GRIMM. Creatures of Shadow made flesh, Drawn to negative emotions...
The man had never seen one like this, however, he had Heard of them. They were supposedly extinct.
He had awoken on an island, The sole survivor, as far as he knew, of a Shipwreck... he hoped His daughter was alright.
He was Raigo, King of Storms, Crab Faunus Pirate, With an Electrically charged Semblance... While rare, Sometimes Faunus Crossbreeds inherit Elements of both parents. His late wife, A Scorpion from the Deserts of Vacuo, Had Unfortunately not survived bringing their daughter into the world... but Raiko, Their Lovely Baby, Inherited Her Tail... And his Left Claw, Though it looked Decidedly Scorpion-like, rather than Crab-like.
He watched the Grimm that had been stalking him Return to its cave, A spear sticking out of its eye, covered in blood... and knew there must be others on the island. He started back in the direction it had come from... but not before Checking His Weapon.
Shotcutter. His Axe. He built it himself, Way back when he had dreams of becoming a Hunter...
Checking its Secondary mode, he saw he had Half a Clip left, and two more in his Belt pouch... Dust Ammo. Lightning Element Loaded, Fire and Ice in the pouch.
Shotcutter looked like an ordinary Single-Bearded War-Axe... but had carved Opening in the Blade. This opening had a switch, thar would trigger The Shift from Axe to High-Calibur Gun. The Head Slides down the Haft, and A Trigger folds out... it can put a hole the size of a basketball In a Beowolfs Chest at point-blank range, depending on Ammo.
Switching back to Melee mode, He began Hacking his way through the jungle... headed down the Grimms path...