Chapter 64: Third Wheel
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Fii spotted Kenzo leaning against the wall near a patient's room, his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes closed. As she approached, she could hear the soft hum of music emanating from his headphones draped loosely around his neck. She wasn't sure if he noticed her presence as she stopped in front of him, waiting patiently for a response.

Kenzo cracked an eye open and peered at Fii. "Oh...hey, Fii. How are you holding up?"

He asked as he straightened his posture and uncrossed his arms. He brought a hand up to his headphones and paused the music playing from them.

Fii beamed brightly and gave him two thumbs up. "Good as new! Didn't need Edith's help this time," she signed cheerfully.

"Mmn, I heard you had a run-in with some Adrenomancers recently. Glad things worked out," Kenzo replied. A slight smirk tugged at his lips. "Must've been quite exciting. I missed all the action."

She nodded vigorously in response. Then she scrunched her nose and furrowed her brow as if remembering something unpleasant. "Yeah...those Adrenomancer guys were really strong. Fighting five of 'em at the same time was crazy." She glanced away briefly before looking back at him. "If I hadn't fought you and gotten stronger from it, they probably would've been able to kill me."

She had a lot of time to reflect and think about her fight with those Adrenomancers since that day. There was no doubt about it—she only survived because she'd encountered Kenzo beforehand. If it weren't for him pushing her past her limits and causing her power to evolve, she wouldn't have been able to go toe-to-toe with them. Even wasn't easy. She didn't get through it unscathed either...and she still had to run away in the end.

"Hey now," Kenzo said lightly while ruffling her hair affectionately. "Don't go giving me that much credit. You've had that strength all along."

He patted her head a few times before pulling away and crossing his arms again. "Still...I'm surprised you didn't take them all down without breaking a sweat. With your powers, you could've wiped them out easily." His tone seemed half joking and half serious.

Oh, great...not Kenzo too. Virgil had already given her an earful—she wasn't prepared for a repeat performance.

She visibly slumped. "What was I supposed to do? Just kill them?"

Kenzo arched an eyebrow slightly. "Yeah...but you don't seem convinced," he observed. He scrutinized her for a moment before sighing softly. "Alright, alright. Tell me why." He unfolded his arms and made a 'go on' gesture with one hand.

She ran her fingers through her hair and shook her head slightly as if shaking off unwanted thoughts. "Killing's just..." She trailed off. Then she sighed loudly and leaned against the wall next to Kenzo. "Why did you want to become a musician?"

Fii deflected the question. Not cleverly either. But she had to steer this conversation somewhere else—away from murderous thoughts. Thankfully Kenzo humored her. He wasn't like Virgil at all. Kenzo gave Fii breathing room. He didn't bombard her with constant lectures. No lectures. Nope. None. least not right now anyway. Maybe later? Hopefully not.

"Hm? Why music?" Kenzo asked as he stroked his chin thoughtfully. His gaze wandered upward to the ceiling while he searched for words. Then he lowered his eyes and gave a small shrug. "I was my only friend growing up. It stuck by me through thick and thin. Got me through some pretty dark days."

The smile fell from his lips as his expression darkened. After a brief pause, he shrugged again and looked at Fii directly. "You probably expected something more heartwarming. Sorry to disappoint." His smile returned as if nothing happened.

Fii glanced over at him curiously. She didn't expect Kenzo's reasoning to be so...downbeat. She hadn't known him for long but judging by how laid back he normally seemed, it was easy to forget he had a serious side too.

"Anyways, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive in the slums," Kenzo continued matter-of-factly while casually scratching his stubbled chin. "We're all in survival mode here. The ones who aren't are the idiots." He flashed her a brief toothy grin before crossing his arms again. "Sometimes we gotta get our hands dirty."

He gave her a pointed look and added, "But I don't need to tell you that, do I?"

Fii winced inwardly. So much for changing topics. Damn.

"I know, I know..." Fii mumbled, putting both hands in the air in surrender. "It's just...don't want people to be scared of me or to hate me because of what I can do with my power." She looked away briefly before gazing at him once more. "I mean, isn't it kinda scary knowing someone could crush you like an insect if they wanted to?"

Kenzo chuckled dryly and shook his head slightly. "Kid...that's not your problem." He patted her shoulder reassuringly and leaned towards her with a smirk. "Don't worry about people getting scared. I got news for ya—they already are."

He paused briefly before adding nonchalantly, "Everyone in the slums is scared of each other in varying degrees. Anyone could be part of a gang, ready to shank you with a knife or shoot you. Anyone could steal from you, cheat you outta your Tinks, or just beat you up 'cause they just feel like it."

Kenzo pulled back and shrugged loosely. "Every Slumshine has a healthy dose of fear in them 'cause they've seen it firsthand. Or they're a victim of it. But...we deal with it anyway 'cause that's how the world works. Slums especially."

His gaze sharpened and he pressed on. "What makes you different is the power. But that only adds a bit more 'oomph' to the fear that's already there. They know Supers could fuck shit up way worse than regular people. Even if you haven't killed or seriously hurt anyone yet, they're still gonna be afraid 'cause you might."

He shrugged again as if stating the obvious. "They're not gonna stop being scared unless something changes in the slums— gangs or crime at all. Which we all know ain't happening anytime soon. Maybe ever.

"Point is, you killing someone won't scare people any more or less than they already are. People who care enough to listen will understand why you did what you did. Or they won't. There's always gonna be someone who thinks you're wrong either way. Just gotta do what you think is right and live with the consequences. Simple as that."

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully while tilting his head slightly to one side. "Well...mostly. Life's more complicated than that, helps to keep things simple and straightforward when you can. Makes decisions easier." His hand dropped to his side and he smirked playfully. "You follow me so far? It's a lot of information all at once."

No kidding.

Fii found herself blinking owlishly at Kenzo. Her mouth hung slightly open in surprise while she processed his words. Wow. That was...a lot.

It felt nice having someone give advice without throwing criticism or demands. His tone remained lighthearted and easygoing even as he lectured her. Like Virgil's lectures...except not grumpy. Virgil never sugarcoated anything—but he didn't really bother with motivation either.

Kenzo managed to make sense without making her feel stupid for asking questions. Fii liked that.

After a moment or two passed without response from Fii, Kenzo cleared his throat pointedly and waved his hand in front of her face. "Earth to still with me?"

She blinked rapidly before giving a slight start and smiling sheepishly. "Oops, sorry." She laughed nervously and scratched behind one ear while averting eye contact. "That...was a lot to take in at once."

Then she shook her head vigorously as if trying to clear away lingering thoughts. "But thanks though! I think I get it now." She grinned brightly at him and gave a thumbs-up again. "I appreciate your advice! Really." She hesitated briefly before continuing hesitantly, "Uh...didn't mean to hijack our conversation've you been? What's new with you?"

Kenzo rubbed the back of his neck while chuckling ruefully. "Mmn, well...I had to help a friend of mine out recently. She got into a bit of trouble by getting involved in something she shouldn't have. I managed to sort things out but...she's recovering from it now." His smile faded completely and he sighed heavily as if letting go of an invisible burden.

Friend?...She?...Wait...did Kenzo have a girlfriend?!

Fii tried to ignore the strange pang in her chest.

Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. It's not like she was jealous or anything. Of course not. She was just surprised...that's all. Why would she care if he had a girlfriend or not? It's none of her business anyway. Right? Right. There was no reason for her to feel disappointed...right? She was just any diehard fan would be. Nothing more...right? She felt herself frowning unconsciously despite telling herself repeatedly to stop.

Maybe she should ask some questions to find out more...just to satisfy her curiosity. Not because she was jealous or anything...

" she okay?" Fii asked cautiously, raising an eyebrow slightly in concern. Then she forced herself to relax her features again. She didn't want him thinking that she was annoyed or upset or anything...

And then Quinn's face came to mind for some reason. Did...he have a girlfriend too? He never mentioned one before...then again they didn't talk about that stuff very often. Come to think of it—how many friends did Quinn have exactly? He seemed popular enough judging by how well he got along with everyone.

But...she couldn't remember him mentioning any special someone...or any girlfriends before either...

The ache in her chest intensified. Weird. Why was her heart beating faster suddenly? Was she getting sick again? Maybe Edith should run some tests after all...

Kenzo answered without noticing her internal struggle. "She's in the room right now actually," he said as he glanced over his shoulder at the door behind him. "Edith fixed her up a couple of days after I brought her here so...I'd say yeah. She'll be okay."

He turned his gaze back towards Fii and grinned wryly. "Anyways, I was about to head in and check up on her. Wanna come in with me? I'm sure she won't mind." He motioned for her to follow as he headed towards the door. "It's probably better than standing around out here chatting all day anyway."

"Oh...sure!" Fii exclaimed.

Okay. Mind your manners. Don't act like a total weirdo. She tried desperately to calm her racing heartbeat while following Kenzo closely into the patient's room. Once inside, she could see a woman sitting on a bed with her back turned toward them. She had long jet-black hair that fell past her waist and wore a plain hospital gown.

As the woman turned around, Fii's eyes widened. No...way...

She wasn't expecting to see that person's face again—especially not in this clinic.

"Cobra" Kasumi?!

Wait...she's friends with Kenzo?! WAIT...were they secretly dating or something?!

Fii snapped her head towards Kenzo and blinked rapidly several times. But no words came out of her mouth. She just stood there looking like an idiot while Kenzo walked up to the bed and bent down to give the woman a quick peck on the cheek.

"Hey, Kasumi," he said casually as if nothing was out of the ordinary. He seemed oblivious to Fii's stunned expression. "How are you feeling?"

Kasumi's response was equally casual as if the kiss hadn't even registered to her. "Fine," she answered briefly before turning away again without further explanation.

Kenzo straightened his posture again and chuckled dryly to himself before glancing over his shoulder at Fii. "Ah right, sorry...guess I should introduce you two." He gestured toward Kasumi as he continued speaking. "Fii, meet my friend Kasumi. Kasumi, this is Fii."

Kasumi spared Fii only a brief glance before looking away again without saying anything else. She seemed disinterested in holding a conversation. Or perhaps she simply didn't care. It was difficult to tell since her facial expression remained unchanging.

Fii could only gulp nervously in response to the introduction.

The last time they'd met had been during a battle against each other. Fii barely won by sheer luck. If Cobra really wanted to kill her, Fii would be dead. Period.

And now that very same person was in the Aether Clinic. As a patient. This...was kinda awkward—and dangerous. How was she supposed to react?

"K-Kenzo. Can we, uh, talk for a bit...outside?" Fii stuttered nervously. "Just need to ask you about something. Won't take long."

Kenzo shrugged nonchalantly. "Sure thing. Just a sec." He turned toward Kasumi and placed one hand gently on her shoulder. "We'll be back in a minute," he assured warmly before removing his hand from her and moving toward the door where Fii stood waiting patiently. He beckoned for Fii to follow him outside and then closed the door behind them once they were both through.

Once they were in the hallway alone together again, he raised an eyebrow curiously at her. "Look...I know what you're about to say—"

"You're dating 'Cobra'?! And you brought her in here?" Fii whispered loudly while gesticulating wildly with her arms. Her voice cracked slightly towards the end. "Do you know how scary she is? She tried to kill me!"

Kenzo blinked. "Wait, you fought her before? When?"

"A while ago when me and Virgil took down a drug deal and found out about Shiver. I had to fight her off before she killed me." Fii spoke faster and faster with each passing word until she sounded like she was on the verge of hyperventilating. "She's super scary. I could've been cut to ribbons back then. Does she know I'm the same person who beat her up?! Is she someone who holds a grudge? She might try again if she finds out!"

Kenzo raised his hands placatingly. "Relax! Calm down. Listen. You gotta breathe."

Fii inhaled deeply several times until she regained some semblance of control over her breathing. Afterward, she managed to speak without sounding like she was going to pass out at any moment. "Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm fine. Thanks."

"Yeah...good..." Kenzo sighed heavily before continuing. "Look, Fii. It's complicated alright? I honestly didn't know that you two met before. Virgil never told me about it either and Kasumi never mentioned anything about Axion before."

He ran a hand through his hair and exhaled again. "'s the situation—you know that the Neon Vipers were working with Salvatore. Kasumi was in charge of protecting the Shiver facility he set up in the slums. Recently, the Echo Syndicate found out about that place too. They attacked it. Kasumi got beat by 'Reverb' Ray. I managed to get there in time to save her, then brought her here. And...yeah...that's all there is to it."

Fii arched an eyebrow skeptically. "And...she's not going to come after me after she recovers?"

"I never told her who you are," Kenzo answered straightforwardly.

She sighed in relief. That was one less problem at least.

Kenzo rubbed the back of his neck again before continuing, "Also...we kinda sorta have a history together so...uh...let's just say things aren't exactly easy between us." He shrugged awkwardly before adding dryly, "If you catch my drift." He tapped one finger against his temple while raising both eyebrows slightly.

Fii stared blankly at him for a few seconds.

The part of her that idolized Kenzo cringed internally.

"Anyways, let's go back inside, yeah?" He turned around and opened the door to the patient's room before walking through with Fii right behind him.

When they entered, Kasumi glanced briefly over at them with her usual passive expression. She remained silent. And still. As if she didn't care whether they came back or not. Or if she even acknowledged their presence at all. Her posture suggested disinterest despite sitting upright on the bed with her legs crossed neatly underneath herself. Fii wasn't sure what to make of her behavior. Was this how she always acted when interacting with others outside of...cutting them into pieces?

"We're back," Kenzo announced unnecessarily as he walked further into the room towards where Kasumi sat quietly. When he reached her bedside, he placed one hand on her shoulder again gently before continuing, "You've been out cold for a couple days now. Feeling okay?"

Kasumi responded curtly without looking directly at Kenzo. "Fine."

Fii had no clue what to do. She felt like a third wheel.

She stood stiffly near the door with her arms folded tightly across her chest and her shoulders hunched inward self-consciously. How does one behave normally around someone who tried to kill them previously? And was apparently dating (?) their crush? Not to mention—they were super intimidating too...

After several excruciatingly long minutes of awkward silence punctuated only by occasional murmurs from Kenzo's side of conversation, Fii could stand the tension no longer.

She approached Kasumi timidly and gave a tiny wave. "Um...hey." She hesitated slightly before asking hesitantly, "H-How're you feeling?"

Kasumi merely stared straight ahead without responding verbally or physically. Her gaze remained fixed upon the wall in front of her while maintaining perfect posture. If she heard Fii speak at all, she certainly didn't show any sign of acknowledging the greeting.

Fii licked her dry lips nervously and forced herself to continue talking. " great! Not like you didn't look good before though." She laughed nervously while scratching the back of her head sheepishly. Then she quickly added hastily, "Not that I was staring or anything..." Her voice trailed off weakly and she glanced around helplessly at nothing in particular as if hoping the ground would swallow her whole. This was awful...absolutely terrible.

"Thanks," Kasumi spoke monotonously. She still hadn't bothered making eye contact. Or even turned her head toward Fii's general direction. was something! Fii took it as progress and seized the opportunity to keep going.

"! Uh...glad you're doing better! And uh...yeah!" She stopped abruptly as soon as she realized she was babbling aimlessly without actually saying anything meaningful. Great...just...great...she was totally blowing this conversation already. "Yeah..." Fii repeated again quietly under her breath while lowering her gaze to the floor dejectedly. A sigh escaped her lips involuntarily.

Silence followed afterward. Unbearable silence...which lasted for several agonizing seconds until Kenzo eventually spoke up.

"Aww c'mon Kasumi," he chided playfully, patting her gently on the shoulder with one hand. "I know you're livid with the situation, but you can at least be sociable about it."

Kasumi huffed out a single breath through her nostrils without moving a centimeter otherwise. After a moment, she turned her head sharply to the side so suddenly that Fii jumped slightly at the unexpected motion.

"I am perfectly social," Kasumi stated coldly before glaring directly into Fii's eyes with enough intensity to make Fii want to melt into a puddle right then and there. The icy gaze lasted only a second or two before Kasumi abruptly turned her attention back towards Kenzo as if nothing happened.

It certainly did NOT count as "perfectly social," but Fii wisely decided against pointing that out.

Kenzo chuckled humorlessly under his breath. "Mhm...sure thing." He gave her a wry smile before removing his hand from her shoulder entirely and placing both hands in his pockets nonchalantly. Then he casually strolled over toward Fii's side while humming idly under his breath. Once he reached her, he leaned close to whisper conspiratorially behind one hand held near his mouth. "Don't take it personally," he advised quietly enough that Kasumi wouldn't overhear him. "She's been sulking since she woke up."

Fii gulped audibly as Kenzo pulled away again before continuing to speak. "Anyway...Fii. We'll catch up later. Gotta help Kasumi with a few things around here." His tone suggested that this conversation was over and they should part ways. And honestly—she had no problem with that suggestion whatsoever.

She gladly took the chance to escape while she still could. "Uh...yep! Sounds good!" she agreed hurriedly without wasting another moment standing around awkwardly any longer than necessary.

But before she could reach for the door handle, Virgil walked in. And judging by his expression—things weren't great…