Chapter 76: False Alarm!
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Chapter 76: False Alarm!

(Syrilblia’s POV)

Syrilblia: “May I ask why you want to kiss me, Grace?” I nervously asked.

Grace: “I gave you a small kiss just a few seconds ago, but I want a real one this time. And… are you looking for a wife?” She replied.

Syrilblia: “No. It’s not public, but as you can see from this ring, I already have one.” I deny.

Grace: “And she is fine with you having your own harem?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Syrilblia: “She is, yes. As for why… to know that, you must first join my harem. Once you do, nothing will be hidden for you.” I answer.

Grace: “That so?…” She said with a thinking pose.

I was so damn on edge… I really, really wanted to just be her friend for a while. It’d be nice to… just have a friend like her. Of course, I will have to seduce her in the end. But I have the desire to just be her friend for a while. Which is why my mind is racing right now…

Grace: “So I cannot be your wife… But what about your harem?” She asked.

Syrilblia: “What about them?” I say with a head tilt.

Grace: “Are they objects to satisfy your sexual desires… or are they people you cherish?” She clarified.

Syrilblia: “I cherish them, very much so. Sex is something that I have with my harem members, but my true pleasure comes from my wife. For my harem… I mostly care about their pleasure, not mine.” I explained.

Grace: “And… if I join your harem, am I free to find a wife or husband?” She replied.

Syrilblia: “Absolutely. If… I’ll tell you something, but only if you don’t see me in a bad light for it.” I reply.

Grace: “From our interactions so far, I can tell that you’re a very good person, Syrilblia. Please tell me, and I will not think less of you, regardless of what you say.” She said with a smile.

Syrilblia: “…My harem is all the girls on campus.” I admit.

Grace: “…”

The woman was confused, probably trying to figure out if I was joking or not. As I never came out and said that it was a joke, the girl eventually had to accept it as the truth.

Grace: “Everyone?” She asked.

Syrilblia: “Everyone… Specifically, as I had admitted, the main reason I sought you out was to seduce you. I do the same for every female that newly enrolls.” I answer.

Grace: “That means… I am not special? This treatment of me… it’s the same for all the women on campus?” She replied.

Syrilblia: “Most of them are living luxurious lives, all at me and my wife’s expense. They don’t need me to do things like what I did for you. Though, you’re unique in the sense that… I wanted to be your friend for a while.” I reply with a remorseful tone.

Grace: “I see… I somewhat wish to join your harem, as I am more than tired of being a struggling, poor girl. The idea of having the support of such a powerful person, not only a wealthy person, but someone that has sway over the future… it is a grand proposition.” She said with a smile.

Syrilblia: “…”

Grace: “I can tell that you’re being truthful, as you have admitted things that one would normally wish to keep hidden. Even so, I want you to kiss me. I need to be assured that you really do treat your girl’s right.” She continued.

Syrilblia: “…”

Grace: “Such hesitation? Do you want to be my friend that badly? Regardless, even if you do treat your girl’s right, I am not an easy one. Just from the kiss, I will not join. I need time to make a decision on the matter.” She explained with a giggle.

Shit… Well, at least she will be my friend for a bit longer. Grace prepared for me to kiss her, and I didn’t leave her hanging. Lifting her chin, I soon took her lips.


Mmm… so tasty. I feel like a pervert, but virgins really do taste the best. Even after you’ve taken them, the taste never dulls. In a perverse sense, perhaps the feeling is due to the fact that I was the one to take their innocence? Regardless of why, the kiss was nice.

Grace: “…”

And it lasted a long while. Grace didn’t wish to part, and neither did I. Not because I was a horny fool of a girl, but because the woman herself wanted more. I could tell that she had desired me, and still does, even after we parted the kiss.

Grace: “…Are kisses supposed to be that good? Pardon my language, but I honestly wouldn’t be upset if you took me to my room, and stolen my innocence then and there.” She admitted with a red face.

Syrilblia: “Well… please understand that I have had sex with more than a few thousand girls. It makes sense that… I am very good at doing sexual things with women.” I answer with a slightly prideful tone.

As for that seed which Carna put inside me… I got rid of it. Even with its slight effects, I still felt wrong about using it. And without it, my success rate didn’t fall at all.

Grace: “If I don’t join your harem right away… will I lose access to everything?” She asked with a serious tone.

Syrilblia: “Absolutely not, no. Sex… I don’t give girls everything that they need so that they’ll have sexual relations with me. My wife and I wish to build up an empire. Can you tell that the women of this campus are very happy?” I reply.

Grace: “Happy? After coming here… I was worried that the Academy somehow turned into a mind controlled cult… Everyone acts so happy, no one argues with each other, and it is absolutely peaceful to an absurd level.” She replied with a laugh.

Syrilblia: “Oh, no… Did I accidentally make a cult!?” I exclaim in shock.

Grace: “…”

Syrilblia: “Those of my harem get whatever they desire. Sex is one of their desires, and whatever sexual desire they have, I will indulge them in.” I continued.

Grace: “Are you just going to ignore… No, that doesn’t matter. If I do not need to sell myself, then can I join your harem but not do anything sexual with you? I’ll admit to the kiss being… intoxicating. But I would like to stay innocent until I meet my future spouse.” She asked with a serious expression.

Syrilblia: “Can… can you be my friend, then?” I ask.

Grace: “Yes. Clearly, that is what we both want, right?” She agreed.

Woo! I can still have a friend! Charlie doesn’t count, as she is… Okay, I admit to having sex with her a few times. As such, she wouldn’t, or can’t be considered just a friend now…

Syrilblia: “Great! For my girls, they tend to be addicted to my sex with them, and how I give them everything need or want. Due to that, I don’t have to worry about any of them ever betraying me. But you can just sign a soul contract.” I explain.

Grace: “Once I sign it… How will I rank in your harem? I assume that it would be a very low rank, as I do not wish for sexual relations with you.” She asked with a curious tone.

Syrilblia: “There is no ranking system, silly. Though, the ones living in my dorm are… closer to me. One of them, Ramona, will probably end up as one of my concubines.” I answer.

Grace: “No ranking?… What about… access to luxuries or funds? What about information?” She asked more seriously.

Syrilblia: “Sign the contract, and all will be yours. Nothing will be left out. Information about our plans will be given to you via memory exchange magic. For instance, all the females on campus are fully aware of… everything.” I clarify.

Contract Signing Later.

Seeing off Grace, I was very happy. She was a little bewildered after getting all that information, but she quickly accepted it all. My perverted side wished to seduce her, but my moral side says that it’s better this way. After all, I am not a rapist. Now, I wonder how the next girl will end up…