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The rest of the Dungeon's Breath had no other encounters for us. Within an hour, we reached the city, although the sun was setting.


We managed to get into the city easily, although several of the guards eyed me, Sashi, Rose, and Ava with suspicion. It seemed that the residents of this city still viewed most demihumans with disdain.


"Why do those people look so unhappy?" Coral asked.


"They don't like demihumans," I told her. "Or, most demihumans. They appreciate the dragon species for their strength, and Elves and Aquans look mostly human."


"Oh," Rose said, her mood falling.


"Yeah, it's stupid," I said. "When I was a five, I figured that out."


"Five?" Sashi asked.


"That's when I ran away," I explained. "It wasn't easy, but I managed to get far enough away that they didn't look for me."


"That young?" Rose asked.


"It's not that young for Orphnik," I replied. "Most people have a job by ten."


"Huh," Adaria said. She was about to continue when Gladia interrupted.


"Alright, we've made it to the inn we're staying at," The older woman said from the driver's seat. "You all get out and I'll drop off the carriage somewhere."


We all got out and entered the large inn. Adaria got us rooms while we looked around.


It was very big, with the foyer being around the size of a cathedral's main room. As I looked at the arches supporting the ceiling and the crossbeams, I realized the design seemed familiar.


Then it hit me.


This was one of the designs that my older sister had come up with before I had left. There were a few small differences, but it was mostly the same.


So it had been built. Then I spotted my family's crest engraved into the large block of wood above the front desk. That confirmed it.


If this was the same design, then there would be a small hidden door in one small corner that led to a secret room. I remembered Alex designing it and telling me how secret it was and that it would be her hideout.


"I'm going to go look at something," I whispered to Sashi, and she nodded. I crept over to the secluded corner, in a dimly lit hallway near the bathrooms. I pressed against one part of the wall and watched a small handle slide out. I grabbed it and opened the door before slipping inside.


I closed the door and walked down the short hallway. I could see relatively easily because of my improved vampire vision, but it would probably be almost completely pitch black for anyone else.


I emerged into a room decorated with tons of pictures and colors.


And then something was pressed against my face. I breathed in and a strange smell entered my nose. I fell unconscious.