Chapter 83: This is Fine.
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Chapter 83: This is Fine.

(Syrilblia’s POV)

Fantasia: “We’ll have to kill him, eventually. Are you fine with waiting until then?” She asked.

Syrilblia: “Any of my girls can take him out with a flick of their wrists… I am not too worried about him. Not in the least, actually. He more of just irks me to no end.” I answer with a shrug.

Fantasia: “Very well. It’s getting late, we should go back.” She suggested.

Since we didn’t have anything else to privately discuss, we both decided that it was time for us to return to the Academy. Not like I even attend my classes anymore…

Though, Fantasia had top grades, and was a very good student. I didn’t wish to be a bad influence on her. As such, it was a good idea to accept her suggestion.

Fantasia: “If I join your harem… what would change?” She asked with a curious tone, while we were flying back to the Academy.

Since Alti wasn’t following us, we just took our time, slowly flying back. The sun was in the process of going down, and it was very peaceful and soothing right now.

Syrilblia: “Unless you wish for sexual relations… You would get an endless allowance, the ability to not need to attend classes, and to be let in on our grand plan.” I answer.

Fantasia: “So… oh, that’s how you seduced them all.” She said with a facepalm.

Syrilblia: “That is one of the reasons, yes. But I am actually extremely good in bed. Not to mention, but regardless of how debauched their sexual desires are, I indulge them.” I explain.

Fantasia: “I see… Honestly, if I was more inclined for sexual relations, I might take you up on your offer.” She replied.

Syrilblia: “Sexual relations aren’t needed, Fantasia. I don’t do anything sexual with Grace, and I am more than okay with that.” I reply with a serious tone.

Fantasia: “Ah, you misunderstand me, Syrilblia. I mean that… I might be willing in the future. First, I would like to get to know you.” She clarified.

Syrilblia: “You’re free to do so, and I will not mind. Rather than talking with girls that long for my touch, I do quite enjoy talking with Grace and you.” I say with a smile.

I was happy that Fantasia wasn’t a prude. She didn’t hate me for having a harem, and seemingly believed that I treated them all right. Which was the truth.

A Fly Back Later.

Fantasia: “Thanks for today, Syrilblia. I hope that we can continue like this in the future for now.” She said with a smile.

Syrilblia: “Of course. Goodnight, Fantasia. Do sleep well.” I say, handing her a book.

Fantasia: “This is…” She said with an unsure tone.

Syrilblia: “The strongest grimoire that Headmistress Clare could make.” I answer.

Fantasia: “…”

Syrilblia: “?”

Fantasia: “You pamper all your girls like this? Even without you telling me so, I could sense the power that radiates off this grimoire… Ah! That’s why everyone here is so powerful…” She said with a shocked tone.

Syrilblia: “Well, our plan is very grand, as I have said. Such a plan… it does require a very powerful group to achieve. Plus, I very much prefer my harem members to be able to protect themselves.” I explain with a warm tone.

Fantasia: “Does that mean you already consider me to be part of your harem?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Syrilblia: “No. And you’re very strong right now, but Alti isn’t far behind you. Even if you were in my harem, the one thing that I never wish to do… is to take away any of my girls agencies.” I deny with a serious tone.

Fantasia: “They’re part of your harem… but are still free, huh? So far, I understand that being in your harem will be rewarded with endless advantages. Sexual seduction… wasn’t the only way you’ve got them on your side.” She said with a thinking pose.

Syrilblia: “I keep them happy as can be, Fantasia. My wife is the one doing the hard part of the plan, and I am doing the seduction and recruitment part.” I explain.

Fantasia: “You’re making me very curious about this so-called plan… If I talk to you any more tonight, I might just fall. As such, have a good night, Syrilblia.” She jokingly replied, soon going back into her dorm.

A Trip Back to My Dorm Later.

Beatrice: “Mistress…” She said with raspy tone.

Syrilblia: “Oh… you seem very horny.” I reply.

Beatrice: “Seem? Mistress… you… can’t you tell from how I am referring to you?” She said with a pout.

Syrilblia: “Hm… I’ll admit. It is nice to hear you desperately call me mistress…” I reply with a grin.

Beatrice: “Can we…?” She replied, giving me puppy eyes.

Wow… I never seen this girl so horny before. Though, it is more than true that I haven’t been spending much time with her at all. That is, I have many other girls to tend to… Not like I haven’t sexed Beatrice, mind you. Our last love session was just a few days ago.

Syrilblia: “I am reluctant to indulge in your desires, Beatrice.” I answer.

Beatrice: “…And why is that?” She asked with a sad tone and expression.

Syrilblia: “If I indulge… we’ll be having sex for over a day. And that is just with your normal sex drive. Right now… aren’t you like, super horny?” I answer.

Beatrice: “…”

This girl does have a high sex drive by default, which is why I am hesitating. Fantasia hasn’t joined us yet, so spending time with my harem members has been put on hold, mostly.

Rather than going to bed like Fantasia, and due to how I really don’t need much sleep as a demon, I was actually going to tend to my girls. Taking up all the time for Beatrice… it is something hard to swallow.

Though my girls might understand it. Beatrice is part of my core harem. Like Ramona, she’ll likely end up as one of my concubines. With such knowledge, perhaps they will be willing to let me off the hook…


Syrilblia: “…”

Beatrice: “Syrilblia… my kitten is so needy for your touch. So much so… that I can hardly keep my balance.” She said, feigning sickness.

Girl, what is this, a Spanish drama show!? Is feigning being sick really a good method to get me to sex you? I mean, it is somewhat working…

Velta: “Syrilblia, take Beatrice tonight. It is your duty.” She said, popping out of nowhere.

Syrilblia: “Where does this supposed duty come from?” I reply with a confused tone.

Velta: “Beatrice is a demon now, and as a demon… She has been marked as your wife.” She replied.

Syrilblia: “…”

Velta: “The reason she is so horny right now is due to that. Tonight, you must lie with her, and get her pregnant.” She explained.

Beatrice: “Oh… I do very much want to have your child, Syrilblia…” She admitted with a flush face.

Syrilblia: “…Isn’t this like, actually me cheating on Marina?” I ask with extreme nervousness.

Velta: “No, it isn’t. This is a natural process, one which Marina is more than aware of. We demons do not need conception magic to breed, so just have fun.” She answered.

Syrilblia: “…”

Velta: “What are you waiting for? Beatrice is clearly in pain. She needs your touch, and for you to give her a child. Go on now, implant your seed in her. Alice will be happy to have a sister.” She said, urging both Beatrice and me into my room.

While shoving us along, Velta explained more about the process. Basically, using my soul, is how Beatrice will get pregnant. Basically, I just need to have sex with her just like how we usually elope in bed.

Beatrice: “…”

Syrilblia: “…”

The woman was staring at me like a beast in heat. Velta was right. Beatrice was in pain at the moment. Oh, my Goddess! Will I actually be getting a woman pregnant? I don’t know if I am ready for this. But one thing is for certain, Beatrice is more than ready…