Chapter 3: Lesser Gods
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“Calliope, you decide, which of the lesser mortals shall we watch today?” the goddess, Thalia, asked impatiently.

“How about Jason, slayer of the Terrian lich, chosen of-” came Calliope’s partial reply.

“No, too serious for my taste,” Thalia interrupted in an exaggerated bored tone.

“Thalia, you’re the goddess of comedy, everyone is too serious for your tastes,” Euterpe sighed with a laughing smile.

“Heyyy, that’s not true, I just appreciate those who know how to make a goddess laugh is all. Why don’t you choose then Euterpe?”

“You know what I will suggest, the countryside offers mor-.”

“Nope not again, you’re the only one enterta-“ Thalia interrupted before being cut off herself by the smashing sound of the temple door being thrown open.

“Come quick, Aten has called an emergency discussion in the central chamber, one of the seven sacrilegious beasts has been spotted in the Kingdom of Offa.”

With the new arrivals announcement echoing around the temple’s walls, the remaining goddesses wasted no time in hurrying to their feet and making their way to the exit, all except one who remained too disheartened to stand.

“Euterpe, will you not come?” asked Calliope as she paused at the door and signalled of rest to go on without her.

“My being there will change nothing and I would prefer not to be reminded of our failings. I shall watch the mortals for a while and meet with you later for the ceremony,” Euterpe answered as her physical form, that of a young woman with a round shapely face and curled bright blonde hair began to slowly emit a white light before condensing into a small glowing ball of godly energy.

After a second’s hesitation, the goddess’s light slowly made its way out of the chamber and began to float down towards the mortal kingdoms before finding its gaze entranced on one particularly horrifying event.