Chapter 7 Training
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Before we commenced my training, Uther paused, his expression turning reflective. "Before we begin, it's important for you to understand the history of our order. Let me tell you how I became a Paladin," he said, his voice resonating with the weight of memories. "It all started when the kingdom of Stormwind was attacked."

"The land of Stormwind was once an emblem of peace and prosperity, a realm where tranquility reigned supreme. However, this era of peace was shattered when orcs, fierce and war-hungry creatures, poured into Azeroth from the Dark Portal. This mystical gateway connected our world to Draenor, the orcish homeworld. The onslaught they brought upon Stormwind marked the beginning of what would be known as the First War."

"The clerics of Northshire Abbey, devout in their faith, rose to defend their homeland against the orcish tide. But soon, the harsh reality dawned upon us; the orcs were a formidable foe, and our spiritual strength alone was not enough. The clerics, despite their unwavering faith, suffered devastating losses. They were spiritual leaders, not warriors, and their lack of martial prowess became our Achilles' heel."

"Amidst this turmoil, Archbishop Alonsus Faol, a visionary and a man of profound wisdom, saw the need for a new kind of warrior. He envisioned a fusion of divine power and martial might, a blend of the Light's sacred magic with the art of war. He sought to create an order that would embody both the nurturing essence of the clerics and the formidable strength of knights."

"Faol chose me, his apprentice, to be the first of this new order. Under his guidance, I trained relentlessly, honing my skills in combat while deepening my connection with the Light. This rigorous training gave birth to the first of the Paladins, holy knights who wielded both sword and spell in defense of the innocent."

"With Archbishop Faol's blessing, I was appointed as the First Paladin. Our new order, the Paladins, stood as a beacon of hope amidst the chaos of war. We were more than just warriors; we were protectors, healers, and champions of the Light."

Uther's story was a tapestry of history and heroism, painting a vivid picture of the genesis of the Paladin order. It was a tale of transformation, of adapting to the dire needs of the time, and the birth of a new hope in the face of despair.

As Uther's tale came to a close, a surge of inspiration coursed through me. The history of the Paladins wasn't just a relic of the past; it was a living legacy, one I was about to step into. But my aspirations extended beyond the path of a Paladin. The idea of also mastering the arcane as a mage lingered in my mind, a unique fusion of paths that I yearned to explore. "Could I perhaps transform the Paladin class, blending it with the mystical arts of a mage?" I pondered, a question that echoed with possibilities for the future.

Uther, reading the determination in my eyes, spoke, "Before you can walk the path of a Paladin, you must first train as a warrior." The day's training was about to begin, a crucial step in my journey to becoming a Paladin.

We started with running exercises. My long legs carried me swiftly across the training field, each stride pushing my physical limits. Uther, observing from the sidelines, offered guidance on my form, stressing the importance of efficiency in every movement. The ground beneath me became a blur as I pushed myself harder, feeling the burn in my muscles with each sprint.

Next, we transitioned to bodyweight exercises. Push-ups, sit-ups, and squats tested my endurance and strength. Despite my height and physical development, these exercises challenged me, but I welcomed the challenge. Each push-up made my arms tremble, each squat pushed my legs to their limit, but I persevered, driven by my ambition.

Uther didn’t just focus on physical training; he wove in lessons on mental discipline, focus, and the resilience of a Paladin's spirit. "The strength of a Paladin is measured not just by their arm but by the resolve in their heart and mind," he would say.

As the day wore on, I could feel my body adapting, growing stronger and more agile. This wasn't just physical growth; I was being molded into a warrior, a foundation upon which the Paladin's strength would be built.

In between the rigorous exercises, Uther shared tales of Paladins who exemplified courage and righteousness. These stories weren't mere pastimes; they were lessons in the virtues and responsibilities of the path I was choosing.

Exhausted yet exhilarated, I reflected on the day’s training as the sun set. The path of a Paladin, demanding and noble, was laid out before me. Yet, in my heart, the desire to merge this path with the arcane wisdom of a mage remained a burning ambition. For now, I focused on the present, on each step of this journey, knowing that each day brought me closer to forging my unique destiny.

After a few more chapters, I plan to implement a timeskip. I don't intend to delve into every detail of his entire childhood. Instead, I'll dedicate two full chapters to summarizing his key experiences and developments as he grows up.

sorry if this chapter was not good, I did not have an idea on what to do here :)