Chapter 86: What Were you Doing?
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Chapter 86: What Were you Doing?

(Syrilblia’s POV)

At a Teahouse with Fantasia.

Fantasia: “Syrilblia, we made sure that Alti wasn’t following us this time. Which is why… can I ask where you’ve been?” She asked with a curious tone.

Syrilblia: “Do you really want to know the answer?” I reply with a raised eyebrow.

Fantasia: “Does it involve sex?” She replied.

Syrilblia: “It does.” I reply with a nod.

Fantasia: “…I have asked the other girls… How it is that you can have sex with so many of them in just one night? When do you find the time to sleep?” She asked with a sigh.

Currently, even if that bitch of a prince did follow us, I had paid for a private room. And by that, I mean, I got it for free. We do own the Academy. So all that can be bought… were things that are just given to me.

Syrilblia: “How likely are you to join my harem?” I ask in reply.

Fantasia: “Almost 100%. I am just busy with my classes and learning magic. Maybe once I have the time to relax, I will ask about joining it.” She answered.

Syrilblia: “Okay. Here, allow me to touch your head, and I will transfer the information to you.” I propose.

The girl agreed with a cute nod, and then I transferred said knowledge to her. How much of it? Everything. Not a single missed detail. Fantasia was obviously shocked to learn so much all in one go.

This world is based on a novel, I am a demon, I married my mother, I have gotten one of my concubines pregnant, we are going to take over the world, all men will die, etc. This was a lot to take in, so I patiently waited for her to consume and work through it all.

Literally Hours Later.

Fantasia: “…”

Syrilblia: “…”

Fantasia: “Was that book even good?” She asked.

Syrilblia: “It wasn’t about lesbians, so my rating for it was automatically deducted many points in my book. I think it was decent, but I’ve read better.” I answer with a thinking pose.

Fantasia: “Thankfully… this world is real. I felt some attraction to Alti, but I never felt compelled to be with him.” She said with a relieved tone.

Syrilblia: “Yes, it is nice that none of us is bound to follow the story word for word.” I agree.

Fantasia: “Did you really have sex with Lady Beatrice for over four days?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Syrilblia: “It would seem so… I actually lost track of time. You see, when it comes to making a girl pregnant… the time will fly away from you.” I admit with a slightly embarrassed tone.

Fantasia: “I see… I won’t be joining your harem yet, then.” She replied.

What!? Did I end up scaring her away?… That can’t be right… I have told her everything, and this method usually works to build up a lot of trust. Telling her all this… it means that I trust her a lot.

Syrilblia: “Why not? That is, if you don’t mind me asking.” I nervously reply.

Fantasia: “You treat your harem members amazingly well, significantly better than how some men treat their own beloved wives. I don’t want to be just in your harem… I want to be one of your concubines.” She answered.

Syrilblia: “Oh, but what’s stopping you from doing that?” I reply with a confused tone.

Fantasia: “From what I understand, your concubines are girls that you seduced very early on in your plan. You feel far deeper for them, as your earliest sexual experiences were with them. I do not have such an advantage over the other girls.” She explained.

Syrilblia: “…”

Fantasia: “To become your concubine, I must first build up a good relationship with you. I’m sorry, but I refuse to be a lower ranked member of your harem.” She added with a stern tone.

Syrilblia: “Lower rank? As I have said, there are no real rankings in my harem. Besides my concubines being closer to me, my harem members enjoy the same luxuries and pampering.” I reply with a serious tone.

Fantasia: “That is what I mean. I don’t want to be just a girl in your harem. I want to be one that fights by your side, one that is recorded in history, a woman that is close to you, and learns of things before anyone else does.” She clarified.

Odd… Not that I don’t want to agree with her, just that I am confused. Most of my girls fully accepted being in my harem. None of them have ever wished for more. Not to mention, but a lot of them have married each other, not me. Wait…

Syrilblia: “Do you have feelings for me?” I ask with a curious tone.

Fantasia: “I do. It took you long enough to realize that… Haven’t you been with so many women before?” She admitted with a giggle.

Syrilblia: “…Sorry.” I reply with an embarrassed tone.

Fantasia: “There is nothing to apologize for, Syrilblia. Anyway, yes. I do have feelings for you. Which is why I don’t want to be just a side girl to you. I cannot be your wife, but I at least want to be your concubine.” She replied.

Ah, now I get it. And she is right about that. It wasn’t because those that I have decided to make my concubines were just novel characters. Some were, but Velta is also one of my concubines now as well.

I cannot deny that I fell for them enough to make them my concubines due to me meeting them earlier than every other girl.

Syrilblia: “I understand. Very well, then I will continue our relationship with your intentions to make it more special.” I reply with a smile.

Fantasia: “I am happy to hear it. Though… if only I had some interesting fetishes. I am sure that you’d be easier to charm then.” She said with a wistful tone.

Syrilblia: “Are you sure that you don’t have any?” I say with a raised eyebrow.

Fantasia: “…I have one.” She admitted.

Syrilblia: “What is it?” I ask.

Fantasia: “I think that… if we let Alti get closer to us, and then accidentally do something sexual to each other while he watches… I might get off to it.” She explained with a red face.

Syrilblia: “You want to cuck him too!?” I exclaim in surprise.

Fantasia: “…I think? Though that is something for the future. I don’t know if I am ready to do sexual things with you just yet.” She replied with an unsure tone.

Yay! Not only am I close to seducing the MC, but I can still cuck the prince as well! Fuck you, Alti! Just you wait, one day, I will let you experience true pain. You have only yourself to blame. After all, who said for you to be such a horrible person? Oh, the future will be fun, indeed…