Chapter 1
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Theo watched eagerly as the loading bar on the screen of the VRPOD crept ever closer to the 100% mark. 

Finally, after waiting for two entire days, he would be able to enter 'Another World: Arleus', he lamented with a sigh as he set down the empty mug in his hand.

These last two days had been truly agonizing. First, the extremely long installation that should have only taken the professionals two or three hours at most but ended up taking almost ten after they encountered issue after issue. At one point it had almost seemed like they wouldn't be able to set up the capsule at all, fortunately, they finally got it just before they had to get off work, which meant the only thing left for Theo to do would be to download the game.

And there appeared another set of troubles, as Theo's wifi struggled to even download 3% of the game assets per hour, so Theo had to leave the pod running for almost two days while occasionally checking the painfully slow progress bar.

Every time he looked at the number that had barely increased since the last time he checked, a feeling of impatience and expectation surged in his heart and he couldn't wait to finally jump into the capsule to create his character.

Especially when he thought about his dwindling vacation days.

Unfortunately, he had no other choice but to wait, even if he had entered the pod earlier, nothing would have happened, except maybe him having a very comfortable rest while draining the nourishment units inside the pod.

But the wait finally had an end!

With a soft 'ding!' the numbers on the screen jumped from 99% to 100% and Theo from his seat.

He immediately rushed to the pod standing in the middle of his bedroom and pressed the open button on the side.

The lock sprung open with a clack and the seethrough half of the capsule slowly moved up, allowing Theo to slide in.

Theo's heart was thumping nervously in expectation, but despite feeling massively anxious to finally boot up this godd*mn game and start his adventure, he still took care not to carelessly rush into the pod and maybe break something accidentally.

This gaming capsule had been ridiculously expensive, so he didn't want to break anything the very first time he entered.

Sure, he had gotten insurance for it, but he still preferred not to take any chances.

Thinking this, Theo got himself comfortable before pressing the second button, this time inside the pod, that closed the capsule and automatically booted up the game.

Another gentle 'clack' sounded as the lock sprung back in place and the interior of the pod sunk into darkness.

But this silent darkness only disrupted by Theo's quickened breath didn't last for long.

[Unfamiliar log-in data registered, please stay still as we collect your biological data.]

A smooth female voice came from seemingly all around Theo as the space around him gradually lit up.

[Data Collection Successful, Welcome to 'The Space Between'.]

With these words, an endless white space opened around Theo, it even extended to beneath him.

Of course, he didn't fall, but he also wasn't standing on anything, if he had to describe this sensation, it felt more like he was floating steadily.

An uncontrollable smile spread on his lips as he slowly moved his arms, in awe at how real it felt.

At this moment the female voice sounded again.

[Game Data found, would you like to log into 'Another World: Arleus'?]

Theo looked up in accordance with the voice, realizing that a game icon with a familiar title and beautiful cover art had popped up in front of him at some point.

"Yes," he answered quietly at no one specific while his heart pounded wildly.

[Abnormal Heart rate detected, are you sure you want to proceed?]

Theo froze.

Touching his cheek in embarrassment, he answered again this time much less reverent.


As soon as he had finished talking the game icon in front of him began to expand, gradually replacing the white space.

However, Theo was still just floating in space, this time looking at the shifting sky above a sea of clouds that was only broken through by an occasional mountaintop.

It was simply mesmerizing, even more beautiful than the screenshots he had found on the internet.

To think that these were the visuals for just the character customization.

He grew even more excited, expectantly waiting for the GM of 'Another World: Arleus' or short 'Arleus' to speak.

[Welcome, Traveler, I've awaited your arrival.]

An illusionary figure began to emerge from the sea of clouds, their appearance ever-shifting just like the clouds they were made of, as they spoke with an ethereal tone, unlike anything Theo had ever heard before.

[You will soon enter the world of Arleus, so I have to ask, what is it that you look like Traveler?]

Suddenly, puffs of clouds separated from the figure and floated in front of Theo, as they came near, they turned into an exact replica of Theo.

Wavy, light brown hair that was a bit longer in the front and shorter in the back, down-turned olive green eyes under thick eyebrows, an unremarkable nose he had never had issues with, and lips with tips that were pointing up slightly, giving the impression that Theo was constantly on the verge of smiling.

Overall, Theo had a very harmless face, not unlike a friendly but a bit stupid labrador.

His body, which was covered with baggy clothing usually, didn't quite match this atmosphere however.

He had a lean and somewhat muscular build, although the most muscle was concentrated around the lower half of his body, his thighs and calves, well-trained by the countless hours of hiking, jogging and other walking exercises. But the thing that would always catch an on-looker's attention if Theo didn't cover it up, was his right arm.

Scars, too many to count littered his arm down from the elbow, still slightly pink, revealing how fresh they actually were.

Just looking directly at this arm with misshapen fingers and gnarly scars made Theo feel disgusted and annoyed.

But he quickly averted his eyes, unwilling to ruin his mood with the same old thoughts.

Instead, he hurriedly began to change the replica's appearance.

First, getting rid of the scarred arm so the right would match the left, before changing his hair color to a darker blond, only a few shades lighter than his actual hair color, he also changed its length, to be just long enough to reach beneath his shoulders. Next, he turned his green eyes into a hazelnut-brown before finally modifying his physique so that some might even say that he was slightly chubby.

Satisfied with the end result, Theo nodded his head.

Although the changes weren't that significant, as 'Arleus' did not allow for too crass modifications, he was still certain that nobody would recognize him at a glance.

[Is this what you look like, Traveler?]

After the long silence, the shifting figure finally spoke again.


[Then, what is your name, Traveler?]


Despite the ever-changing clouds of the figure, it was clear that they had nodded in understanding.

[Very well. I wish you good luck on your journey through the lands of Arleus. Never forget, destiny is yours to crush and fate yours to forge. I pray we meet again, Goodbye, brave Traveler Theodore.] 

As if these words were the signal, the colors around Theo began to mix, dripping into each other like wet colors on a canvas. Until the gorgeous sea of clouds and limitless sky had turned into a swirl of blue, white, pink, orange and all the colors in between.

This was the start of Theo's very own adventure.