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Kuoh town

If a random Kuoh resident looked up in the sky they would see a  human-like figure floating. Well, that's considering they can see through his veil. It was none other than Naruto Phenex, the heir of the Phenex clan in the underworld.

"Such a normal looking town. Definitely not a place one would expect would be center of something out of this world", Naruto said to himself. And between all of this normal landscape, one building stood out.


"So, this is that asshole's school huh?, Naruto murmured to himself as he floated towards the school slowly, "With my dislike for schools and top of that "his" family's school... ...never thought I would have such a dislike against a place of all things."

Then Naruto remembered Azazel's request, "Well, before getting home, why don't I check out Azazel's new interest point", and as soon as he thought that he heard a scream from the left block of the school, and he would recognize that scream anyway. It was the Pervert's scream.

"Well, there's our cue."

LINE BREAK : Timeskip for 1 hour.

"Well, that's disappointing. Not that I'm surprised though", Naruto said to himself as he walked through the streets of Kuoh.

He observed Issei all day and was forced to watch Sirzechs exact female copy, his sister Rias and her peerage as Issei was already recruited. He certainly thought he would watch something interesting  it on the basis , considering the group consists of a hybrid fallen angel, Knight of the Holy Demonic Sword, a nekoshou, a princess with the power of destruction, and finally the infamous Red Dragon Emperor.





But no.

" For fucks sake, what are they even doing? Drinking tea after sitting down in the same place for 6 hours? Where's the training? Where's the discipline?", Naruto fumed, drawing looks from around though they didn't mind because he is a bishonen( He certainly understood how Sasuke felt in his teens)

Naruto sighed heavily, " What am I getting furious for? They are the last group I want to be with since they are with 'him'. But that attitude ticks me off! If Sakura-chan were here...", His voice softly trailed off as he remembered Sakura. His mood suddenly damped at the thought of his old teammate.

'Why the heck I am brooding?! I don't regret pushing Sasuke and sakura out of the portal's way... But sometimes... I really wanna see them."

It's been 300 years since the damned portal opened up in The Final Valley, just after he and Sasuke finished their fight. He, Sakura and Sasuke were smiling like the times when they were Genin, though he was still a genin then. All of a sudden, the space in that area distorted  and of course Naruto being Naruto, he pushed both of them away to the side letting him be the only one being sucked into the portal.

And to his surprise when he woke up, he was in the middle of what he thought was a huge barren land, and worst of all, he was reduced to his 7-year form, fortunately with his arm intact. That's when he saw a burly man pointing his spear at a blonde woman who was slightly injured. Thanks to his battle awareness, he understood that the lady was powerful and would'nt have interfered until that man gulped a certain pill. The increase in his power and aura was so rapid that the lady didn't know how to react and by the time she knew what was happening, Naruto was in front of her , defending an attack from the man.After a short tussle, he Rasengan'd the man. And the blonde woman was none other than Layla Phenex.

He was dropped into a Rating game arena, which by his luck's grace wasn't broadcasted then as Layla's team was facing a newbie. The burly man was later arrested for the usage of performance enhancing drugs along with the officials who allowed them to carry it in the first place.

Well long story short, Layla who was young by devil's standards by that time was just married and her maternal instincts screamed to take Naruto into her care and Lord Phenex, was surprisingly very supportive of that decision. Of course, when they found out that he was not a devil, they were pretty shocked, but never did they think of leaving him. Layla used to feel sad whenever she thought about his life span. But what other shocking factor they found out is that his lifeline is almost equal, or even greater than devils., which made both of the Phenex very happy.

And so went on his life, him meeting Sirzechs, Serafall, Ajuka, Falbium, and other great Pillars. He used to and still draws people near him like a moth to the flame. His friendship with others especially Sirzechs grew stronger as they began to address many issues in the underworld together.

But his absolute peak came during the civil war. The way he formed strategies, led forces to attack, and also how to attack so that there will be fewer casualties baffled the Anti Satan faction. His morale itself was enough for his allies to take action without any doubts.

And that's when he met her. Grafiya Lucifuge, who was then fighting for the Old Satan Faction. With Ajuka leading another squadron, Sirzechs and Naruto were left to fight her. Sirzechs might have had more firepower but Grafiya too had an excellent amount of arsenal and strategies, along with how Sirzechs was also injured , it made it easier for her almost kill him. There wasn't a day where he didn't think why he stopped her.

If it wasn't for Naruto, Grafiya would've gone down with the Old satan faction. He somehow convinced her to come to their side, which she did after some hard convincing. And by this time, Naruto already had a younger brother, Ruval.

Ruval rarely left Naruto's side when he was home. This made Layla and Ronald(Lord Phenex) tear up whenever they saw them. Naruto, who was foreign to this familial affection was all but happy when he had a family who cared about him. And it was during these times, that Naruto grew feeling for her and asked Grafiya out and she didn't even let him complete his sentence and said: "YES!" as if she was waiting for him to ask.

To say they were a hit was keeping it light. They were a famous couple then, and everyone was convinced that they would get married. And also it was during that time that the elections for the Maou's started. Everyone knew Naruto would be the default choice since he led them to victory with very less casualties. The other seats were also a no-brainer, Serafall, Ajuka, and Falbium. But what shocked everyone was when Naruto nominated Sirzechs as the Satan.

Of course, almost everyone had no problem but they preferred Naruto to take up the title which Naruto wasn't willing to thanks to his situation, but never expressed his true thoughts. He gave a good speech about how Sirzechs was the correct fit instead of him and finally, the seat went to him.

And by this time, Grafiya and Naruto went further into their relationship, they built a house and indulged in carnal activities almost every day. To Naruto, Grafiya was the love of his life, a thing which he had barely got in the Elemental Nations for the majority of his life( Except Hinata, whiskered asshole realized that poor girl was in love with him only after living 150 years). Everything was going well. So well, that he prepared to take on of the biggest decisions in his life


" Mom, do you think she will accept it?", asked a nervous Naruto to Layla who was combing his unkempt hair. Layla was silent for a moment and then began to giggle.

"To think I would see you nervous. I've seen everything in my life now", said Layla who was still giggling.

Naruto groaned, " I mean. I have zero experience in this department. I never proposed to a girl, nor any girl except her had an interest in me so don't blame me dattebayo."

Layla who was giggling up till then suddenly stopped and threw a deadpanned look at Naruto.

" What?"

Layla sighed, " Thank Satan no females in the underworld heard you saying it. It's gonna break their poor hearts."

Naruto looked confused, " Why? Do they have a heart problem?" (A/N: Todoroki's line from BNHA)


" Yeah, really thank Satan nobody heard it", Layla's expression returned to normal, and began to speak in her motherly voice," Naruto, I can't even think of any reasons why she may reject your proposal and that's considering she's gonna reject you. It's Grafiya we are talking about! That girl fell for you ages ago, and of course, you didn't notice it. C'mon don't fumble at the finish line."

Naruto was kind of taken back when heard about him being a dense part but then his nerves cooled down when he heard about Grafiya falling for him long before he asked her out. And when he thought about it, he wanted to facepalm with all his might when he remembered how Grafiya showed her vulnerable side only to him. He gently smiled and took out a small box from his pocket. And in that was a little silver stoned ring, which was shining brightly in the room lights. Layla slightly gasped at that sight.

"Naruto is that...", her voice slowly trailed off as she figured out what that stone was.

"Yes Mom, it is what you thought it," Naruto passed the box to Layla, " The Moonstone"

"How in the world did you get it?", Layla asked in a shocked tone.

"Well, I know a guy who knows a guy", Naruto said smugly. Layla threw him a 'want me to puke the truth out' look which made him say, " Well I cashed in a favor from Agares Household. They are in charge of catching fugitives and all so I got to know about the raw moonstone that was captured in one of their operations and I simply asked them."

"Agares?, Layla asked, "Why do they owe you a favor?"

"Secret and I'm not telling you even if you threaten me"

"Oh really. Aw too bad then. I thought to cook your favorite ramen today though...", Layla spoke to herself 'innocently'


Layla smiled smugly as she heard his answer. She knew all his weak points after all. " You mean you saved that Seekvaria Meredith?", Layla softened," Thank Satan you saved her. She is a very gentle and humble girl. So, when are you going to give this to Grafiya?"

Naruto smiled and said, "I am thinking today", to which Layla giggled and said, " Got back your confidence I see. Good luck son, though I think you won't need it."

"Thanks, Mom and by the way, "Naruto faced her and asked with sparkling eyes, " When are gonna make it?"

"Make what?", Layla asked.

"Ramen!", Naruto's whole face was sparkling now.

"Ara, did I say such a thing?", Layla took her hand fan and covered her mouth while saying it.

Naruto's face was ready to go into Six Paths crying mode, " THAT WAS UNDERHANDED DATTEBAYOOOO!"