Chapter 13.5
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Chapter 13.5

When I stepped into the portal I felt like I was being sucked up.

It felt like if I were sucked into a wormhole and thrown to the other side.

When I opened my eyes, I was in an unknown room, the room looked to be some sort of control room.

There were no light's but as soon as I walked forward the lights turned on.

I could only describe the room as a spaceship's cockpit, there was many seats and control panels.

When I looked at the big screen in front of me, I saw the bird's eye view of the floating castle.

"Is this my domain?" I asked myself.

"This is your domain, you're the only one authorized to operate it," panel said.

P-Panel, that scared me.

There was a particular chair that I was drawn to, so I sat in it.

A lot of screens suddenly came to my vision,

Castle Performances, Castle Surveillance, Castle Features, and Castle Map.

Viewing the Performance Panel, it had a lot of information,

Castle Surveillance had drone like cameras operating in each part of the Castle,

Castle Features:
Teleportation Gate (Placeable)
Castle Service System (Unlocked)
Castle Repair System (Locked) - Level 3
Castle Defense System (Locked) - Level 4
Castle Dimension System (Locked) - Level 5

Woah! Those are a lot of good Features, I almost can't believe what I'm seeing.

Wait... Why the hell are these locked anyways?

"You need to level up your domain skill to unlock these," panel said.

What else can I unlock my leveling up?

"By leveling up, you can expand the size and ability of your Domain,"

So it can also get bigger huh, I thought it was already big enough.

What does Castle Service System do?

"The system provides you with Services without being in the Captain Seat, you can view the Castle from anywhere,"

"It will also alert you of threat's and Automation"

Alright that's a pretty good feature for low level skill.

Now lets take a look at the Castle Map,

Control Room / Throne Room
Living Habitat

Well that's disappointing. Only 4 rooms right now....

I'll have to visit each one of them on a different day, it's getting dark out.

And with that, I had only explored the surface of the Domain Skill,

I need to get stronger in order to unlock everything,

Tomorrow is the Academy's Entrance Exam so I must prepare.

Alright how do I leave?

"Place a gate to were you want to go, but it must be somewhere you've gone before" said Panel.

And how do I hide this thing, I mean it's so big it will get found out.

"The Castle will return to its own dimension after canceling the skill," Panel said.

So I just need to think about a place to put the gate in?

Alright, let's place it in an ally near the Guild.

And with that, I went through the door and came out from the alley next to the Guild.

Now lets cancel the skill

⁅Domain Summon⁆

I think the castle went back now right? Hopefully that worked.

Or else there will be a big scandal tomorrow.


Branch Leader told me to visit him tonight, does he want to do more training or something?

I went into the guild expecting a quiet and lone place, it was late at night anyways.

Instead I was greeted by a party.

"Ya arrived! Here I was thinking ya weren't going to show up! Hohohoho" yelled the branch leader with one leg on the table lifting what seemed to be a cup of alcohol.

"Let's celebr-te *Burp* to Adventurer Adrian," said Branch Leader Gerald.

There were many adventurers, many big muscled brutes were drinking.

What is this a pub? Isn't this a bad thing for a child?

"C'mon sit down! Ya come a long way"

But it's just been a week since I got here tho..

I was grabbed by the adventurers and sat down on a stool.

"We're going to eat lots today boys! Enjoy"

And with this speech, food was passed out and everyone was enjoying the night.

While I sat there speechless, these people are wild animals.

Even the Receptionist which was usually strict was having fun.

"He-ya I tell ya.. *Burp* Back in ma days.. I used to.. be a- *burp* gret adventurar" she said.

I'm surprised she can get like this too..

It was a good night in the Capitals Adventurer Guild, these people celebrate a child like me?

"Hey Adrian, we heard you were taking the Academy Exam tomorrow, Good luck" adventurers gathered.

Why are they so nice, if they were in their right minds they would actually think they are better than me or something like that.

After being greeted I finally finished my plate, it was so good!

"Di-d Ya Like it? I made it," said the Receptionist slurring her words.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

I was genuinely concerned, why was she so drunk?

"And, Yes I did like it a lot" I replied to her previous question.

And then the guild leader also came to my table.

"Come to the training room in a bit, I got something for ya!" he said.

He has something for me? I wonder what it is.

After a bit, I walked to the training room.

I've been training in this room for a week now, I guess it'll be over after this.

And so after looking around I met with the Branch Leader.

"I have a gift for ya,"

"You have passed my training and you'll soon enroll into the Academy!"

Picking what seemed like a chest and bringing it to me.

"Here, this is for you, you're one of us" he said.

I took the chest, not knowing what to do I just held it in my hands.

"Well open it would you?" he said.

I opened the chest and saw a sword and a robe.

I pulled the sword and robe out to inspect it closer.

The Robe made of Black with a gold and red secondary color matched that of a noble.

And the sword has a white blade with carved designs of a dragon.

The grip on the sword was also black and gold, this might be one of the prettiest things I've seen in this world.

"Thank you for this gift," I managed to say.

He probably had no Idea how thankful I was for this gift.

The first Gift I have received from someone in this world.

And after talking for a bit and testing out my weapon, it was now too late and I had to return to the INN.


I'm finally in my room, tomorrow is the big day, I've also been studying when I get home and know all the basics for the exam.

I don't know what will happen from now on, but hopefully I pass.

If I don't pass I guess I'll be kicked from the House and have to become a full time adventurer.

[Next Day]

The light of the sun shined through the window waking me up.

"Oh It's morning already!" I said to myself.

I guess I fell asleep thinking yesterday, let's get ready.

With my most elegant clothes on and my newly obtained robe.

I put the sword in my scabbard and left the INN after eating breakfast.

I made my way to the Academy