1.17: Lissonna
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Traveling to Lissonna had taken nearly a week, and by the time they arrived at the city gates, both women looked somewhat worse for wear. They had spent nearly as much time fucking as they did walking; they just couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Erin sending periodic thoughts of what she wanted Drusilia to do to her certainly didn’t help matters. In fact, the images seemed to be getting more intense, more vivid. Drusilia could actually feel her goddess’s lust for her coming through this strange bond. She was able to feel just how much Erin’s body yearned to be taken in every way possible for as long as possible. Eronica was, unfortunately, no help in the matter. She actually seemed to delight in the pairs’ sexual antics. 

As they drew closer to the entrance to the city, they gravitated towards a line that was waiting to go through a checkpoint with heavily armed and armored guards. Their splint mail was colored in crimson red and jet black and emblazoned with a symbol of a boot crushing a skull of something with enormous upper and lower canines and a very broad forehead and wide-set jaw. Drusilia guessed it was likely supposed to be an Orc or goblinoid variant. The guards all wore well crafted longswords on their hips and a shield with the same symbol slung across their backs. They wore metal domed helmets that protected the top half of their faces. The primary guard who was responsible for writing down everyone’s information was the only one who didn’t wear a helmet. His dirty blond hair was cut short and his beard looked well maintained. As Erin and Drusilia approached him, he studied both of them closely.

“Names and races?”

“Drusilia. Half-elf.”

“Erin. Uh… Human.”

The guard gazed at her with an inquisitive look at her hesitance, but if he thought anything was out of the ordinary, he made no mention of it.

“Reason for entry?”

Erin and Drusilia had talked at length about how they would answer this question when it was asked of them. It was well documented that many checkpoints to major cities would have powerful enchantments that prevented people from lying while within their bounds. Which meant the story they concocted had to be a variant of the truth in the event Eronica’s magic wasn’t strong enough to grant Erin some sort of immunity to the effect.

*Powerful enchantment magic. It’s too much for me to bypass it without actually taking control. How do you want to handle this?*

*Let’s try the ‘truth’ and if that doesn’t work we’ll go from there.*

“I recently awoke near a village not far from here, and discovered I had no memories of who I was or how I got there. We are planning to try and find someone who can help give me answers. My girlfriend was kind enough to travel with me and has been filling me in on what she can, but she’s not a healer or a mage.”

He studied Erin’s face intently, obviously looking for any signs of deception. He turned and looked at one of the other guards standing behind the rest who was holding some sort of staff, who in turn nodded her head once.

“While certainly an unusual story, I understand wanting to restore your lost memories. I hope you are able to find what you’re looking for. One final question though, before I allow you to proceed.”

Erin started to tense up, but forced herself to relax and smile at the guard. She nodded her head and he smiled back at her.

“Do you know anything about reports of someone matching your exact description going into a tavern and killing two people with some sort of divine magic?”

Panic surged through Erin and her heart started to pound. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the other guards placing their hands on the hilts of their swords with all eyes trained on her.

“Yes. I was actually in that tavern. It was a horrible thing to witness. The woman seemed to be some sort of vengeful goddess looking to punish the men who had wronged someone close to her. While I confess I would likely do the same to any man who did that to me if I had the ability to do so, I unfortunately don’t have any powers like that.”

The guard’s eyes flicked to the other one carrying the staff, and she nodded again. All the guards visibly relaxed and their hands went to their sides. The guard without the helmet smiled again at her warmly and held out his hand.

“It’s two silver for the both of you… unless you prefer to pay some other way.”

Erin forced down a shudder of revulsion at the obvious lechery and shook her head and turned towards Drusilia. The tall half-elf reached into a pouch that was tucked into her belt and retrieved two dingy silver coins. She handed them to Erin who in turn handed them to the guard. He clucked his teeth in disappointment and placed the coins in a bag on a nearby table.

“Welcome to Lissonna, ladies. Stay out of trouble and… avoid running into any more vengeful goddesses.”

Spending what little money they had, Erin and Drusilia were able to get some basic clothing which consisted of leather boots, cloth breeches, and simple rough-spun tunics. Erin’s tunic was a dull white color and her breeches were dark brown. The tunic obviously made for a man that Drusilia was wearing was dark blue, and her breeches were black. Drusilia’s body filled out the clothes and her muscles were clearly visible beneath the clothing. Her breasts strained the front of the fabric and they had to cut a slit down from the collar to make room. The modification showed off a very generous amount of cleavage, which caused a host of lewd thoughts to be transmitted to the poor half-elf.

“Seriously, Erin. You are insatiable.”

“I’m sorry! It’s not like I’m trying to send you those thoughts. I swear my mind never used to be this focused on sex. I blame it on the whole goddess of love and fertil- OOF!”

Erin tumbled backwards after she had collided with a well-dressed man moving through the crowds without looking where he was going. The man landed hard on his large posterior, and he let out an angry shout as his belongings went everywhere. Instead of getting upset, Erin apologized profusely and began to help gather up the man’s things. As her fingers touched a piece of paper covered in tiny writing, the man stomped his foot down on her hand.

“How dare you?! You knock me over and then you try to steal my work?! I’ll have you arrested for this, you stupid girl!”

Erin made a move to try and pull her hand free, but the man just pressed the toe of his pointed leather shoes into the back of her palm even harder. In the blink of an eye Drusilia burst forward and grabbed the man by the collar. He had long wiry black hair that looked greasy and unkempt despite his extremely lavish clothing. His face was pudgy and round, and he had a pencil thin mustache with the ends slightly curled. As the half-elf lifted the man higher she sneered at him and began to close her fingers that were around his throat.

How fucking dare he?! How dare he lay a finger on her goddess! She would squeeze him until he burst like an overfilled sack. She was about to choke the life out of him when she felt a hand on her arm.

“It’s OK, Dru. I’m OK. Let him go.”

Drusilia sneered at the man and eased her hand off his windpipe. As she set him down onto the cobblestones he began to hack and cough. When he finally caught his breath he stood up looking very red in the face.


“Ruella! Helain! There you two are… I’m so sorry, magistrate, both of my girls are as clumsy as blind oxen. And the half-elf doesn’t even speak a lick of the common-tongue.”

A tall very heavy-set woman wearing flowing yellow and purple clothing moved herself between the angry man and the even more furious half-elf. She stood only a few inches shorter than Drusilia herself, but moved with the grace of a lithe dancer. Her dark brown skin glistened in the sunlight and the beads in her long braided hair sparkled like jewels. The woman turned to Drusilia and spoke in near-perfect elvish.

“Hie adan ped'ain cin belth’nin ceri’i.”

Drusilia nodded at the woman’s instructions to just play along, and she spoke back to her in a quiet tone.

“E su n'haran salen aias sal n'mai siilen bhen.”

The woman's lavender eyes twinkled at Drusilia’s threat of killing the man if he touched Erin again, and she nodded and smiled at her as she turned back around.

“You see! She apologized. It was all a misunderstanding, Magistrate Carta. I assure you we’ll deal with her attitude properly and make sure she will conduct herself respectfully in the future. She’ll be shoveling shit for the next week, I assure you. As for this one here…”

She reached down a meaty hand and pulled Erin to her feet. Her eyes were beginning to glow slightly and the woman blocked the man from seeing her as she leaned down and whispered softly.

“Calm yourself, goddess. Now’s not the time or place for this.”

Her soft round face wore an intense glare to make sure that Erin understood that she needed to get herself under control, and then smiled as she saw the redhead inhale and exhale slowly. She reached forward and pulled Erin to her side and then turned back towards the man.

“Tell him you’re sorry for messing up his papers, Helain. I know you were just trying to help him, right?”

“Yes, ma’am. That’s right. I promise I wasn’t trying to steal anything.”

The magistrate glared at each of the women before throwing his hands up in exasperation.

“Fine! You’re lucky you’re so well connected, Sapphira… I’ll overlook this indiscretion just this once. Be sure you get those girls properly educated… Otherwise they’re no better than animals…”

“As you say, Magistrate. If there’s nothing else, we’ll be on our way.”

He harrumphed and walked past them. The three women stood silent until he was out of earshot before Erin and Drusilia turned towards their rescuer. She held up her hands just as they were about to begin questioning her and she smiled at them both.

“Follow me back to where my people have set up our camp here in the city… And I’ll answer any questions you have.”

Without another word, she grabbed both women by the hand and led them through the busy streets of Lissonna.


Apologies for the delay! I've been struggling with a bout of writer's block!