Chapter 14: Tussle with the Gully Rats
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Fii sat cross-legged atop a large water tower, watching the setting sun bleed across the horizon. The sky was stained with brilliant reds and oranges, and the faint sounds of chatter from the neighborhood below drifted into the evening air.

Taking a deep breath, Fii enjoyed the moment of peace. After spending the whole afternoon and early evening assisting with the cleanup following the earthquake, she deserved this little break. Sure, it was tiring work, but it felt good to be doing something for the betterment of the slums.

Satisfied, she relaxed her posture, shifting to a more comfortable position on the roof. She closed her eyes, taking in the sounds of the evening, the scent of rain lingering in the air. The light breeze tickled her exposed skin and the cool air was refreshing.

She began to doze, her mind drifting into a pleasant reverie. Until a light tapping on the water tower's metal surface brought her out of her half-conscious state. Blinking, she glanced over to the source.

A young man was standing on a small maintenance platform to the left of her, grinning widely. "Yo!" He called out to her, waving enthusiastically. "I've seen you around, haven't I?"

"Uhhh, hi?" Fii gave the guy a hesitant wave. She didn't recognize him, and the fact that he'd climbed up to the water tower without her noticing was a bit alarming.

How did he sneak up on me like that? I was supposed to be on high alert. Am I that tired?

The guy let out a hearty laugh. "Relax! Just here to check the water pressure. And maybe chat with you? I've got a few minutes to kill."

Fii forced a polite smile, not sure if she believed him or not. "Okay?" She furrowed her brows, her eyes narrowing slightly as she examined the newcomer.

The stranger was tall and lean, with an athletic build. His pale complexion and shaggy blonde hair gave him a boyish appearance, and the friendly way he carried himself seemed to exude an easygoing personality. He wore a simple green jumpsuit and toolbelt, and he sported a pair of protective goggles around his neck.

He also bore a large scar along the left side of his face, extending from the top of his forehead to the bottom of his chin. The pale line cut through his eyelid, revealing a milky white, clouded eye underneath.

"The name's Quinn," he introduced himself, casually strolling up to Fii and extending a hand in greeting. "Nice to meet you, by the way."

"Ah, uh...nice to meet you, too? I'm Fii." She hesitated, reluctantly taking his hand and shaking it firmly.

"What's got you up here?" Quinn asked, taking a seat beside her. "Normally, people hang around below, not on top of the water tower."

Fii shifted awkwardly. "I, uh, came here to think. It's my first time climbing up here. I hadn't realized how high up it was, and now that I'm here, I'm enjoying the view, I guess."

"Ha! I'm the opposite. I climb up here all the time. It's nice to get away from everyone for a bit. Fresh air and all that." Quinn ran his fingers through his hair, his expression growing wistful. "It helps me clear my mind. Helps me get through the day, ya know?"

"Yea, I get that. Kinda been the same for me lately, I guess. Haven't had a lot of time for myself." Fii let out a slight sigh.

"I feel ya. There's always something happening in the slums. Something's always going wrong, and there's never enough people to fix the problems. It can be...stressful." Quinn's tone turned somber. "Everyone's got to chip in, otherwise the entire community's gonna suffer. And we can't have that."

"Right," Fii agreed. She cocked her head at him. "What's your gig in the slums, anyways? How come I've never seen you before?"

"Eh, I help out where I can, mainly with maintenance, repairs, and keeping the water flowing. Makes sense why you haven't run into me before. My routes don't normally take me through this part of the slums, so I guess we've just missed each other." Quinn scratched his head, sheepishly chuckling. "So, what about you? What's your gig?"

Fii shifted nervously, avoiding eye contact. "Oh, y'know, just helping where I can. Odd jobs, that sort of thing. Nothing fancy." She kicked her feet over the side of the water tower, resting them on the beam below. "What's up with the scar? It's, uh, kinda noticeable." She winced. "No offense."

Quinn touched the scar across his face, running a finger along its length. "This? Eh, it was from a fight with a gang member. He thought I was an easy target. Turns out I wasn't." He flashed a sly smile, winking at Fii with his one good eye. "So, did you get caught in the earthquake the other day, or did you manage to avoid the worst of it?"

"Actually, I was in the middle of it. Got hurt, but I'm fine now," Fii admitted.

"Dang, sorry to hear that." Quinn flashed Fii an apologetic smile. "I hope you weren't hurt too badly. I heard there was a big building collapse in the marketplace. Hope nobody got crushed or anything." He waved his hands frantically. "I mean, not to imply you were in that, I just meant like—"

"No, no, I get what you mean." Fii stifled a laugh at Quinn's fumbling response. "I, uh, was somewhere else when that happened. A few things fell on top of me, and I was a bit banged up, that's all."

"Is that so? Well, I'm glad you're okay." Quinn reached out to pat her on the shoulder.

"Yeah, me too." Fii managed a small smile.

"Oh!" Quinn snapped his fingers. "Speaking of the earthquake, have you heard about this Super that suddenly showed up recently? Apparently, she's a local. Didn't even grow up in the metropolis. I mean, how crazy is that? An actual superhero in the slums." He turned to Fii, flashing her a wide grin. "Can you believe it?"

Fii's eyes widened, and her jaw dropped slightly. She quickly composed herself, clearing her throat as she tried to keep her tone casual. "H-Huh, really? I, uh, h-h-hadn't heard anything about that." She grimaced, mentally kicking herself for her nervous stuttering. "Wow, that's, uh, a surprise. Right?"

"Right, yeah." Quinn nodded in agreement. "It's crazy! Apparently her name is Axion or something. Dunno what her power is, though. From what I've heard, she hasn't done a lot of fighting yet. More of a rescue and cleanup type." He tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Still, she's gotta have something, right?"

Fii let out a dry cough, trying not to appear too eager to contribute to the conversation. "Probably. I mean, if she's a real Super, she's got to have a power or two, right? Wouldn't make much sense otherwise." She paused, struggling to find the words to continue. "Er, right?"

"Right." Quinn nodded, then raised his eyebrow. "You okay? You seem a bit...tense."

Fii waved a hand dismissively. "Ah, I'm fine, I'm fine. a lot on my mind. Sorry. Anyway, about this Superhero..." Her voice trailed off, a flush creeping up her cheeks. She could feel her heartbeat quicken, and she took a deep breath to calm her nerves.

"Yeah, Axion. From what I've heard, she's already saved a few people during the earthquake, and she helped clean up afterward." Quinn continued, seeming unfazed by Fii's awkward behavior. "I mean, isn't that what superheroes are supposed to do? Help others?"

Fii nodded silently, averting her eyes. Her mind raced with a multitude of questions. Why was Quinn bringing up Axion? Did he know something about her identity? Was he trying to get her to reveal herself? This has got to be just a coincidence, right?

She shifted uncomfortably, her leg bouncing involuntarily. "Y-Yeah, that's true. It's good she's helping out. Really good." She hoped she sounded convincing.

"For sure. I hope she stays around and keeps up the good work. The slums need all the heroes we can get." Quinn patted Fii on the shoulder again. "Anyways, I've got to finish my rounds, and you've got things to do, I bet. We'll catch up sometime, right? Maybe I can buy you a drink or something."

"R-Right, yes. Of course. Yeah. That would be great!" Fii exclaimed, her words stumbling over each other. She slapped her hands over her mouth, realizing she may have come off as a little overeager.

Quinn winked at her and grinned, seeming to appreciate her enthusiasm. "Cool, catch you around, Fii. Don't forget to watch out for the gangs! And try not to get caught up in any more disasters, okay? Take care." And with that, Quinn hopped off the ledge, disappearing behind the other side of the water tank.

Fii blinked, unsure of what to make of the encounter. She watched as Quinn climbed down the ladder, noting his surprisingly agile movements. He seemed to glide down the structure with ease. In seconds, he vanished out of sight.

Huh, he seemed like a good guy, but I hope I didn't give too much away. Or do anything suspicious.

Fii shook her head and lay down on the tank, staring at the sky. She contemplated going after Quinn to see what he was up to, but he didn't seem particularly dangerous. She also still needed a minute or two to collect her thoughts before returning to the clinic. So, instead, she remained where she was, soaking in the last rays of daylight as she pondered the unexpected encounter.

Axion leaped from rooftop to rooftop, landing gracefully on the metal tiles with barely a sound. She stopped at the edge a building, scanning the street below for signs of trouble. Her vision was sharp and focused, her mask's visor amplifying her sight, allowing her to see everything clearly even in the dim lighting of the night.

The streets were quiet and empty, save for the occasional drifter passing by or an animal scurrying around. Nothing appeared unusual. However, she noticed that some of the streetlamps along the path were flickering intermittently, their light sputtering as they struggled to remain on.

She crouched low, readying herself to jump to the next building, when a flash of movement in the alley below caught her attention. She narrowed her eyes, focusing on the movement.

A group of men approached a lone figure, armed with bats and chains. They surrounded their intended target, backing him into a corner. The leader of the group sneered and pulled out a knife, pointing it threateningly at the victim.

The victim, a scrawny teenager with a mop of brown hair, pressed himself against the wall, holding up his arms in surrender. "Look, I said I was sorry, alright? I didn't know they were yours. Please, I don't want any trouble." His voice cracked as he spoke.

The man jabbed his weapon forward, making the teen flinch. "You're singing to the scrapheap, brat. You and your whole family are as good as dead now."

The other members of the gang brandished their own weapons, the glint of steel reflecting in the lamplight.

Axion frowned, recognizing the emblem embroidered on the gang member's clothing—Gully Rats. As far as small gangs went, they were pretty brutal. Their turf was concentrated around the southwest end, but they had a habit of intruding on other gang territories. She'd already run into them a few times before. They seemed intent on stirring up trouble tonight.

Without wasting any time, she jumped down into the alleyway, landing behind the gang members with a loud thud. She straightened up, raising her fists, ready to strike. "Hey," she said, her voice slightly distorted by the filter in her helmet.

The gang leader spun around, glaring at her. "Who the hell are you?" he snarled, brandishing his blade. His subordinates followed suit, wielding their weapons at her. "Get lost! This doesn't involve you."

The Gully Rats stood in a loose semicircle around her and the kid. Most of them held knives, bats, and chains. Only one of them, the apparent leader, held a pipe pistol. All of them were eyeing her warily, clearly not used to dealing with unknowns.

Axion strode forward, the confidence in her gait betraying none of the apprehension she felt. "Let the kid go. He's not worth getting into a fight with me over." She tilted her head, peering at the gang leader through the visor. "Unless you wanna get your butt whooped by a Superhero."

"Pfft. Superhero?" The gang leader spat, glaring at her. "Buzz off, tinhead, before I send you to the junkyard." He jabbed his gun in Axion's direction, baring his teeth in a snarl. "One warning, that's all you're getting from us. Now beat it, or I'll plug you full of lead."

"Try it. See what happens," she retorted, her tone hard and cold.

The gang leader's lip curled in anger, and he pulled the trigger. A deafening crack rang out as the pistol fired.

Axion held her ground, reaching out with her power. The bullet curved to the side, crashing into a dumpster. She stepped forward, her movements fluid and graceful, as she rushed the gang leader. Before he could fire another shot, she closed the distance, striking him across the jaw.

The gang leader stumbled back, clutching his face, blood dribbling through his fingers. Axion ignored him, focusing her attention on the others. She lashed out, hitting the nearest attacker with a sweeping kick, knocking him off-balance.

The other Gully Rat members surged forward, attacking en masse, swinging wildly. She ducked, dodging a bat, and swung her foot outward, sending one assailant sprawling into the trash.

But her efforts earned her no respite, as several others moved to engage.

She narrowly avoided a chain whip aimed at her head, the metal links whistling as they flew by. She retaliated with a swift punch, sending the gangster reeling with a bloody nose.

Another Gully Rat rushed her from the side, thrusting his bat at her stomach. She twisted aside, grabbing the weapon as it passed. Using her momentum, she yanked the bat forward, dragging the man off balance. She turned on the balls of her feet, pivoting and slamming her elbow into his back, throwing him to the ground.

A shadow loomed overhead. Her head snapped back as a chain struck the side of her helmet. The impact jarred her senses, causing her ears to ring, but the reinforced material kept her skull from being pulverized. Still, she staggered, momentarily stunned.

The Gully Rat who'd swung the chain grinned, thinking he'd gained the upper hand. He lunged at her, chain raised for another strike. Axion's instincts kicked in. She reached out, manipulating her own gravity to make herself lighter. The world seemed to slow as she deftly sidestepped the incoming attack, the chain swinging harmlessly through the air where she once stood.

The gangster blinked in surprise.

Her hand whipped out, gripping the chain, and yanked with all her might after increasing her weight five-fold. The gangster yelped in shock as he was pulled off his feet and flung through the air like a ragdoll, crashing into a wall with a dull thud.

Axion let go of the chain, straightening up. She released her hold on the gravity field, letting herself regain her normal weight.

The remaining Gully Rats circled her cautiously, not keen on pressing their luck. A couple of them even retreated further away. She stood still, her stance firm, fists clenched, ready for more. "Your call. You can either leave, or I can beat the crap out of the rest of you."

The gang leader scrambled to his feet, bloodied and bruised, his firearm discarded. "W-We're not finished here!" he growled, gesturing to his remaining cronies. "C'mon, you cowards. We can take her!"

A couple of the other Gully Rats, emboldened by his declaration, surged forward, one aiming a knife at her midsection while the other raised a baseball bat overhead, preparing to swing.

Axion planted her feet firmly on the ground, her power enveloping the two aggressors. The knife's trajectory altered, missing her completely. She grabbed the outstretched arm of the attacker and used their momentum to throw them to the ground. The bat swung in a wide arc, barely missing her head as she ducked under it.

Another Gully Rat lunged and tackled her from the side, catching her off guard. They both hit the ground, rolling around in the dirt. The gangster ended up on top of her, pinning her arms to the ground. He cackled, his face inches from her own. "Gotcha!"

She kneed him in the groin. Hard. The gangster's eyes bulged, and he groaned in pain. She shoved him off and kicked him in the chest, sending him flying backward into a pile of garbage.

Before she could stand, another gangster collided with her, pushing her back into the wall. She grunted in discomfort, the back of her helmet slamming against the bricks. The assailant smashed his fist into her visor, but the glass did not give. The force of the blow made her head rock back, however, causing a brief dizziness to settle over her.

She headbutted the Gully Rat in the face, stunning him, then shoved him away, breaking his grip. She returned the favor by driving her knee into his gut, eliciting a satisfying grunt of pain. The gangster doubled over, and she finished him off with an elbow strike to the head. The unconscious body slumped to the ground in a heap.

The Gully Rat with the knife charged again.

Axion tried to dodge, but her reactions were a fraction too slow. The blade sliced across her arm, leaving a stinging gash through her suit. She hissed in pain. She should've been faster. Should've seen it coming. Stupid!

The gangster continued to press his advantage, slashing wildly. Axion parried some blows but failed to block all of them. Several shallow gashes opened on her torso and shoulders. She took a few steps back, wincing from the pain.

A bat slammed into her right arm. A chain whipped across her left shoulder. She gasped, her limbs numbing from the combined blows. The Gully Rat with the knife seized the opportunity, leaping at her, knife poised to plunge into her chest.

Axion reached out with her power, altering the force of gravity around her. She forced the gangster to the ground with her mind, holding him in place as he struggled futilely. Her eyes flashed with power as she exerted more pressure, keeping him immobile. She snatched the knife from his hand and hurled it aside.

Another gangster rushed at her, attempting to tackle her from behind. She turned, using her ability to make herself lighter, floating out of reach. She reached out, grabbing him by the collar as she floated over him, and flipped him onto the ground with a resounding thud, landing on top of his pinned companion.

She let out a slight growl, her voice modulator giving her a more ominous tone. "Had enough?" she demanded, rising to her feet.

The Gully Rat she'd initially thrown through the air shakily rose to his feet, bleeding from the nose. "Damn Supe...Fuck off!" He screamed as he ran at her, a short length of metal pipe in his hand.

Axion let him charge, waiting until he was almost on top of her. She feinted to the right, dodging his wild swings, and then unleashed a devastating roundhouse kick directly to his temple. The blow knocked him cold.

The other thug crawled to his knife and retrieved it. With a yell, he rushed towards her.

Gritting her teeth, she lunged at the one with the knife and increased the gravity field around both of them. He dropped to the ground, struggling to move, the blade falling out of reach. She punched him in the head, knocking him out. Then she whirled to confront the remaining opponents.

Can't afford to be flashy. I'll just do the same thing to the rest of them.

She ran at the nearest thug, ignoring the ache in her body. She covered the distance quickly, her steps heavy. As the gangster brought his chain-whip up to swing at her again, she altered her gravity once more and leapt at him, feet first.

The chain fell to the ground as she crashed into the Gully Rat, bowling him over. Her boots connected solidly with his stomach, and he wheezed, collapsing in a heap. She landed on one knee, crouching over the fallen gangster, then punched him in the face for good measure.

Two thugs left.

As she rose, she sensed movement coming from her right. Instinctively, she twisted around to avoid the bat's trajectory, but its tip clipped the horn-like protrusion on her helmet, twisting her head to the side.

The visor display flickered briefly. Stars danced across her eyes. Her legs wobbled. She swayed unsteadily, struggling to remain upright. Everything around her began spinning.

Another impact to the back of her head, and she fell face-first onto the floor.

The Gully Rat hammered his bat repeatedly on her back and helmet. "That's for screwing with the Gully Rats, you dumb bitch!" he screeched angrily.

Pain flared through her body. She curled up, arms covering her head instinctively, desperately trying to shield herself from the barrage. She could hear her own breathing echoing inside the helmet as she inhaled and exhaled deeply.

Have to focus! Move! Fight back!

As the gangster continued to smash her with his bat, she focused on her power, adjusting her gravity around them.

The thug fell on his hands and knees, unable to stand. "What the..."

Axion stood shakily, wobbling slightly on her feet. The gangster writhed and squirmed on the ground, still trying to push himself to a standing position. She staggered forward and kicked him in the face, putting him out cold.

All that was left was the leader.

Shots rang out, the noise reverberating throughout the alleyway. She flinched as bullets whizzed past her head. A stray one bounced off her thigh, tearing through fabric and skin alike. Warm blood trickled down her leg.

She adjusted her gravity field to deflect the projectiles. The next volley ricocheted into the nearby brick walls, sending chips and splinters scattering about. The gang leader fired one last time before emptying the magazine. He cursed under his breath, tossing the now useless firearm to the ground before darting out of the alley, not waiting for his buddies.

Axion wanted to chase after him, but she was too exhausted. Her strength drained from her body as her adrenaline rush subsided. She sat back heavily on the ground, panting. Her whole body ached, and she could feel her wounds stinging.

She looked around to see if the teenager had made it out okay. He was gone.

Guess he got away. Good.

Slowly, she dragged herself over to a nearby wall and leaned against it. Her head throbbed from the beating, and the gash on her arm and leg burned.

She looked over at the unconcious gangsters, lying strewn about the alley. They wouldn't stay knocked out forever. If she stayed here, the moment they woke up, they'd swarm her. She needed to leave before that happened.

There were no cops out here anyway, and no jail to take these goons to.

Well...there was one place, but it was a lost cause to bring them there.

Sighing, she gingerly pushed herself to her feet, grunting at the effort. She stumbled down the alley, limping as she went, until she came to a main thoroughfare. Then she started walking towards the only place that made sense at a time like this.

The Aether Clinic.