Chapter 1 – Good Morning
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“Good morning Ross~” 

A sultry and seductive voice whispers in my ear. I’ve heard this voice a thousand times before yet it never fails to rouse me. My eyes open to see beautiful black eyes that have a tinge of purple in them.

“It’s time to get up sleepyhead. We’ll be late to breakfast, and you know your mother will be upset if you eat her cooking cold.” The woman says as she rises out of the covers of my bed, displaying naked figure women would dream to have.

“And whose fault is it I’m so tired I wonder?” I retort while smirking and admiring the sight before me.

“S-stop it, don’t say it like that! You know how I get when we have sex.” The woman pouts as she turns away from me and folds her arms underneath her incredible bust.

I get up and wrap my arms around her waist.

“I know I know I’m only teasing you dear. I love you Lyssa.” I mutter in her ear, adding a short kiss to her cheek.

She giggles and pecks me on the lips, “I love you too darling~ Now let’s go have breakfast!”

Lyssa ecstatically gets dressed and runs out the bedroom door. I hear loud “good mornings” down the hall that would wake up anyone who isn’t already awake.

Lyssa Lightheart is the name of that energetic hurricane of a woman and she is my childhood friend and girlfriend of many years. We’ve grown up practically inseparable from each other to the point that when I finally asked her out she and everyone in town thought we were already dating. She has dark black hair with a purplish hue, the face of a young woman in love, and a gorgeous curvy body like a succubus. Which, well, makes sense considering she’s half succubus as it is. Though she doesn’t have the horns or tail of one, she sure as hell has the lust of one.

I need to get dressed and get to the kitchen before my little devil eats all of the food I suppose.

Quickly getting dressed I follow my lovers footsteps out to the kitchen.

As I arrive in the living room I’m greeted by my Mother looking whimsical as ever.

“Gooooooood morning Rossy! Breakfast is ready! You better hurry, Lyssa looked hungrier than usual.” My mother declares with a not-so-subtle smirk.

My mother has always had a bit of “floaty-ness” to her voice making her seem like an airhead to those none-the-wiser. This being far far from the truth. The great Duncan and Sheena Alastair were both knights of the kingdom before retiring when I was born. Taking care of my older brother while maintaining their position in the Royal Guard was tough enough so they decided to retire in their early thirties. Retiring at such an age is practically unheard of, a rare circumstance that only few will experience. Though I’m sure that my mother being the second daughter of a wealthy baron may have helped a bit.

“Morning Mom” I say as I lean in and kiss her cheek “What's for breakfast?”

Mom chuckles “Eggs as usual but today we have some boar meat! Some adventurers brought in a huge carriageful of demonic boar yesterday so we’ll be seeing plenty of meat on the market this week.” 

“That's awesome! Demonic Boar always tastes better than regular pork anyway.”

The two of us continue into the kitchen where Lyssa and my father are already digging into the fried boar.

“Oh dear, maybe I should’ve bought more. I didn’t know my future daughter-in-law was so carnivorous.” Mother says as she puts her hand on her chin to think.

Lyssa’s face turns bright red as she lowers her fork and cups her face with her hands. I think I hear her mumble to herself “Daughter-in-law… he-he-he.”

“Mom stop teasing her, we aren’t even engaged yet.” I say as I pull up a chair to the table, purposely leaving in a key work.

“... yet …” Lyssa’s rocking back and forth in excitement and embarrassment is just too cute to me. I love Lyssa very much and yeah I want to marry her one day, I just haven’t gotten where I want to be in life just yet. After all, I'm still living at my parents house. I’m saving up my earnings from my various jobs at the Guild though, soon me and Lyssa will move into our own place and truly start our future together.

“Ross.” A deep voice breaks me out of my daydream.

“Whats up Dad?” I focus my sight on the hulk of a man sitting across from me. He may have retired from being a knight but it sure doesn’t show. He’s big, intimidating, yet kind and loyal to a fault. You’ll never meet a man with more integrity than him.

“Are you free today? I have some kids at the Guild I’d like for you to rough up. Show them what hard work can really get them.”

After retiring from knighthood my parents got a bit antsy with their time so now they work for our towns Adventuring Guild as trainers and advisers. In particular, my Dad “trains” new adventures by putting them through hell. Strength Training, combat exercises, and most importantly how to protect your loved ones. And I know first hand how hellish these exercises can be. I can’t blame him though, after-all the real world isn’t kind to the naive. These lessons will save those adventurers' lives just like how it saved my fathers and I time and time again. Plus all this training has kept me in top shape. I’m muscular but lean enough to not sacrifice my agility which is extremely important when in combat.

“Yeah I can do that. I just need escort Miss Glutton back to her place then I can head over.” I have nothing really going on today so why not.

“Hey no need to be mean.” Lyssa looks at me and pouts.

“Sorry sorry, Mrs. Glutton”

“Much better.” She smiles and turns to my Dad. “Mind if I join too?”

“Well the kids may get a bit distracted but I don’t see why not.” Dad says while contemplating. 

“Yay~! I’ll grab my combat gear when we head over to my place.” She was currently wearing one of my shirts over the shorts she was wearing the previous day. Not really something she wants to wear in front of the general public but it sure turns me on seeing her in my clothes.

She catches me staring at her and grins while leaning over to my ear to seductively say “Maybe later~~”

I quickly turn my face and kiss her on the nose, “Is it later yet?”

My counter makes her face turn red “N-not yet!” she  says in a panic while sitting back up straight.

“Oh my, I can’t wait to meet my grandchildren.” My mother delightfully comments “But first hurry up and eat your breakfast it’ll get cold while you flirt.”

And so we enjoy our breakfast.


After breakfast Lyssa and I help clean up and prepare to head out back to her house. Fortunately she doesn’t live too far from our house so we’ll get there soon enough.

“Alright let’s head out Lys.” I say towards Lyssa then shout “And we’ll see you at the guild later Pops!”

“Thanks for breakfast Mrs. Alastair!” Lyssa gives my mom a big hug.

“Anytime sweetie, Will you be joining us again tonight?”

“Not sure yet, I need to talk to my mother first. She’s been really busy lately so I want to make sure I spend time with her when I can.”

“Aww what a cute daughter, hurry up and marry my son so we can have you too!”

“Tell him that not me!”

Both girls start staring at me with smiles on their faces.

“I know, I know. C’mon Lys let's get going.” I sigh with resignation. I hear laughing as I head towards the door with Lyssa in tow. The two of us leave the Alastair household and begin our walk down the road towards the mercantile district where the Lyssa lives with her mother.

The city we live in is named Buxstall Landing, a major port town on the east coast of the Kingdom of Candith where ships can be seen sailing out all day every day. Buxstall is a popular tourist location with its various cultures and beautiful beaches so it isn’t hard to see why this town has grown so fast since its inception a few decades ago. As a matter of fact, the founders of this town hail from my Mother's family, the Matary Household. She's not all that close to them anymore so our family isn’t anything special here. The town is separated into several districts such as the Mercantile and dockside districts. My family lives a bit closer to the docks nearing the edge of the mercantile district in a fairly large house whereas Lyssa lives much closer to the center of town in the mercantile district itself in a townhouse. Roughly a 20 minute walk between the two I’d say. Conveniently the townhouse Lyssa lives in is in the same block as the Adventurers Guild so we’ll be basically there for when my Dad is ready with his newbies.

“Goddess, I love the weather in Buxstall. It’s always so sunny and the breeze from the ocean is just sooo refreshing.” Lyssa exclaims as she wraps her arm around mine as we walk.

“Yeah except for when the sea dragon gets in a bad mood and decides a week of non-stop rain is a great idea.” 

“Everyone has those days so I don’t blame her. Besides I like it when it rains too. Nice just curling up at home in a blanket, maybe reading a book and sitting by the fireplace. Hey! Make sure we have a fireplace in our new home!”

“Yes dear.” I smile at her and get a wide smile back. Goddess, I love her.

It’s a well known story that the true reason that this port town is so successful is due to the deal that the Matarys made with the Great Sea Dragon Khandaria. She keeps the seas calm and deters bad weather for us meanwhile the Matarys provide her with something, though the public doesn’t know what it is really. Theory is they just shower her with jewelry but I doubt that for whatever reason.

We chat about the intricacies of our local dragon and her effect on our weather while we continue down the road. Soon enough we arrive at Lyssa’s home.

“Is your mother home?” I ask once we enter the townhouse.

“Hmm I doubt it, she’s been a workaholic lately so I bet she crashed at the guild instead of coming here last night. It’s like a 5 minute walk mom, just go home gosh. Anyways let me check the mail and change clothes ‘kay?”

“Sounds good, Let me know if you need assistance with changing. I’ll be happy to help.”

“I’m sure you would dummy.” She lets out a laugh and walks back outside to the mailbox.

I look around and walk over to the couch in the living room to sit. This place never changes huh. Lyssa’s mother was never much one to decorate so this house has essentially looked the same ever since I met Lyssa 12 years ago. As I begin to reminisce, the door bursts open with a panicked Lyssa following.


I jump up from the couch and rush over to her. 

“The Mages College? It’s about time, you applied like two months ago.”

“I know right?! But it’s here, my future is here.” She holds the letter close to her chest.

“Well what are you waiting for? Let’s see what our future holds.”

“Okay, Okay, Let's do this!” She carefully breaks the wax seal and opens the letter.



Dear Miss Lightheart,


Congratulations! We are pleased to tell you that you have been selected to participate in this year's Entrance Exam for the Candath Mages College…..





Thank you so much for reading the first ever chapter of Shieldsman Tale. This is my first ever attempt at writing so I hope you do excuse any errors I may have made. If you have any advice or you have an ideas you may want to share please feel free to let me know. I want this to be a story we all can enjoy.