacher, you're late," Aerin grumbled, interrupting their musings. Oliver and his men exchanged bewildered glances. So, their misfortune was connected to this princess. It made sense, given how easily she had taken down their men despite being just an elite rank elemental warrior. At least, what they thought given they hadn’t seen how their men died.
Her teacher landed on the ground as gracefully as a falling leaf, turning to address her complaint. "Ah, I was having a little chit-chat with that Shadow bald fellow. I wanted to gather some Intel, but I had to rush over when I saw the forest in flame. Guess I used a bit too much force in my grip; he ended up dead." He explained, his voice filled with a bit of regret.
Suddenly, his eyes brightened as they shifted past Aerin. "Brotherrrrrrrr... You're hereeeee! Last time we couldn't talk properly!" 
Theo didn't know if he should be happy or sad to meet this person again. ‘I should have known this lunatic princess can only have another lunatic as her teacher...’ he released a deep breath at this coincidence. But he was in no position to complain as this man came to their rescue at a crucial time.
As Rowan engaged in conversation with Theo and Aerin, a sword cut through the air behind him with a hissing swish. Yet, just before the blade could reach the skin of his neck, it halted, stopped by an invisible wall of force that seemed to shield him.
George's teeth gritted in frustration. Placing his other hand on the sword's hilt, he mustered every ounce of strength he had. His heels submerged in the earth, much like wet clay under pressure, yet the sword remained immobile.
Unfazed by the danger at his back, Rowan gaze remained at the boy. Noticing Theo’s nose wrinkling slightly at the stench of rancid blood, he asked, "It's getting smelly here. Care to join me for some fresh air, Brother?"
A bit hesitant, given their current situation, Theo asked, "Okay, but right now?" But he instantly regretted posing the question.
Without warning, the ground beneath him vanished, and gravity lost its hold. Like a human missile, he rocketed into the sky. His clothes and hair whipped violently against the wind currents, threatening to tear away from him. 
“Beeeg Bruuudder,” Neria's muffled screams pierced his ears, even against the whooshing wind, as she tightened her grip around his neck in a panic for dear life.
After what felt like eternity, their sudden ascent came to a halt and Theo found himself suspended in mid-air, beneath a luminescent full moon. The night sky around him was a filled with twinkling stars. 
Lorian floated behind him, his face twisted with displeasure, and Aerin appeared visibly annoyed. However, Rowan adjusted his glasses with a serene smile as if this was nothing extraordinary.
Theo's gaze shifted to their enemies, who were utterly dumbfounded. They trembled in fear, thinking one mistake would kill them in front of this crazy man who easily suspended them all in mid-air. No one knew how this man was able to manipulate gravity, but they knew he was someone they shouldn't take for granted after he had killed the Celestial Shadow Herald so easily.
Turning around, Rowan began to walk on air as if it were solid ground. "Now then, Just a simple question for you all... Who among you would like to take the first exhilarating trip back to the ground as a live demo for your partners in crime?"
The men's eyes widened in terror as they peered downward, hovering thousands of meters above the Earth. Overwhelmed by fear, they wanted to retaliate in defense, but dreaded that this man would release them instantly, leaving them with no way to survive a fall from such a height 
"No need to panic, everyone! Let's get this falling star party started with our first contestant – the man with the mighty sword," Rowan declared, waving his index finger downward in a directing gesture. 
George began to plummet with a desperate scream, accelerating as he descended. When he finally hit the ground, his body shattered like a pumpkin, blood splattered in a horrific spray, staining the earth below.
Witnessing this ghastly display, the remaining men pleaded in unison, "Please, let us go!"
With a hint of regret, Rowan answered, "I wanted to have a little more fun." After a pause, his face graced with a warm smile as he added, "But alright."
One by one, the remaining men were sent hurtling down, their clothes making a fluttering sound in their wake before their bodies met the same gruesome fate as their comrade's, turning the ground into a nightmarish painting of death and gore.
As Rowan turned back to the group, slipping his hands into his pockets, Aerin complained, "Can't you make this less frightening, Teacher?"
Maintaining a facade of seriousness, Rowan responded, "Consider it part of your training."
Theo interjected, "We have children here."
Unfazed, Rowan shamelessly answered, "Brother, experience is the best teacher. How else will they learn to navigate this world?" His voice bore not a trace of guilt as he justified his actions.
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