Chapter 73: Relating.
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Chapter 73: Relating.

(Syrilblia’s POV)

Before she hid it, I got a glimpse at the cover. It wasn’t anything special. Rather, it was a book about lesbianism. Nothing fetishy or pornographic, mind you. It was an educational book for that specific sexuality.

No, I am not some insane person that wishes to mind control the girls of this Academy via lesbian books. This library houses books on lesbianism and books about gay men.

Though gay men are less accepted in this world. As women can just use magic to get their female partner pregnant, while men cannot. Women aren’t seen as lesser in this world as they would be in a normal fantasy world of this time period.

I won’t deny that I find it upsetting, but at least they will all be dead, eventually. So it’s not some grand thing that I wish to change. Anyway… why is a bisexual girl interested in such a book? There are books on being bisexual as well, you know?

Syrilblia: “That book is about lesbianism, isn’t it?” I ask with a confident tone.

Grace: “…Yes.” She admitted.

Syrilblia: “Are you a lesbian?” I reply.

Grace: “I…I don’t know. I think that I find each sex to be attractive…” She replied with an unsure tone.

Syrilblia: “That means that you’re bisexual. This library has books on that sexuality, as well.” I inform.

Grace: “Bisexual?… I think that I might be.” She said with a nod.

Syrilblia: “Stay right here, I will go get you a book on it.” I say before leaving her.

Quickly, using the power of, I have sex with every girl here, so they will help with anything that I ask of. I easily found a book about being bisexual. After finding it, I brought it back to the still waiting Grace.

Syrilblia: “Here.” I say with a smile, handing her the book.

Grace: “Thank you.” She replied with a smile of her own.

Since she was done with the other one, I took it from the table and went to put it back where it belonged. When I came back, Grace was, uh… gracefully studying the book.

Syrilblia: “…”

As a firm believer that women sure look cute when they’re focusing on their work, I left her to read. Of course, I didn’t leave her side. I just sat down next to her, and I waited for Grace to finish reading.

Much Reading Later.

Grace: “…Did you wait here the entire time?” She asked in shock once she finished the book.

Syrilblia: “Of course. I am not aware if you know anyone that you can talk to this about.” I reply.

Grace: “I do have friends enrolled…” I cut off her words.

Syrilblia: “That’s nice, but all the girls enrolled at the moment ended up being lesbians. As for why… no one really knows.” I inform.

Grace: “…Does that include you?” She asked.

Syrilblia: “That is correct, yes. But I do feel like that I would still be the best to ask about your sexuality.” I answer.

Grace: “Oh… You said that everyone here is a lesbian… That is, everyone knows about that exodus of horrible men a while back. Is that why… they all look like they’re dating?” She asked with a curious tone.

Syrilblia: “Not all of them are dating, no. Though, a huge portion, if not all of them, are dating fully with the intent of marriage.” I explained.

Grace: “Truly? How fascinating… Though, won’t this cause an issue in the future? Despite us being relatively equal, Chelva is primarily a male dominated kingdom.” She said with a thinking pose.

Syrilblia: “It won’t be that way for long, as birth rates for males are decreasing rapidly. Not to mention, but with so many women of this Academy being lesbians… Male’s will slowly stop being the de facto dominant sex.” I reply with a confident tone.

Grace: “Is that is true… then I would have to agree with you. After all, most of the graduates of this Academy will end up in various positions of power.” She agreed.

To ensure that our efforts weren’t in vain, as we cannot turn each and every female into a demon with any real speed, Marina poisoned the food and water. It will take many years for each woman to be turned, so this was a plan to help us out later.

As for the poison… well, it just made it so that women could only give birth to females. Yes, at this point, I cannot deny that Marina is a major misandrist.

But what can I do? I love that woman too much to ever disagree with her methods. And frankly… I don’t have much love for men, either. Granted, I wouldn’t personally go on a genocide of their sex.

Syrilblia: “Enough about politics… Did you ascertain your sexuality?” I ask.

Grace: “I was certain that I liked both sexes, and now I am even more sure of it. I was only confused, as seeing the women around campus, acting all lovely dovey with each other… made me rethink my sexuality.” She answered.

Syrilblia: “What do you mean?” I reply.

Grace: “I felt that I was more attracted to other women, more than I was attracted to men. But, in that book, it said that no one person is the same. For me, my bisexuality leans on females more than males.” She explained.

Honestly, it was fun to just… talk to a girl like Grace. I mean, one that I wasn’t having sexual relations with. It’s like… I don’t have to worry if our conversation turns into yet another sexual encounter.

Not that I mind if my girls want sex. I am almost always ready and willing to embrace them. Of course, Grace will eventually be in my harem. But even so, I should enjoy this short period where she is… almost my friend, I guess?

Much Talk About Various Topics Later.

Grace: “Syrilblia, thanks so much for spending your time with me today. I am sure that there were many other things that you wished to do…” She said with a smile as I led her out of the library.

Syrilblia: “I heard about a new student, and, as oddly the de facto leader of the student body, I felt as if it was my duty to ease you into academy life. No need to feel bad about taking up my time.” I reply with a smile.

Grace: “I see… I understand now why everyone is so passionate about praising you.” She said with a giggle.

Oh, they’re passionate, alright… I have to figure out which girls of my harem are spreading my good name! Wait… didn’t I ask that of them? No, no. I asked them to spread me being powerful. Did… did they also spread other things about me?

Regardless of what they have spread about me, it should only be good things. And those girls, whoever they are, they deserve a special petting to their kittens from me.

Grace: “Recently, there were more dorms built on campus. But I heard that you have a private one, that only a few women live in. Is that true?” She asked with a curious tone.

Syrilblia: “…”

Oh, shit… How the hell am I supposed to deny her this? Flare and Charlie fuck all over the dorm, and without care for anyone seeing them. To be fair, I do the same as them. Grace will surely be weirded out about this, and I doubt that I can convince the others to stop their sexual actions outside of their dorm rooms…