Chapter 80: The MC and… the Prince too, I Guess.
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Chapter 80: The MC and… the Prince too, I Guess.

(Syrilblia’s POV)

Yay! She is finally here! After waiting so long, the MC has enrolled in the Academy. Well, she enrolled four months ago. Like I said, I really wanted to cuck away a girl from a man, so I let the two mingle with each other.

It goes without saying, but while waiting for her to show up, and letting her bake for a while, I did some cleanup. Sisters, mothers, daughters, etc. I seduced the female relatives of each of my harem members. It goes without saying, but I seduced many more women by now. Important things should be repeated twice, you see.

As if compelled by some unseen force, the Prince, Alti Chelva, and the MC, Fantasia Sametri, met almost immediately after arriving on campus.

Without me there to derail it all, this world does follow the novel. The sexual attraction, as well as the normal attraction, was evident around the two.

In the entirety of the campus, it was like these two were the one and only heterosexual couple for miles and miles. Of course, as I wanted the girl, I never let it progress too far.

Fantasia: “Syrilblia, would you like to go out for tea with me?” She asked with a smile.

Syrilblia: “Sure, that sounds fun. What about the prince?” I ask in reply.

Fantasia: “Alti? He let his grades slip, so he has to study to get them back up.” She answered.

First, I had Alti given basic and easy tests, etc. Once he got cocky, we switched them to absurdly hard ones. Not even the Headmistress, Clare, knew how to do them.

This was a grand manipulation on my part. With Alti being required to get his grades back up, he had less time to spend with Fantasia. This meant that… slowly, the girl started to want my attention more than his.

Syrilblia: “Hm… I wonder if Grace might want to join us?” I say with a thinking pose.

Fantasia: “Can’t it just be you and me?” She pleaded with a sad tone.

Syrilblia: “Okay. Grace is probably busy, anyway.” I agree with a smile.

This wasn’t her trying to seduce me, nor was it her even being overly friendly. With tons of friends, she would normally lose this habit.

Though, with me seducing said friends first, she only had Alti and me to spend time with. The girl was very needy, and she craved attention greatly. Specifically, she was the type that wished to monopolize people.

Fantasia herself probably doesn’t realize this, from what I know of so far. Besides, she is cute, so I will indulge her. I do plan on seducing her; you know.

A Fly to a Tea Shop Later.

Ordering tea for us, it quickly arrived. Much to Fantasia’s delight. As she happily drank her tea, I studied her beauty in more detail.

Fantasia: “You always know what tea I wish to drink each time we go here.” She said with a happy praising smile.

Syrilblia: “Of course, I am your friend.” I reply with a smile of my own.

Fantasia had black and white hair, split on her left and right sides. Her breasts were just a little smaller than a c-cup, and her eyes were also an odd mix of black and white. Now, looking at her, I knew why the prince liked to see her wear such outfits…

Syrilblia: “Have you ever thought about wearing Gothic Lolita outfits, Fantasia?” I ask with a curious tone.

Fantasia: “What?… Not really, no. Why mention it?” She replied with a cute head tilt.

Syrilblia: “Oh, I just thought that you’d look cute in them.” I answer.

Fantasia: “C-cute!?” She exclaimed, quickly hiding her red face behind her dainty hands.

Hehe… Fantasia wasn’t one who took compliments like this well. Regardless of who says it, she tends to react this way. That included the prince, which does annoy me somewhat…

Syrilblia: “Yes, cute. Though, you also look cute in your typical outfits as well, don’t get me wrong.” I say with a warm tone.

I didn’t derail their meeting and warming up, but my dress code for Academy did change various things. None of the girls even bothered to wear their uniforms. They much preferred to wear the cute clothes that I bought for them.

To help with the unseduced girls, the Academy now gives out a decently large allowance to the students. Of course, once I seduce them, they get an endless allowance. So it isn’t like there aren’t more things that I can’t offer them in return for joining my harem.

Fantasia: “Please don’t scold me… but I spent most of my allowance on new outfits. Even if I wanted to go with your request, I don’t have the funds for it…” She admitted with an embarrassed tone.

Syrilblia: “Surely, you kept enough coin for necessities, right?” I reply with a raised eyebrow.

Fantasia: “I don’t ever wish to be starving again, so I did keep more than enough to be able to feed myself.” She answered.

Syrilblia: “Then there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Those funds aren’t required to be spent on just what you need to survive. After all, you see how everyone wears very expensive and cute outfits in this academy.” I say with a smile.

Fantasia: “I was honestly a little worried that I’d be ostracized by everyone… But it is nice to know that my fears were completely unfounded.” She said with a happy tone.

Syrilblia: “This academy is very female centric, and we treat each other very well.” I add.

Fantasia “Alti seems to have a hard time, though…” She said with a sigh.

Hard time? That shouldn’t be the case… I specifically asked my girls to not antagonize the prince. I didn’t wish to give him any good reason to hate us. In fact, I’d like him to hate me, and me alone.

The look on his face after I seduced his girl… I am sure that it will be a very grand and fun to see expression. Surely, Alti will give me an even better show than my worthless, basic bitch of a villain, father of mine.

Syrilblia: “How does he have a hard time?” I ask with a curious expression.

Fantasia: “Hm? I don’t think that he is being ostracized… I just think that, being around only women, might be bad for his mental health.” She answered.

Syrilblia: “Oh, his mental health is sur…” My words were cut off.

Alti: “Ah, Lady Syrilblia, Lady Fantasia. It is a treat to meet you two here.” He said with a handsome smile.

Fantasia: “Prince Alti? Weren’t you studying…” She replied with a confused tone.

Alti: “I had just finished for the day, so I wanted to go out for tea. You two don’t mind if I join in, do you?” He asked, going ahead and sitting down at our table.

Little bitch… With my insider knowledge, there was no way that Alti managed to finish his studying this fast. Which meant that he was neglecting his studies. And as for why he is so damn foolish… the reason is annoying as all hell!!!