Chapter 67: More Skips!
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Chapter 67: More Skips!

(Syrilblia’s POV)

Carna, being one that dealt with such cases before, had shown up to deal with the aftermath of Stan’s whole… murder and suicide thingy.

Of course, she had made up an entire story for it, saying that I was the hero who saved Barbra and their maids from the horrible man. That is, with pleading from Priscilla.

That is just an extremely brief summary of the story, though. Honestly, what Carna cooked up for it… She would be an award-winning novelist in my old dimension.

Though, that all happened more than a month ago. Back on campus, the place was very much on fire. I mean, not really on fire… Just that the males are still going kooky.

Beatrice: “If it was me, I would arrest them all just from them being annoying.” She said with a sigh.

Syrilblia: “You can’t arrest someone for being annoying, Beatrice.” I reply with a giggle.

The males of the campus, failing to accuse me of being a demon, haven’t stopped being annoying. Various priestesses have been called here to get rid of some evil that was making the females on the campus gay.

Regardless of how many they went through, the answer that was given… was always that the women were just gay. Now, you might think that this was my doing, but it wasn’t.

It was the author. In the novel, the ML was amazingly handsome. And as they hated doing drama between cheating and the like, most of the females on this campus were depicted as being lesbians.

The novel stated that, quote, “Pretty much every woman in the Royal Academy of Chelva, was a lesbian. Thus, none tried to seduce the prince.” Or something along those lines.

Before coming here, I didn’t expect that this aspect of the novel would end up being reflected in reality. It was nice for me, though. This made seducing them a breeze.

Charlie: “You know, I find it weird how every girl here is a lesbian.” She said with a thinking pose.

Syrilblia: “It is a little weird, yes. But it works out for me.” I reply with a shrug.

Ramona: “They were said to be lesbians in the novel, if I am remember correctly.” She added.

Charlie: “They were, but most of this world is different from the novel.” She said with a groan.

Also depicted in the novel was this same event of the males causing a fit. The only difference is that I have caused it to happen much earlier, before the MC even showed up.

And on top of that, most of these girls are going to marry each other. In the novel, they only started to date, and none were mentioned that they were going to marry. In this sense, I am a glorious lesbian marriage consoler!

Velta: “The problem will be dealt with soon, no need to worry.” She said with a smile.

Syrilblia: “How far along is it?” I ask with a curious tone.

Velta: “Prior to you coming here, there are actual real assaults made on the females of this Academy. Adding on to the false ones, none of the males will escape.” She answered.

Beatrice: “Considering that some of the girls, including me, were pissing on Flare… What are the male teachers doing?” She asked.

Carna: “Nothing good. If it wasn’t for Clare sharing so many of those grimoires, some of the girls would have been raped. The men aren’t all bad, but there are quite a few stuck up nobles, that think they deserve a woman for themselves.” She explained with a scoff.

Syrilblia: “How sad for the non-rapists among them, but you cannot go against the will of the author.” I reply with a sigh.

This world kinda pisses me off, and I am not the only reincarnater that thinks as such. It follows the novel, but most of the time it is just completely different. Like, them being lesbians was a key thing that got kept, while other aspects never appeared at all.

For instance, that succubus girl hasn’t shown up, ever. Velta couldn’t find her, and neither could Carna nor Marina. With the MC and other main characters about to enroll, we should do this Academy male eviction plan posthaste…

Unlike the other girls here, the MC’s friends, IE, the other main characters, weren’t said to be lesbians. Rather, they were depicted as bisexual. Thus, there was no conflict of interest when they helped out the MC with the ML.

Which, yes. Meant that the author, for some reason, considered bisexual girls to be mostly straight. As for why… perhaps they were stupid? The world may never know…

Marina: “Syrilblia, I have to say that I am very, very proud of you. This goes beyond all my hopes. You have now given us a major boon to our future empire.” She said with a praising tone.

Carna: “I agree. All these girls are loyal to Syrilblia and you, dear. Though, with there being many more women to seduce, your daughter’s task is far from over.” She added.

Marina: “Most of them will be somewhat minor, as Syrilblia has already seduced the most powerful women in the kingdom, both present and future.” She replied.

Syrilblia: “Mom… if I said that I wanted to seduce every woman in the world… would that upset you?” I nervously asked.

Marina: “Not in the least, no. You’re the seed that will bring forth my empire. After all, it is very easy to take over a place when all are loyal to you.” She denied.

Carna: “I was honestly surprised when she seduced the queen.” She said with a giggle.

Queen Amona was decently easy to seduce. I have many things to my advantage when trying to seduce women. One, I am absolutely beautiful. Two, I am a lewd girl that can never get enough of petting the kittens of various women.

If I am being honest, I haven’t actually seduced a straight girl before. Or a bisexual one. The straight girls, and the MC’s friends, will be my real test. Not that I was even worried about that, as my mind was purely on how nice it would be to pet and taste their kittens…

Velta: “A week from now, Syrilblia, we will enact the plan.” She informed.

Syrilblia: “It’s that far along already?” I reply with a raised eyebrow.

Carna: “The main work is to build up the false stories for every girl. Making each one be plausible with just their accusations was the real challenge.” She explained.

Syrilblia: “You have made a story up for EACH man?” I reply with a slightly shocked tone.

Velta: “So far, we have, yes. With Carna’s help, the process was greatly expedited.” She answered.

Marina: “I have heard some of the stories that Carna has come up with… I honestly feel somewhat bad about those men, as they will have to flee multiple kingdoms over to be able to get a fresh start.” She said with an unremorseful laugh.

Syrilblia: “…”

I should feel bad, but I do not. Marina has successfully poisoned my mind. So the men will be falsely accused of being rapists, huh? For one, they aren’t women that I can seduce. And on the other hand, I am a villainess, not a hero. For what purpose would I have to do anything that is right? That is, unless it is to help a woman out…