1.4: ❤️My Goddess
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As this story starts to really take shape, I realized I needed to update some of the various tags, as I've changed quite a few ideas I originally had. While it will still keep the comedic undertones that I so very much enjoy writing, it will not be nearly as much of a comedy as I thought. I opted to do away with the litrpg aspect and decided to focus more on the romance potential. I decided that Erin will have a bit more power as a goddess than what I had initially planned; the potential for fun "fight scenes" against a literal goddess was too good to pass up. Finally, although I may or may not follow through with this one given that it's almost a trope with isekais, there may be a minor harem aspect to the story. She is the goddess of sex after all. Right now I'm sort of feeling everything out. I will say that this story is very much a work in progress, so there is bound to be changes every once in awhile. I'd love to hear your feedback on where you think this story should go!


Drusilia's mind was coming undone, in more ways than one. She had had sex before, many times. She was no stranger to pleasuring other women either, but this… Realms above. This was the most amazing feeling she had ever felt in her entire life. It wasn't the orgasm that racked through her body from the slightest touch from Erin's lips. It wasn't the way she pushed a finger inside of her and touched somewhere that drove sparks of ecstasy straight to her brain. It wasn't even the way she alternated the dual pleasures of kissing and biting her clit while thrumming her fingertips back and forth inside of her.

No… it was the way that Erin was overwhelmingly sweet, and gentle. The way she looked up at Drusilia with equal parts caring and… Protectiveness? She wasn't sure how one could communicate an emotion as complicated as that through what they were doing, but there was no denying that something in her brain was telling her that that was exactly what the goddess between her legs was trying to convey. Her goddess.

When the pleasure became too much for her to handle, Drusilia pulled gently on Erin's face, urging the redhead upwards. Erin took the hint and pulled out the two fingers that had been inside of her and shifted her body upwards so that she was now half laying on top of Drusilia.

“That was… I didn't know… Amazing. So amazing! So… realms above… So fucking good!”

The thrill of using the vulgar word seemed minor compared to the look of amusement that was written on Erin's face. Drusilia gently tugged at the goddess that was in her hands and pulled her into another kiss that sent her brain soaring through the skies. She could taste herself on the other woman's lips, and the combination of that with the sweet nectar that was Erin’s saliva lit another fire within her that begged to be quenched. It was as if Erin sensed that very thing, and she felt a throbbing heat press against the soft skin of her thigh. 

Drusilia knew what it was. She had felt that same feeling countless times before. But this was different. For one, it was the first time she had experienced a woman having one. But of course it made sense that the goddess of fertility would have one. That wasn't what made it so unique to her though. She couldn't quite put her finger on what it was, but she knew without any doubt in her mind that she wanted it inside of her. More than she had ever wanted anything in her entire life. As the throbbing head twitched against her thigh again she shivered, and Erin pulled away slightly.

“S-sorry. I've uh… This thing is sort of new. I didn't always have one… it's like it has a mind of its own…”

“Can I t-touch it?”

Erin looked suddenly embarrassed, but Drusilia could see the hungry look in her eye that also said that she liked that idea. Drusilia gestured for the redhead to lay down next to her, and Erin shifted her body and lay back against the blanket. Drusilia sat up and reveled in the way her legs felt like sparks of bliss danced on her skin. She turned and moved so that she was now kneeling in front of Erin's legs. Drusilia looked down at the literal radiant vision of stunning beauty that lay before her, and she knew, she knew that this was where she was supposed to be.

She moved again, straddling Erin's lower body. She saw the combined look of trepidation mixed with one of desperation painted on Erin's face, and Drusilia gave her a warm smile.

“Is this OK?”

Erin nodded wordlessly and let out a sharp gasp as Drusilia rocked her hips back, pressing the tip of the redhead’s cock into the scalding cauldron of arousal that was Drusilia's sex. She looked down again at Erin, eyes questioning if she wanted her to continue. Drusilia grinned widely as Erin nodded her head in response. She rocked back even further this time, both women moaning in their shared pleasure as Erin's length slid into her slowly, inch by inch; until she was finally hilted deep within the tight clenching walls of Drusilia's pussy.

The feeling that was radiating through Erin’s body as the blonde rode her up and down slowly was unlike anything she had ever experienced. Sure, she had used a strap-on before, but this… This was like an explosion of white-hot pleasure every time she had the entirety of her cock rooted inside the other woman. She felt things that her brain would have previously had no way to describe, and she knew in that moment she was going to quickly become addicted to that feeling.

To her credit, Erin lasted longer than she expected she would have for her first time using the new addition to her body she had woken up with. She felt a pressure slowly building up, until all at once there was a mind numbing explosion of absolute pleasure centered on the sensitive head buried deep within Drusilia. Erin cried out loudly as she pulled the blonde's hips downward, completely hilting herself as she came. A warm pool of heat spread through her lower half and then the blissful sensation that had reached a peak slowly ebbed away. 

All at once, Erin felt incredibly drained. Not just from the intensity of the sex, but she felt it in her entire body. In her very cells. As her semi-erect shaft remained within Drusilia, she could sense that the radiant energy that had been within her only seconds ago was now filling the other woman in a way she didn't understand.

The pair slept until sunlight peeked through the holes in the ruined church around them. At some point during the night, Drusilia had wrapped the rough brown blanket around Erin’s body and covered herself with her cloak. Erin blinked her eyes sleepily and yawned as she looked around. Part of her felt confused and at a complete loss for words for what had happened with Drusilia. The other part of her felt that it was somehow right, meant to be. Her mind struggled with the reality that she was, in fact, a goddess. She didn’t disbelieve it, she just didn’t know how to come to terms with everything that meant. 

She stood up slowly, keeping the blanket wrapped around her body in lieu of having any clothing. She soon found herself walking around the room, looking at the various statues to see if that sparked any recognition. It didn't, but seeing their faces she had little doubt that they were related to her. The eldest daughter, Lissa, looked like a much taller, far more muscular version of herself. Her jaw was more square, and the lines on her face were hard where Erin's were soft, but no one would have any doubts that they were sisters. Frustrated at the lack of an answer she walked out of the church into the dark forest. 

As she thought about what to do, her writer's brain kicked in. In the stories she'd written about superheroes or individuals with powers, there was always a scene that showed them testing out the limits of what they could do. She had zero clue how to go about doing that, but that wasn't going to stop her.

Start simple. I know I can do the glowy thing, so… Let's do that.

She closed her eyes and imagined her body lighting up like it had before. It worked a little, but it was more like she had bathed in something luminescent instead of the bright glow that lit up the whole room previously. She thought about what had been going through her mind the times it happened, and she recalled seeing the bruises and signs of trauma on the other woman. She remembered how mad… No… enraged she had been that someone would do that to another person.

All at once she felt a need to seek out the people who had wronged Drusilia and inflict on them far, far worse than they had done to her. As she looked around at the trees and foliage around her, she realized that her entire body was now brightly illuminating the area. She nodded in approval and thought about what had caused the change. She recalled that there were goddesses in several of the earth pantheons that were considered “protectors of women,” so maybe being the goddess of femininity included that? It certainly made sense the more she thought about it.

So… Glowing power. Check. What else you got, Eronica?

Maybe if she considered what she was the goddess of that would lend some insight as to what she could do? But how the heck could she even begin to test being the goddess of love except… Erin blushed at the thought as she felt a twinge between her legs. Ever since discovering the addition to her body, she hadn’t really paid it any special attention except when she and Drusilia had… She blushed again. Not because she was embarrassed.. Because she was pleased that it had turned out the way it did. She unwrapped the blanket that was tucked under her armpits and looked down at her new body part. Currently it was only a couple inches long, but she knew from the brief moment she had seen it going in and out of Drusilia that it grew to about 5 or 6 inches, with the width being just a bit more than her thumb. As if on cue, her currently flaccid member twitched. Erin laughed softly as she visualized that this was its way to say hello to its new owner.

“Hello there. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I’d shake your hand but…”

She thought about wrapping her hand around its length and everything that entailed… and blushed again. 

Pleasure later, power testing first. So… fertility… maybe I can make plants grow?

It was a stretch, but at this point it couldn’t hurt to try. She knelt down and found a suitable sprout that was pushing its way through the soil and closed her eyes. She imagined it growing, becoming larger, more green, spreading its leaves to soak up the rays of sunshine that filtered through the treetops above. She opened one eye and sighed in disappointment.

OK, no plant growth. My hopes of being this world’s Poison Ivy dashed all at once. So… let’s think outside the box. What can gods and goddesses do in other stories that isn’t unique to them? Think D&D, that’s a good place to-

Erin felt a sudden surge of panic shoot through her body and an intense wave of pain that she knew wasn’t her own. Drusilia. She dropped the blankets in her arms, spun on one heel, and sprinted back to the church.

If you like this and you haven't already, check out my other story How I became the Empress of Hell.