The Fate of Particular Adventures
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(This story has a lot of horrible things in it, such as Goblins, Goblins, rape, gore, and more Goblins. So reader discretion is advised.

 If you haven't watched Goblin Slayer, and don't know what it's about, don't read this. Goblin Slayer is a more realistic take on what a fantasy world would be like. And it spares no expense in the first episode.)

The smell of Iron fills the dark cave air, as dark red blood cakes the ground. A lone Priestess sits on the ground, injured and with an arrow in her left shoulder. Tears fall from her eyes as she shakes uncontrollably in fear. 

The Priestess grips her staff tightly as she looks down a corridor as light shines brighter and brighter from it. Soon a male in steel armor comes into view, his head covered in a helmet. The flames of his torch flickers as a red light shines within his helmet.

Next to him is a shorter boy with a mix of black and white hair, with two black tuffs on his head that look like horns. Two sets of feathers rest on the top of his head, one set on each side. There's a crisp white bandage wrapped around his eyes. 

He's wearing leather armor, with what looks to be wings under both arms. A simple curved short sword rests in the boy's sharp nailed hands. Engraved into the blade is a symbol of a sword with balance scales attached to it.

The flames shine in the Priestess blue eyes as the tears stop flowing.

"I want to be an adventurer!"



Goblin Slayer
A Blind Fate



Earlier that day

Inside the Adventuer's Guild in a large town, we see Priestess standing at the receptionist desk.

"Can you read and write?" The Receptionist asks.

"Can you read and write?" The Receptionist asks

"Yes, I learned how at the temple." The Priestess responds.

The Receptionist hands the Priestess a slip of paper. "Then please fill this out."

Priestess starts filling it out as several adventurers talk about a Manticore in the background.

The Fate of Particular Adventurers

Several speak about demons and such in the dining area.

The Priestess finishes writing down her information and hands the paper back to the receptionist. 

The Receptionist reads over the information. "So, you're fifteen and your job is a priestess."

"Hai." Priestess responds. "I'm an adult now, so I wanted to help other adventurers."

The Receptionist sets a necklace on the counter, with a bit of porcelain attached to it. "This will act as your ID in the guild. There are ten ranks of adventurers, and platinum is the highest rank." Priestess picks up the necklace. "Next is gold, but the highest-ranked out in the field would be silvers. Your identification tag shows that your rank is porcelain, the lowest rank for adventurers."

"So I'm a beginner."

"Yes. It will also help identify you if something were to happen to you, so make sure not to lose it."

"Yes, ma'am." Priestess responds.

"And that ends your registration." The Receptionist informs. Then she motions to a nearby board. "You can find quests on the board there. Please go ahead and find one suitable for your ranks. Or you could join a veteran adventurer's party and--"

Suddenly a man shows up beside Priestess. "Hey, wanna go adventuring with us?"

"Huh?" Priestess looks towards the man.

"You're a priestess, right? My party's missing a priest, but we've got an urgent quest to do, so we were looking for at least one more person. Would you come with us?"

"An urgent quest?" Priestess asks

"An urgent quest?" Priestess asks.

"We're gonna go slay some goblins." The man informs.

The Receptionist lets out a small gasp.

"Goblins?" Priestess questions.

"Yeah, they attacked a village, stole supplies and livestock, and even kidnapped some girls." The party leader informs. "We need to hurry up and save them."

"Um... You're all porcelain-ranked, right?" The Receptionist asks. "I'm sure if you wait a little while, other adventurers will show up..." 

"With the four of us, we shouldn't have any trouble dealing with goblins. Right?"

One of his female party members nods. "Come with us."

"Make up your mind already." The other female member, the witch, speaks.

Priestess thinks for several moments, before turning to the party. "Okay. If you think that I can help you."

"Alright!" The party leader cheers. "We can finally go on an adventure!"

"Welcome aboard!" The witch says.

"Yeah!" The other female member says. "It's great to have you!"

The Receptionist stares at the group, knowing the horrors that will await them.

"Now slaying goblins will be a breeze!" The party leader shouts.

"Calm down." The witch orders.

"Well, if things get hairy, I'll take care of it!" The seconds female party member states.

Priestess notices the look on the Receptionist.




Deep in a forest the party finds a totem outside a cave entrance. They all head inside, but Priestess stops just before entering, she a feeling of worry grows within side of her, but she pushes it down with a deep breath. Then she follows after her party members. 

The party leader lights up a torch as the darkness creeps in.

"Um... Are you sure we should suddenly barge in here?" Priestess asks. "Maybe we should go back and prepare a bit more..."

"Huh?" The Witch turns to Priestess. "We've come this far, and you bring that up now?"

The party leader laughs. "You're such a worrywart. Goblins are as small as children, and just as dumb, too. They're the weakest monsters you can run into. I even managed to chase away some that came to my village once!"

"That's not even worth bragging about." The female Adventurer states.

The party leader unsheathes the sword off his back. "I'm sure we'd be able to handle things, even if we ran into like a dragon!"

"You're getting ahead of yourself, but yeah, we'll eventually get there." The Witch states.

"One day, I'm gonna be a dragon slayer!" The party leader swings his sword up, only to hit the rock ceiling and nearly fall over. "Wh-Whoa!"

The clack from the sword echoes deep into the cave.

The female adventurer laughs as the party leader regains his balance. She walks over to Priestess. "Even if that idiot can't cut them all down, I'll beat them down with my bare hands." Fighter states. "Dont' you worry. Besides, she's a wizard who graduated from the Sages' Academy in the capital."

The Witch looks at Priestess, yet the worry inside Priestess still doesn't subside. 

"Okay, that's enough talking." The party leader states. "Let's go."

The party counties on, as water driping from stalagmites echoes around them.

"Do you have any potions?" Priestess asks.

"Nope." The party leader informs. "We didn't have the time or money to do any shopping."


"Besides, I'm worried about those kidnapped girls. And if we do get hurt, you'll heal us, right?"

"I do have miracles of healing and light, but..." Priestess starts. "I can only use them three times..."

The party leader stops. "Hold up!" He spots another totem and he runs over to it, with Fighter right behind him. "What the heck is this?"

"There was one at the entrance, too

"There was one at the entrance, too." Fighter states.

"Was there?" The party leader asks.

Priestess starts to pray. "O merciful Earth Mother, please provide us protection as we step into the darkness."

The Witch pats her on the back. "Come on, we're falling behind. The other two ran ahead."

"I'm sorry."

Priestess looks ahead and spots the party leader and fighter moving on ahead. She clenches her staff and follows after, with Witch right behind her.

Something crumbles nearby and Priestess stops and turns around to look at Witch.

"What's the matter now?" Witch asks.

"I thought I just heard a sound..." Priestess informs.

"From where?"

"From behind us, I think..." Priestess stares behind Witch.

"We've only come straight from the entrance." Witch states. "There's no way they'd be behind--" A noise goes off behind her.

The two look back towards the direction they came, to spot several of goblins running up to them.

"Goblins!" Witch yells.

The goblins laugh and lick their lips as they stare at the two females.

Witch readies her staff as slight fear runs through her. "Sagitta... Infammarae... radius!" A goblin jumps at her and she holds a hand and her staff out. "Firebolt!"

The Goblin that lunges at the witch gets a fire bolt through the chest, and turns to ash.

Witch smiles deviously. "I got one!" The rest of the goblins step up and she smirks. "Sagitta infammarae radius!"

Suddenly the goblins jump onto her, taking her weapon away and bringing her to the ground. Witches glasses fall off her face and land on the ground, the light from the burning goblin shines off it.

Witch reaches out for her staff as the Goblins hold her down. "G-Give that back!"

The goblin snaps Witches staff in half, and she grows angry and kicks a couple goblins off her. 

Priestess swings her staff at the remaining goblins on Witch. "Get away from her!" Tears start to form in her eyes.

A goblin takes out a dagger and stabs Witch right in the gut with it, causing her to scream out in pain. Priestess watches on in horror as Witch kicks and screams in pain.

Suddenly the party leader and fighter come back and get the goblins off Witch. "Curse you, goblins! How dare you?!"

Fight kneels down to Witch, the looks over at Priestess. "Over here!"

"Take that!" Party leader holds off the goblins as Priestess kneels down to Witch.

"Hurry and perform a healing miracle on her!" Fighter begs.

"Of course!" Priestess holds  her hand above Witch's wound. "O merciful Earth Mother, please lay your revered hand upon this child's wounds! Heal!"

Fighter gets up and runs over to the party leader as he swings his sword at the goblins. His aggressive swinging nearly his Fighter.

"Stop swinging that thing around!" Fighter shouts. "I can't get closer!"

"You protect the other two!" The party leader orders. "I'll take care of these!" He swings his sword at the goblins. "What's the matter, goblins?!" 

The Party Leader slices a goblin's eyes, then pierces another through the chest. But he grunts in pain as the goblin he stabbed through the chest, managed to stab a dagger into his left thigh.

The party leader pushes the goblin off his sword and lets out a pained gasp. The goblin he stabbed looks up at him with a chuckle. He raises his sword. "You bastard!"

Party leader brings his sword down and cuts open the goblin's head, spraying blood onto his face.

A goblin with a club runs up behind him, and he notices it. "You're in my way!" He brings his sword up to cur the goblin, but the blade his the low hanging ceiling, and the blade flies out of his hands.

The group of goblins jump onto the party leader and start to repetitively stab him with their blades. Party leaders pained cries ring out,

The goblins happy laughter ring out as they keep hacking away at the screaming party leader.

Fighter looks on in horror as Priestess grows scared. "Why?" Priestess questions. "I used Heal, but she's not getting any better..."

Fighter sweats. "You two, run!"


Fighter lets out a battle cry as she charges towards the group of goblins on her dying friend. But she stops as she notices he's not moving, she then grows quiet angry.

A goblin licks his lips as he lunges at Fighter with a dagger, but immediately gets punched in the face. Then fighter kicks a couple goblins away from her, then she goes to kick something behind her, but her foot is caught by a large Hobgoblin.

Then fighter kicks a couple goblins away from her, then she goes to kick something behind her, but her foot is caught by a large Hobgoblin

Fighter freezes in horror as she looks up at the Hobgoblin. The hobgoblin drools as it looks down at her. Then it starts to twist her leg and she grunt in pain. The Hobgoblin then lifts up Fighter and slams her into a nearby wall, before slamming her into another. Then the Hobgoblin drops fighter on the ground, where she stays immobilized. 

Priestess shakes in fear as she watches the scene. 

Fighter looks up in fear as the goblins start to surround her, before they start to tear away at her clothes. She cries out as they turn her over and hold her face down to the ground, and lift her behind to the air.

Fighter looks at Priestess. "R... Run..."

The Goblins laugh as they tear off what remains of her skirt, leaving her completely naked. Fighter screams as the goblins start to have their way with her.

Priestess wraps Witch's arm around her shoulder and starts to drag her away, with Fighter's screams ringing out behind her. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." Tears fall down her face. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry!"

The goblin's laughter echoes out behind her as Fighter goes quiet.

"I'm sorry!"

The torch that has lighten up the cave, finally goes out as Priestess drags Witch out of their and deeper into the cave.

"I'm so sorry."

After a while of walking Priestess falls to the ground. "Forgive me!" She says to Witch. "Are you alright?"

Blood pours from the Witch's mouth as she tries to respond.

"Wh-Why..." Priestess asks.

Suddenly an arrow flies out of the darkness behind Priestess, and flies into her left shoulder, sending her to the ground. Priestess cries out as she covers Witch as the goblins start to surround them.

A goblin kicks Priestess off the heavily injured Witch as they start to feel her up and rip off her clothes.

Priestess sits up, her hat having fallen off her head, and grabs her staff as she shivers in fright. "O... merciful... Earth Mother..." A puddle starts to form under her.

The goblins sniff the air, then turn to Priestess and laugh at her.

Suddenly a deep growl echoes around the cave, making the goblins freeze up and start to sweat. Priestess' eyes slightly widen as the two goblins turn around and look in the direction of the growls.

Suddenly a torch light is spotted and the growls stop.

Soon a male in steel armor comes into view, his head covered in a helmet. The flames of his torch flickers as a red light shines within his helmet.

Next to him is a shorter boy with a mix of black and white hair, with two black tuffs on his head that look like horns

Next to him is a shorter boy with a mix of black and white hair, with two black tuffs on his head that look like horns. Two sets of feathers rest on the top of his head, one set on each side. There's a crisp white bandage wrapped around his eyes.

He's wearing leather armor, with what looks to be wings under both arms. A simple curved short sword rests in the boy's sharp nailed hands. Engraved into the blade is a symbol of a sword with balance scales attached to it.

The armored man stands at 5'10'' (178 cm) and the boy stands at 5'4'' (163 cm.)

One of the goblins shakily brings up a bow and fires an arrow. The boy brings up his hand and mutters something. The arrow suddenly glows white and spots mid air. The boy closes his hand and the arrow implodes. 

The other goblin gets his bearings and charges at the two with the dagger, he lunges at the shorter blinded boy. Only for the armored man to bring up a small shield and block the goblin.

The Goblin goes to stab the armored man, only for him to freeze up and grow confused, suddenly his head falls off his body and falls to the ground.

The boy swings his sword to the side and blood falls off it as the goblin's body falls to the ground.

"That's one..." The armored man says in a monotone voice.

The boy's face turns to one of disgust. "There's still another." 

The goblin archer panics and tries to run away as the two step up. But he's stopped by Priestess' staff, and the armored man throws his sword into the back of the archer's head, blood spraying everywhere. 

The goblin archer falls to the ground dead, as the armored man and the boy walk over to Priestess.

"And that makes two." The armored man takes his sword out of the goblin's head.

"Um... Who are you two?" Priestess asks.

"Goblin Slayer." The armored man informs.

The blind boy looks towards Priestess. "You may call me Owl."

'Goblin Slayer? Owl?' Priestess questions in thought. Then she notices the two are wearing necklaces that display silver. 'They're silvers?'

Goblin Slayer sheathes his sword as Owl's head turns in different directions. "Are you a rookie?" Slayer asks.

"Y-Yes..." Priestess responds, she grabs her porcelain rank ID.

"I see you can talk. You're lucky."

Goblin Slayer kneels down to Priestess, and grabs the arrow in her shoulder. He then pulls it out and Priestess falls to the ground while yelling in pain.

Owl's head slightly turns to them and his right pair of feather's on his head lifts up to the sky.

Priestess holds her bleeding shoulder in pain as Goblin Slayer takes out a potion. "Drink this. It'll help with the pain." Slayer holds out the potion.

Owl's feahter flap moves back down.

"U-Um... P-Please, give it to her..." Priestess motions to the Witch.

Witch gurgles a little on her own blood, she barely has any clothes left on her.

"Give up on her." Slayer states as he stands up. 

"Could have worded it better." Owl says calmly. 

Goblin Slayer picks up a nearby goblin dagger and looks at it. "She's been poisoned." 

"P-Poisoned?" Priestess asks.

Dark liquid covers the dagger.

"I do have an antidote, but I believe it's too late." Owl turns to Priestess.

A small pulse echoes out from Owl, and a few seconds later he walks over to Witch.

"Kill.... me..." Witch barely gets out.

Owl kneels down to Witch. "Rest easy, we'll take care of the girl." Witch barely smiles as he takes out a knife and stabs Witch in the heart.

A single tear falls from Witch's eye as she goes still. Owl slowly lifts a hand up and closes Witch's eyes.

"We might've been able to save her!" Priestess calls out.

"You'd only make her suffer more." Goblin Slayer states.

Owl cleans the blood off his knife and puts it back under his armor as he stands up.

"Drink." Slayer motions to the potion in Priestess' hand.

Priestess looks down at the drink, the downs its contents. She lets out a gasp and takes several deep breaths when she finishes.

Owl stands up and moves to the front of the group, and turns down to where the cave grows deeper.

"Did you see a bigger one somewhere?" Goblin Slayer asks.

"I believe so." Priestess responds. "But..."

"That was a hobgoblin. Maybe they took on a wanderer as a guard."

Priestess puts a hand on Witch's face as she looks down at her in sadness.

"We're going to go kill some goblins." Slayer informs and Priestess stands up. "What are you going to do?"

"I'll go... with you two..."

"What can you use?"

"I can use Heal and Holy Light." Priestess informs.

"How many times?" Goblin Slayer asks.

"Three times... So I have two uses left."

"Alright." Goblin Slayer walks over to the Archer's body and kicks it onto its back.

Slayer then takes out his dagger and cuts open the goblin and rips it's organs out.

"What are you doing?" Priestess asks.

"We have to get rid of our scents." Slayer informs.

Priestess grows a look of horror and turns to Owl, who's back is turned to her. Owl's head suddenly does a 180 turn, which startles Priestess. 

"You'll get used to it." Owl states as he turns his body to align with his head.

This doesn't calm Priestess.



"In this line of work, you need to get used to the smell of blood." Owl states as he walks in the back.

Priestess, with her clothes covered in goblin blood, walks in the middle. "Alright..."

The three arrive back in the area where Priestess' party got ambushed

The three arrive back in the area where Priestess' party got ambushed.

"Eight, nine...." Slayer counts. 

Priestess gasps and then grows scared as she reservists the events that recently transpired. She then kneels down and pukes off to the side.

Owl's head spins around as Slayer knees down and grabs the party leader's blade. "This is too long to swing around in a cave." Slayer states.

"Hoo..." Owl let's out a bird sound as both his ear flaps lift up.

Slayer unsheathes his sword and puts the party leader's in his scabbard. 

Priestess stands up and turns to Slayer and Owl. "How did this happen?

"Were you attacked by a horde from behind?" Owl asks as his head twits towards her.


Slayer holds up one his two torches to reveal a second path, next to the one they came through.

"But..." Priestess starts. "When we went through..."

"In a dark cave, if all you have is a torch, you wouldn't notice the shadows along the cave walls." Slayer states, then he motions to the totem. "That over there would catch your eye first. "It's a common mistake that rookies make. Listen, they're not bright creatures, but they aren't complete fools. This horde is being led by a shaman."

"A shaman?" Priestess questions.

"They're powerful spell casters." Owl informs. "You don't ever want to meet one."

"How many were in your party?" Slayer asks Priestess.

"Four..." Priestess informs.

Slayer spots drag marks on the ground, with drops of blood following it. "Is the last one a woman? Looks like they dragged her in deeper."

Owl frowns  as he lets out a weird sound.

"We have to save her!" Priestess urgently says.

Owl's head snaps towards the direction where they took Fighter. Slayer then tosses a torch forward, revealing a goblin hiding in the shadows.

Slayer tosses a dagger at the goblin and it strikes true and lands in the goblin's shoulder. Slayer then charges forward with his sword and stabs it through the chest. "Ten."

Slayer drags the goblin's corpse back to the other two, along with the goblin's speak.

"Can you see in the dark, too?" Priestess asks Slayer. 

"Of course not." Slayer responds. "I just practiced, and Owl has a great sense of hearing. I always aim for here their necks would be."

"Practiced? How much did you practice?"

Slayer drops the goblin's body on the ground, leaving his sword in the thing. "A lot." Owl hoots in response.

"What about your sword?" Priestess asks.

"It's useless now." Slayer says as he starts to walk away. "Too much blood on it." He glances back at Priestess. "That was a scout. This is the right way."

Slayer sets up a trip wire trap then walks off, with Owl behind him. Priestess stares at the crude trap Slayer made.

"Let's go." Slayer calls out.

"Y-Yes, sir..." Priestess follows after the two.

The three sneak along the edge of the wall, until Owl let's out a small sound. Slayer then holds out his arm. Owl nearly pumps into Slayer's shield.

"Use Holy Light from here." Slayer orders. "Once you do, get back to the entrance immediately. 

"Alright." Priestess responds.

"Let's go."

Slayer and Owl move forward a few steps, while Priestess starts to cast. "O merciful Earth Mother, please bless us, the wanderers in the darkness, with holy light! Holy Light!"

A bright light flashbangs the cave, revealing many goblins, standing over the bodies of women, in front of the group.

Owl starts to cast a spell. "O Supreme Lord, give us the strengthen to fight off the evil in this world, with your righteous justice! BOOST!"

A light shines on both Owl and Slayer and they speed forward towards the group of Goblins that are blinded by the holy light.

A pulse flies out from Owl "Six of them. One hobby and one shammy."

Slayer heads for the Shaman first as Owl goes for the Hobgoblin.

Slayer readies the spear in his hand as the Shaman starts to cast a spell. "Eight remaining." He throws the spear forward and it slams into the shaman's chest.

Owl jumps up at the Hobgoblin as it roars in anger and swings its arms wildly. Owl twists his body through the arms of the Hobgoblin and racks his sharp nails across the hobgoblin's face, taking out one of its eyes.

The Hobgoblin roars in pain, only to be silenced as Owl plants his feet on his face and pushes it into the rock wall behind it. Owl back flips and lands next to Slayer and the two head back towards Priestess. The light around their bodies dies down.

"Let's go!" Slayer yells.

"Right!" Priestess responds.

The three head back the way they came, jumping over the trip wire as the goblins chase them. Yet Priestess barely jumps over the wire and falls to the ground as she makes it over.

"Do it." Slayer says as he takes out the party leaders sword.

The angry roars of the Hobgoblin get ever so closer.

Priestess starts to cast her last miracle. "O merciful Earth, please bless us, the wanderers in the darkness, with holy light!"

A bright light flashes out from Priestess' staff and the hobgoblin gets blinded by the light and trips over the wire, falling to the ground.

"Eleven." Slayer stabs his sword into the Hobgoblin's head.

"Th-There are more coming!" Priestess informs. "But I can't use any more..."

"I know." Slayer takes out a jar and pours a light brown liquid onto the hobgoblin.

Goblins yell as they run up the small slope towards the three.

"They're coming." Owl informs.

"See ya." Slayer pushes the Hobgoblin's large body down the small slope, towards the approaching goblins.

The goblins all yell as they get run over by the hobgoblin's body and get covered in the liquid. 

"Twelve, thirteen..." Slayer mutters as he tosses his torch onto the pair of goblins and they light up in a blaze of fire.

Priestess coughs a couple times. "What was that?

"Gasoline that I bought from an alchemist." Owl informs as his feather flaps go up and down a couple times. 

"Doesn't seem very effective, for the amount it cost." Slayer says to Owl, who hums in agreement.

"B-But inside... The kidnapped girls..." Priestess stutters. 

"The flames won't spread too far with just two or three corpses." Slayer informs. "They won't die." He walks off to the side.

"Are you two going in again?" 

"No." Slayer picks up a cruse axe-like weapon.

A couple of goblins ambush them from behind, only to be cut in half by Owl's curved short sword.

A third lunges at them, but Slayer throws the crude axe into its head.

Priestess looks on in slight horror as she hugs her staff.

After a couple minutes of waiting the three head back down the slope. The charge remains of a the hobgoblin and a couple goblins lie at the entrance. 

Priestess gasps as she spots Fighter among the group of naked females. Fighter shivers as a dead look remains on her face.

Priestess runs over to her and kneels down. "It's okay..." She hugs Fighter. "You're okay now." The two cry together.

Owl curls a hand in anger as he and Slayer walk over to the dead shaman.

"Now, then..." Slayer looks down to the body. "As I thought..."

The shaman suddenly suddenly springs up, as it was faking, only to be clubbed in the head by Slayer.

"Eighteen." Slayer mutters as he look at a nearby chair made from human bones. "The high-leveled ones are tough.

Slayer smashes the chair and heads to a door closed door behind it.

"What is it?" Priestess asks.

Slayer opens the door and the cries of numerous goblin children ring out in an alcove.

"Children?" Priestess questions.

"They multiply fast." Owl informs as his head twist towards Priestess. "If we had waited any longer, there'd be about fifty of them, and they would've attacked. You are lucky."

"Owl." Slayer calls out.

Owl's head spins back around as he walks to the entrance of the little alcove. He holds his hand out towards the goblin children.

"Are you going to kill them?" Priestess asks.

"Of course." Owl response in an emotionless tone. "They hold on to grudges for life... just like we do. The survivors of the nest learn from their mistakes and adapt. There isn't a single reason to let any goblin to live, no matter their age."

"Even if there was a good goblin?"

"A good Goblin?" Slayer looks at Priestess. "I guess there might be one if you looked really hard. But in the end, the only good goblins are the ones who never come out of their holes."

Owl flexes his hand and starts to chant. "O Supreme Lord, give these demons your cleansing flame, for they need to learn the meaning of justice. Holy Flame."

A golden flame spews out from Owl's hand and the cries of golden children ring out. Golden light shines on Owl's as he portrays no emotions.

Priestess falls to her knees and starts to cry as the echoes of the goblin children dying get to her.

After a few minutes, everything goes quiet as the golden flames die down and Owl takes a few steps back from the alcove. 

Owl steps past Slayer and then past Priestess as she continues to cry. A halo shines for a brief moment above Owl, before it disappears.

 Slayer soon follows after Owl, a burning red glows from under Slayer's helmet.

"That makes twenty-two." Slayer states.




The kidnapped girls from the goblin cave are riding in a cart back to town. They hug the cloaks hiding their naked forms tightly.

'They say it's a common occurrence.' Priestess says in thought. 'Goblins attacking a village and kidnapping girls... A party of rookie adventurers going out to slay some goblins only to end up slaughtered... Rescued girls joining temples due to their despair after being treated as the goblin's playthings... An adventurer losing all of their comrades and going home, never to be heard from again...'

Priestess, all cleaned up, walks through the streets of the city. 

'All these things happen quite often in this world. But is that really true? I don't have the answer.'

Priestess stops in front of the Guild.

'In the end, there are only two things I'm certain of.' Priestess opens the doors to the guild. 'The first is that I'm still an adventurer.' She spots Goblin Slayer and Owl at the counter, talking to Guild Girl. 'The other...' She walks over to the two.

Guild Girl smiles and motions to Priestess. Slayer and Owl look at her.

Priestess walks up beside Slayer. "H-Hello, Goblin Slayer, Owl. Um, I bought some armor, just as you instructed." She slightly lifts up her skirt to show some chain mail. "It's chain mail."

"I see." Slayer starts.

"Um... Are you two going again today?" 

"Yes, we're slaying goblins again." Owl informs and he tilts his head. "Are you coming?"

Priestess nods with determination. "Yes!"

Owl smiles and lets out a hoot.



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