Chapter 1
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    The rustling of the moonlight soaked grass was soft, as Alex slowly walked across the moonlit meadow. A subtle breeze blew, drawing patterns through the grass. Alex walked up the meadow, up to a cliff, where he could see the horizon blend the sky and land, making it seem that the world was an endless void of extra terrestrial light. The beauty of the view was calming, as always, but there was one thing missing from this marvel of nature. His best friend.

    Mia and Alex was what people would've called inseperable. They only had each other to rely on while growing up, creating a bond like no other, and whatever hardships there were, they would do it together. But this was different. He was alone. Afraid. Oblivious to the situation he was in. In other words, he was hopeless. 

    It was not so long ago, when enigmatic fractures started to appear out of nowhere, seemingly glitching entities through it, with nobody knowing how and where it took them. Mia, his best friend, was a victim of this happening, and simply glitched out of existence 3 days ago. Alex didn't know where it took her, and the fear from such events chilled every nerve in his body. But with no one coming back after glitching out, Alex's worries were getting worse, and the fear of losing his best and only friend started to take place within his heart. And feelings from the heart can change people, for better or for worse.

    Alex sighed, as he could see his breath in the cold night weather. 'There must be something I could do..' Alex thought. 'I can't just lose her like this.' But there was not much that could be done on his own. 2 days have passed with Alex repeating the process of worrying about Mia, but there was no progress in finding her. But he had a strange feeling. That something was about to happen. Something that could possibly change his life forever.

    The sky slowly started to turn pink, then orange, then a small dot of light appeared on the horizon, slowly lighting up the void, with the moon and the stars started to fade away into the brighter light. Alex started to head back down to the village, with determination. That he was going to find Mia, and that he wasn't going to just sit around all day, wasting time. His friend could've been in grave danger, and he needed to act quickly. Suddenly, the still brightening sky lit up with a pulse of light from the Alex's back, releasing an intense shockwave. The clouds dispersed, the trees shook, and water was pulsing out of the river as if it was alive. He turned around, to see a massive fracture in the middle of the world he had just been looking at.