11. The Spirit Temple
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At Vester Voldgade and H.C. Andersens Boulevard in front of Copenhagen City Hall, Liam hovered over City Hall Square while scanning the area with his eyes. There was always life here around the clock, but today it was completely empty and eerily silent—not even the sound of the wind could be heard. He looked at a rectangular building with a square tower topped with a green pointed roof, the City Hall, and furrowed his brows.

"Where is everyone?"

He flew towards the building and was suddenly pushed back by something invisible, prompting him to raise his eyebrows.

"I forgot it was Sunday. Everyone is at the Spirit Temple praying to the gods."

He looked up at the sky, covered with thick dark clouds, and then down at a statue in the large square.

"They waste their time praying to false gods. They're still just humans."

He flew up into the sky and quickly passed above the clouds, where he was met by a burning hot sun beating down on him. It tingled on his cheeks, and he looked at the sun, a smile spreading across his lips.

"This is freedom."

He looked up above himself, and far up in the air, there was a large floating island. He immediately flew towards it.


Liam glanced at Kenta.

"Are you curious?"

A moment later, they floated over the island, which turned out to be green and lush. A large white church with four large round towers appeared, and to the left of it was a large white rectangular temple. The sun's rays gave it an ethereal glow, and the building shone beautifully with marble. Behind it was a large oval lake surrounded by thick white trees resembling oak trees with thick trunks and round canopies.

As the wind passed, it gently rustled the trees, and white dust fell from the canopies like snow. When it landed on the grass, it transformed into small white spheres that flew towards the surface of the lake. When they touched each other, the small spheres turned into a gigantic white sphere that rose into the sky and disappeared into space. A moment later, another wind passed, rustling the trees and repeating the same process.

"The circle of life." mumbled Liam as he flew down towards the church.

He landed on a large rectangular square consisting of white cobblestones. The square was surrounded by white bushes and flowers that constantly released white dust onto the green grass. People walked around, tending to the place in silence.

A large bed of large white lilies was placed to the right of the entrance, and as he approached with Mai in his arms, he bent down to smell them and broke into a smile. He noticed a lily with a leaf missing its other half, causing him to furrow his brows, and he cast a sharp glance at a temple guardian.

"Why haven't you fixed it yet? You know the rules."

As he stood up, Mai's cheeks accidentally brushed against the lily's leaf, which immediately began to sprout a new leaf at the speed of light, unnoticed by either of the men.

The temple guardian, an elderly man, hurried towards them and bent down to look at the lily. He furrowed his brows, scratched his cheek, and looked now very confused. He glanced at Liam, cleared his throat, and spoke with a nervous voice.

"My Lord, I can't see anything. Can you show me exactly what's wrong?"

Liam squinted his eyes and stared at him.

"Do you think I'm lying?"

The temple guardian glanced at the lily, and beads of sweat slowly ran down his forehead. He coughed lightly.

"No, my Lord, but I can't see anything. You know I've worked here since we were blessed."

"I don't have time for this." Liam pointed at the lily.

"That one was..." He stopped quickly.

When he saw that the lily didn't miss a leaf, he looked at the temple guardian, then back at the lily, now sporting a large question mark on his face.

"First the beasts, and now this. Am I really getting old?"

He turned around and walked towards the entrance of the temple, waving his left hand.

"Forget it."

"Yes, my Lord." The temple guard bowed to him and returned to his work.

Everyone Liam encountered on the way bowed and greeted him politely while staring at Mai, who was in deep sleep in his arms, and then at Kenta, who flew beside him, observing them with curious eyes.

Liam stood in a large hall, and in the center was a large white round flat stone altar where people were busy polishing white orbs, spirit pearls.


An orb landed on the stone floor, and everyone stared at the person who quickly apologized and tried to pick it up.


A long visible crack appeared in the pearl, prompting everyone to rush to it. They all took out white silk handkerchiefs and tried to wrap them around the pearl collectively but stopped when they touched it. They furrowed their brows, looked at each other, and then back at the pearl. They then gave the man who had dropped the pearl a sharp look.

"What on earth have you done to it?"

The man took out his silk handkerchief and touched the pearl with it, suddenly lifting his eyebrows.

"What on earth?!"

He now looked just as confused as the others, prompting Liam to approach them while staring at the pearl on the floor. Suddenly, he began to sniff the air, still with Mai in his arms, and bent down to sniff the pearl.

"What happened to the Essence?"

He gave the man a sharp look.

"I-I don't know. I haven't done anything to it." The man became incredibly nervous and looked down at the floor in shame.

"Guards, interrogate him." ordered Liam as he stood up and walked towards the altar, gently placing Mai on it.

"What on earth is going on here?"

An old man with short white hair in a white robe approached him with two men in white hooded cloaks.

Liam furrowed his brows. "Elder Wei. I need the altar."

Elder Wei looked at Mai and then at the pearl on the floor and the pitiful man who still couldn't look up.

"I was referring to the pearl. Carsten has been here since the temple was established. We all know him."

He bent down, wrapped the pearl in a white cloth, and walked towards the altar, placing it next to Mai's head.

Liam looked at the pearl, furrowing his brows.

"Elder, what are you doing? It needs to be fixed before the day is over."

Elder Wei chuckled. "It will be fixed before the day is over, but right now, we don't have time. There are VIP guests from the USA."

Liam furrowed his brows again and cleared his throat.

"Tell them I don't have time."

"It's Ezekiel."

"I don't have time."

Elder Wei furrowed his brows and looked at him for a while without saying anything. He suddenly nodded and made a gesture for the others to follow him. They left Liam, Mai, and Kenta at the altar. The doors slammed shut, and Liam began to place pearls around Mai. When he finished, he stepped back, pulling Kenta with him, and waited for something while staring at the altar.