(Vol1) 41. Legacy Beneath
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"Mina, do you want some meat?" a handsome man riding a horse beside Mina says, handing her a meat jerky. 

Mina furrows her brow. "No..."

The man sits tall with a confident posture, his smile a captivating allure that draws people in. Jet-black strands of hair catch the light, hinting dark brown undertone that conceals his dark moonless eyes. 

The man shrugs at Mina's rejection and chomps the meat as the wind brushes his hair back. His name is Ludwig Main, a colleague who joined The Magic Research Tower around the same time as Mina and was appointed to the same team. 

Ludwig's outgoing demeanour fades when he notices one person in the village approaching. 

"Loi?" Mina says when she raises her head. 

Ludwig looks at her expression and his emotion sinks, his smile subsides and his gaze goes down. 

"Ah right, you fought with him did you not? How was the champion?" Ludwig asks. 

"...He was...nice. His eyes presented determination out of this world yet beneath the fire is...void. Trauma." Mina says. 

Ludwig scratches his head. "What? How did you notice all that?"

Mina turns to Ludwig. "I know someone like that." her voice turns gentle and warm, yet sad and nostalgic. 

"I see..." Ludwig clenches his grip on the rope. He was there on the day of the tournament and Mina's unforgettable charm imbued his heart. Although he had trouble communicating with Mina at first, he learned to drive the conversation for her. 


The descent into the ruins is accompanied by heaps of monster corpses. I kill every single goblin in our path with a blink, leaving barely any remnants for visitors. Followers from The Holy Light purify the vicinity, removing remnants of demonic mana.

Our arrival in the spacious cavern spewing mountains of bones and monstrosity left everyone stumped in disgust and horror. The pungent and thick demonic mana ignites confusion and headaches among the weak.

"T-These remains aren't goblins...it's human." Aria Domenic says as she scrutinises the pile. 


I activate the space magic for a shortcut when everyone steps into the room. 

"Let's go," I say and walk out. 


"W-What, where are we?" a mage exclaims. "Space-time magic?!!"

They look back and notice the door to the room of death disappeared into a pile of rocks. Anyone can deduce this part of the hallway caved in and exploded by something phenomenal. 

"Did you fight something here?" Aria walks to me and asks. 

"Yeah, a crazed hobgoblin and a sea of goblins."


Whether she believes this to be solely my strength, albeit the result of a strong hobgoblin clashing with me, I answer no questions and move on. Even if I explain it, barely any will believe a hobgoblin to have the strength of a master. The hobgoblins on the surface were extremely weak compared to the various veterans deep in the cave. 

The tour through corridors unravels a hurricane of haphazard cuts spanning through the cave, the mirage of a museum capturing every awe. 

There are always higher peaks nevertheless. We finally arrive at the abandoned Vanriem. An abyss of darkness consumed the city with only one source of hope, the illumination from the castle. 

"Something this big was...so close to us." Cane mumbles, his eyes wide open. 

Like ants emerging from their nest, small humans spread from one cave opening and observe the surroundings, scattering small patches of luminescence with their torches and light magic. 

As everyone is immersed in the sight, I look at Mina. Melancholy and longing root deep in her gaze. Silent and still, she stares at the city, looking at the remnants of her mind. 

I approach her when no one else notices. 

"What's wrong?" I ask. 

She doesn't seem surprised by my sudden entrance, perhaps hearing me from a distance away. 

"Nothing...It's just sad to see such a big city fall." 

"Anyone can tell you are lying." 

Mina bites her lips and furrows her brow. "Is it...that obvious?"


I look around and ensure no one is looking. Suddenly, I grab her hand.


She pulls away to find a rock in her palm.

"UCK?!" She groans and grasps her head. "T-This is..."

"It's a gift from a friend," I say with a smile. 

"Wha-...no this...I can't just accept this, it's priceless!" Mina exclaims. 

Good, this conversation is going the way I intended. 

"Don't worry, this is what friends are for. Just help me next time when I require assistance, alright?" I say. 


Mina gazes at the rock and back to me. What she desires is right at her feet but her conscience...


"...Thank you. If it's not something wrong, I will do whatever I can to help," she says. 

I nod and walk away, satisfied in successfully attaining a master trump card. I had no further use for Vanriem and money can be obtained later. 


You have set a deep impression on an important figure in destiny. The cogwheel of fate begins to turn in your favour.

Mina Yvelle Favour: 30 


Mina looks at my far back, many thoughts running through her mind. She knows an ulterior motive lies in my actions but one conclusion comes. 

"Thank you...Loi...Thank you." Mina whispers to herself. I underestimated how much this meant to her. 

The IAA and mage researchers begin to study parts of the abandoned city, mostly the castle, and killing any last remnants on the way. The core members of the group step deeper and arrive at the throne room. 

Aria freezes in place, her jaw pulling itself and her eyes wide. 

"T-These are the remnants of a battle?" She says, her eyes twitching. 

The aftermath reveals a celestial struggle akin to the clash of titans, a spectacle of devastation. Massive pillars lay toppled amidst trails of destruction and tempestuous torrents of deep gashes. From the ceiling to the ground, such scale of ferocity strewn about. 

"Possibly due to the corruption you speak of, the goblins I encountered were vastly stronger," I say to Aria, giving her a clue. 

Aria throws a glance at Cane and softly claps. "Good job, what bravery you had," she whispers to him.


Cane looks away in shame.

"Sir Loi," Aria says. 


"Noticing how you were able to control magical arrays, you must have the key, right? May I extend a negotiation over the rights of ownership? Of course, unless sir intends to...revive the kingdom, the true value of this place lies in the knowledge it holds."

I shake my head. 

"I-If it's what my brother did-"

"You misunderstand," I say. "I transferred ownership to someone else."


"Huh?" Aria blurts, her brows raised. 

"Now if you will excuse me, I've done what I came to do under the orders of the army. My team and I will take our leave, we are exhausted. I wish you all the best in your intelligence endeavour." 

"Wait, who did you-"

"Someone in this room."

Mina smiles when we exchange glances. 

I bow at Aria and walk past her, signalling my squad to follow me. 

"Uh, wait! Please come for your compensation at The Holy Light temple in the capital! I will meet you there!" she exclaims.

I look back and nod. 

We leave through the passage I opened up before and finally head back to camp for rest. 

Our horses await us at the stable of the village, a few farmers helped us take good care of it for the past few days. 

We greet and thank the farmers as we mount the horse. 

Issac stares at the village and sighs. 

"You look like you are going to die. We can visit here some other time." I say. 

Issac nods. 

It's already dark in the sky, Masoc and Issac each hold a torch to light the way.

The sound of galloping echoes through the night, pulling the curtains on the bizarre event. 

I don't need to ask them. I can see my subordinates reflecting on their strength; This is the main objective of bringing them along. 

"Do you want to become stronger?" I ask Issac

"Yes sir..."

"What about you?" I turn to Masoc

"Yes...captain." Masoc has been gazing down for the entire journey.

My glance at Kaden blurts out a "Y-Yes sir!" 

Finally, Aeon nods to my question. 

"The seasons are changing and the expedition will begin soon. Until then, we will all be experiencing hell like never before." I smile pleasantly, sending chills down their spines. "If anyone lags, don't worry, I will push you forward myself."

They gulp and nod in unison. 

My attention goes back to the road of dirt ahead. 

Stronger. I need to become stronger. The expedition is the time of my father's death. I will save him. I must create a new path of fate.

My palm clenches tighter on the rein. 

That day, I resolve myself to new heights of torture I must experience for the upcoming storm.