Chapter 40
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Chapter Forty: The Dawn of Enviroenchancia

As the newly rebuilt city, now christened Enviroenchancia, began to take shape, a new era dawned for Hana and the children of the sanctuary. With the majority of the adult population gone, the responsibility of managing this burgeoning community fell largely on Hana's shoulders. Her role evolved from guardian and educator to that of a leader and visionary for an entire city.

Enviroenchancia, with its innovative design and harmonious blend of technology and nature, began to attract new inhabitants. People drawn to the ideals of sustainable living and community started to arrive, seeking a fresh start in this unique city. However, this influx of newcomers also brought challenges.

One of the most pressing issues was the discovery of many more orphaned or abandoned children, a lingering scar from the turmoil that had ravaged the world above. Hana, whose heart