Chapter 7
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Ava’s cursor hovered over her most-used bookmark. She really didn’t want to click through, but she was nothing if not consistent and it was Friday, she needed to publish her next chapter. After nearly ten minutes of contemplating what to do, Ava bit the bullet and opened her story page. She tried to ignore the notifications in the top left corner of the screen but she could already tell that Moore had uploaded at least two chapters. One definitely stolen from Ava’s prior chapter and one more that was likely more in line with the main plot of her story.

Ava pushed the notifications out of her mind. She was just here to upload her new chapter and be done with it. However, Ava’s curiosity got the better of her and she opened Moore’s story. She had to read it, if she didn’t it would nag in the back of her mind forever.

Oh, great. Moore had uploaded a chapter twenty minutes before Ava had. Ava sighed and opened the new chapters.

“I apologize for being so stubborn.” Gloria sighed as she took a seat next to Kyra around their campfire. She sounded exhausted after the day of travel, rightfully so. “I know you simply wish to help but it can be… difficult to rely on others. It’s easy to grow accustomed to the assistance, only to find yourself helpless when nobody else is there”

Kyra frowned. That was a tragic way of thinking. Kyra wondered what could have happened to make her think that way. “I know you’re thankful. You would be helpless without me.” Kyra teased. A thin smile appeared on Gloria’s lips.

“And besides. I’d be helpless without you. You are incredible, really. You had no good reason to trust me… yet you did. You listened to me and you made me feel comfortable and accepted. Thank you.”

“I’m surprised that you put up with me.” Gloria let out a slow chuckle. “I’ve put you in so many dangerous situations. I half-expected you to turn tail and never look back after your first run-in with danger. But to my surprise, you stuck around.”

“I don’t just ‘put up with you’, Gloria. I like being around you because I–”

I love you. That’s what she had wanted to say. She hadn’t realized it until the moment, but it was true. Gloria was a beautiful, strong, and noble woman. She held to her ideals and protected the people she cared about. Kyra had somehow managed to take a place on that list. That was exactly why Kyra couldn’t speak her mind. Gloria had so much on her plate all the time. Love had no room.

“Because you’re amazing, and I care about you” It was still the truth, just not all of it.

Ava’s jaw dropped. That was too much of a coincidence. Moore couldn’t have even copied her. Her chapter came out before Ava’s. She had to say something.

VaguelyPoetic: How do you keep doing this?

SomeMooreOnTop: doing what?

VaguelyPoetic: Writing the same thing as me!

VaguelyPoetic: Our stories are exactly the same!

SomeMooreOnTop: wdym?

SomeMooreOnTop: yours is a realistic romance story. mine is fantasy?

VaguelyPoetic: But the romance beats are exactly the same! How do you keep predicting what I’m about to write??? The dialog is basically word for word sometimes!

VaguelyPoetic: At first I thought you were copying me but our most recent chapters came out at the same time! Either you’re somehow copying me before I put my chapters out or we are accidentally writing the same romance!

SomeMooreOnTop: oh i guess i see it now

SomeMooreOnTop: i promise im not copying you!

SomeMooreOnTop: most of the romance ive written comes from irl experiences ive had with this girl recently!

SomeMooreOnTop: yknow i almost had the same thought too! but you had uploaded something similar to what I had written before I could even post it.

SomeMooreOnTop: crazy coincidence right?

VaguelyPoetic: YEAH

VaguelyPoetic: IT IS CRAZY


SomeMooreOnTop: what?

VaguelyPoetic: I’ve been writing based on irl experiences too!

SomeMooreOnTop: huh.

SomeMooreOnTop: just how accurate has your writing been?

SomeMooreOnTop: to the real thing?

VaguelyPoetic: Pretty damn exact.

Moore’s typing indicator appeared and disappeared several times over a few minutes, ultimately it went away without Moore ever sending anything. Ava minimized the window. Maybe it really was just a coincidence.

Her computer pinged.

SomeMooreOnTop: Ava?

Ava stared at her name on the screen. Moore shouldn’t know that. She couldn’t know that.

But she did.

Ava’s mouth hung open as the pieces slowly clicked together in her mind.

VaguelyPoetic: Paige???

SomeMooreOnTop: holy shit

SomeMooreOnTop: have we both been writing about each other?

VaguelyPoetic: I… I guess we have????

SomeMooreOnTop: lmao thats crazy

SomeMooreOnTop: you should totally write a story like this. it seems right up your alley

VaguelyPoetic: Wait.

VaguelyPoetic: You made me a knight???

SomeMooreOnTop: hehe

SomeMooreOnTop: yeah

VaguelyPoetic: a cool, stoic, badass knight?

SomeMooreOnTop: how could I not?

VaguelyPoetic: I’m an accountant!!!

SomeMooreOnTop: :)

VaguelyPoetic: Come over. Right now.

SomeMooreOnTop: As you wish~

VaguelyPoetic: STop messaging me! Get over here!

Ava’s mind raced as Paige made her way to her apartment. That whole story was about her. Every description of ‘Gloria’ was a direct insight into Paige’s thoughts about Ava. Ava’s face went bright red, Paige described ‘Gloria’ as a big strong knight. Is that how Paige saw her? Ava scoffed, surely Paige had been exaggerating. Ava was fit but she wasn’t buff like Paige had described her. Ava looked down at herself.

Okay… maybe she was well built, but she hardly saw herself as the big strong woman that Paige apparently did. She just liked staying active! It was healthy!

Ava needed to move. She jumped out of her seat and paced around her apartment worried that her head would explode if she let herself sit and think about it for too long.

Time dragged on forever, the seven minute drive between their homes had never felt longer than in that moment. Ava worked herself up so much that she nearly jumped out of her skin when three sharp knocks rang out from her front door.

Ava placed herself in front of the door, but she couldn’t open it.

Why was it so hard to open the door?

“Ava?” Paige called through the door, “I’m here!” She sounded so excited, why was Ava so nervous?

The woman she loved was on the other side of that door, and somehow she loved Ava back. Ava still couldn’t help but feel vulnerable, even after it was clear how they both felt, opening the door was impossible.

But Paige was on the other side, waiting for her.

Ava took a deep breath and twisted the handle.

“Hi Paige,” was all she could manage as she pulled the door open.

Paige grinned. “Hi, Hailey.”

Ava tensed up upon hearing her character’s name said aloud. “Oh my god,” Ava exhaled sharply, “Never do that again… Please.”

“Hmm… Fine. But only because you asked so nicely.” She stepped through the door, gently pulling it shut behind her. “How many of your characters are just self inserts?” She smirked.

Ava covered her face with her hand. “Just the one…” Ava didn’t like writing self-inserts. It felt lazy to make up a situation in her head and write how she would react to it, because that was easy. If she only wrote self-inserts all her stories would sound the same. It would quickly get incredibly boring to read and write.”

“Mhm,” Paige nodded doubtfully. “What about Bella?”

Ava frowned. “That was my first story. It hardly counts. Everybody’s first character is a self-insert! And you did the same thing with Kyra!”

Paige looked unconvinced.

“Fine. Two,” Ava relented. “Happy?”

Paige smiled. “Yes. Very.”

With that round of teasing over, Ava sighed and led Paige to her couch. “So… should we talk about all of this?”

“If you want to.” Paige shrugged. “I feel like our stories speak for themselves.”

That was true. Ava’s story was a complete display of her feelings on the matter, but Paige’s was adapted from the real situation to fit her story. It could be far from the truth. Paige could have just used their lives as inspiration for a fictional romance.

Ava had a lot of questions, but one stood out above all the others.

Ava looked to the floor, too embarrassed to even look at Paige as she asked the question. “Did you really almost say that you love me?” The words came out as a whisper, barely audible to even Ava.

Paige scooted closer to Ava on the couch, and responded as quietly as the original question. “I did.” She cupped Ava’s chin in her hand and gently turned Ava to look her in the eyes. “I so desperately wanted to say it.” She frowned. “But I was scared. I was worried that saying so would ruin our friendship.” She laughed weakly. “It seems like you were scared of the same thing.”

“I was.”

“I’m going to do something scary.”

Ava tilted her head, confused.

“Ava. I love you.”

She said it. Out loud. Paige loved Ava.

“I– I love you too.” Ava felt like she might cry. This was everything she had wanted for the past three months.

Paige smiled. “And not just like a friend. I love you Ava.” She made sure to put a heavy emphasis on the word. “You’re one of the most gorgeous, smart, and kind people I’ve ever met, and I want to be with you.” She leaned even closer to Ava. Close enough that Ava could hear her faint breathing.

It was Ava’s turn now. She took a deep breath to prepare for her inevitable ramble. “Paige. I love you. You’re so funny, and sweet, and adorable, and you make me so happy every time I get to interact with you. I have never been luckier to know anyone in my entire life. It’s been such a joy to be around you and I wish I could be as confident and friendly as you are. I have no idea what you see in me. I have no idea how I managed to find someone as incredible as you. I can’t even imagi–”

“–va… Ava?”

Ava blinked. Paige had called her name as she had been droning on to get her attention.

“Yes?” Ava squeaked.

“I’m going to do something even scarier now, okay?” She took a deep breath. “Can I kiss you?”

Ava nodded. “Please?

Ava hadn’t ever been kissed like that before. She had gotten used to being the initiator. It was different, but nice, she wasn’t the only one putting real effort into the relationship anymore.

Wow,” Paige panted as their lips parted, her breath warm on Ava’s face. “I can’t believe that we did that.”

“Me neither.” Ava collapsed back onto the couch, smiling like an idiot.

Paige sank down into the couch as well, resting her head on Ava’s shoulder. Ava closed her eyes and sighed, reveling in the soft warmth pressed against her side. It was perfect. If the moment lasted forever Ava wouldn’t have ever complained. 

“You were very brave.” Ava remarked, resting her own head on Paige’s. 

Ava felt Paige laugh quietly beside her. “You think so?” 

“Absolutely.” Ava pursed her lips before continuing a moment later. “Definitely braver than me.”  

Paige removed her head from Ava’s shoulder and gave her an unamused look. “You’re plenty brave Ava”

“I’m not the one who just kissed the other.”

“We kissed each other!” Paige asserted. “I just initiated!” 

“That’s what I mean.” Ava clarified. “You started it.” 

“Whatever, you dork.” Paige settled back into Ava’s side. 

Ava loved everything about what was happening, but she couldn’t help but let her mind wander. Sure they came clean about their emotions, but what were they to each other? They certainly weren’t dating, not yet at least. 

“I don’t know if this means we’re dating or girlfriends or what, but do you want to go on a proper date sometime?” 

Paige shifted beside Ava as she began to laugh. “See! Brave!” 

Ava bit the inside of her lip. She guessed it was a little brave of her to ask Paige out like that. It definitely wasn’t as brave doing it after they had already kissed, but still, maybe just a little brave.

“But yes. I would love to go on a date with you.” Paige giggled into Ava’s neck.

Yeah, they're gay. Super gay.