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Demon arm=Death’s Hand


Swain, holding the silver spear in his hand, sat on a lizard man's corpse with a bored expression.

This spear was two meters long and made of a very sturdy metal.

This spear was also very heavy. According to Swain's estimates, it should weigh about 250 kg.

The spear was covered with blood stains.

"This spear is very good." he muttered Swain, sitting on the lizard man's corpse.

It took him only a minute to kill the hunters who came to the village with his new spear and demon arm.

During this time, he did not use any magic. He only used his physical strength and the silver spear he obtained by killing Scar.

The spear he got from Scar was very sturdy and sharp. Swain wondered what metal this spear was made of.

Swain had been fighting with one hand until now and it was especially difficult to use the spear in this way.

The spear was a long weapon, so using it with one hand was very bad both in terms of balance and fatigue.

On top of all this, Swain's understanding of the spear was only basic.

Swain had been using a katana since he was born and his mastery of the katana was very good, but he could not say the same for other weapons.

"I need to improve my understanding of the spear." Swain thought.

The best weapon he could use in this cave was the two-meter-long silver spear he was holding in his hand.

Lizard men usually used spears, so it was very difficult to find a well-forged sword, let alone a katana.

Therefore, what Swain had to do was to quickly improve his mastery of the spear.

"If I want to improve as both a demon energy and a spear mastery, I need to find strong opponents." Swain thought aloud.

As soon as he said these, his arm formed of demon energy trembled a little and then slowly disappeared.

The demon arm consumed a high amount of energy while it was active.


Swain could form his demon arm with his current state, but he did not have enough demon energy to use magic with this arm.

Actually, Swain could do a magic with his demon arm, but right after that, his demon arm would disappear due to insufficient demon energy.

"I was so caught up in the massacre that I forgot to question the hunters." Swain said. He had an embarrassed smile on his face.

Swain did not know the reason, but when he was fighting, all his emotions except one disappeared as if the shutdown button was pressed.

The only emotion that did not disappear was excitement. This emotion did not turn off, and it increased incredibly during the fight.

Swain was able to focus more on the fight and his reflexes were better, but this had a downside.

When he was focused on the fight, he did not think of anything other than the fight and if he was going to stop fighting, there had to be an external stimulus.

"This may be a problem in the future, but it does not pose any problem for now." Swain said and dropped the silver spear in his hand and rubbed his eyes.

The skin around his eyes looked dry as if it had burned and its color had turned purple.

Upon this, the purple glow in his eyes completely disappeared and his eyes were transparent. It was as if he had no pupils.

"Apparently, I pushed myself too hard in this fight."

Swain's vision quickly decreased and finally disappeared completely. Swain suddenly found himself in endless darkness.

"Damn it." Swain whispered.

In the past, he had learned that his vision would decrease when he used a large part of the energy in his eyes, but his vision had disappeared completely for the first time.

Swain was a little surprised when he "saw" this, but then he pulled himself together. After all, this was a predictable thing.

During the fight, he used his eyes at their full potential and this put an incredible burden on him.

*I have to find a place to protect myself.*

He did not know exactly when the energy in his eyes would be replenished, so he had to find a shelter to protect himself during this time. After all, he was a big and easy target when he could not see.

Of course, finding a shelter was not as easy as it was said, especially when he could not see.

Swain found the silver spear he had dropped on the ground after a few tries and took it and started walking in one direction.

He continued to walk by using his long spear to see if there was a wall in front of him.

About two hours later, faint purple glows appeared in the depths of Swain's pupils and this way Swain regained some of his vision.

His vision range was only half a meter and he could barely see the inside of the darkness around him, but this was much better than not seeing.

Swain continued to walk cautiously and it took him an hour to finally find a shelter.

This shelter was actually a crack in the wall of the cave. The entrance of this crack was wide enough for Swain to barely fit in and there was a square with a radius of ten meters in its depths.

Swain said "Nice." when he found this place and sat in a corner of the square and leaned his back against the wall.

During this time, his vision improved a little more and he could now see up to ten meters.

Swain felt his eyelids start to close when he leaned his back against the wall.

"I think I need to rest a bit." Swain said and closed his eyes.

He was very tired both physically and mentally today and he had to rest. His body, although much stronger than normal humans, had a limit for Swain.

Swain fell into a deep sleep just a minute after closing his eyes.




Swain could not believe what he saw when he opened his eyes.

"Apparently, I'm dreaming again." Swain said, with annoyance.

The reason he was so surprised by the scene he saw was that he was in Asgard now. He was standing on Asgard's rainbow bridge and looking at the big palace in front of him.

Actually, the reason he realized that this was a dream so quickly was the atmosphere of Asgard.

Normally, Asgard's atmosphere is very cheerful and golden buildings spread brightness around.

But, it was not like that now.

The Asgard Swain looked at did not look like the Asgard he was born in.

Asgard's atmosphere was very ominous and quiet. In the sky, where the sun should be, there was a big moon.

This moon was shining and making Asgard a little bright. But, this brightness did not look like the brightness created by the sun, this brightness looked much more ominous.

Asgard's buildings were made of a stone that was a mixture of black and green and they looked very scary when combined with the atmosphere.

"What is this feeling?"

Swain narrowed his eyes and looked at the big castle in the center of Asgard. He did not know why, but he felt something pulling him inside the castle.

Swain hesitated for a few seconds and then said, "After all, I'm in a dream, I can't die." and moved towards the big castle.

The structure of this place was exactly the same as the Asgard Swain knew, so Swain approached the castle without any trouble.

"There is no one around."

The streets of Asgard, which should be crowded and cheerful, were empty and there was a smell of death in the air that bothered Swain.

This smell was so intense that it caused black smoke to fly in the air.

Swain tried to ignore this smell and smoke and increased his speed and finally reached the entrance of the big castle.

He entered the big entrance door of the castle without hesitation and passed through the very quiet corridors and finally reached the throne room.

Swain was so shocked when he reached the throne room that his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

There was a figure sitting on the throne in front of him. This figure was holding a long spear in his left hand and had a black king's crown on his head.

The figure's facial features or body details were not clear, but Swain understood who this figure was at a glance.

"Odin.." he said, with a hoarse voice, Swain. It was understood from his voice that he had grown a great anger inside when he saw this figure.

Swain, although he was angry, did not move from his place. The reason for this was that there was not only Odin's figure in this throne room.

There was another dark figure on Odin's right side. From the shape of this dark figure's body, it was understood that she was a mature woman.

"Mother." said Swain. Just like in Odin, he understood at a glance that this figure belonged to Frigga.

Swain looked at his mother with longing, at least to his mother's dark figure. Before the longing in Swain passed, some changes occurred in the throne room.

A figure appeared in front of Odin's magnificent throne and many black figures appeared on Odin's left and right sides.

It was easily understood that the dark figures lined up on both sides of Odin were soldiers.

Swain understood this at a glance, but he did not understand who the dark figure standing in front of Odin was.

It was understood from the shape of this dark figure's body that she was a young girl, but Swain could never remember her identity no matter how much he thought.

"At least she is not someone I know." said Swain. He knew many people in Asgard and believed that his memory was good. So, he did not easily forget anyone.

"****, my daughter, you are worthy of the legendary weapon ********. You will take over the Asgard armies and command them!" Odin said, with a determined tone of voice.

Odin's words thundered in the dark throne room and no one could object to these words.

"Did my ears not hear or did it seem to me?" he asked himself Swain. He had a puzzled expression on his face. He did not know why, but it seemed like his ears stopped hearing at some places in Odin's sentence.

"Yes, father." said the dark figure and knelt down.

Swain was even more shocked when he heard these words.

*What is this in this dream?* he said in shock and astonishment.

Odin got up from his throne and opened his hand to the right. An object flew quickly into Odin's hand.

Swain looked at the hammer in Odin's right hand in shock.

This hammer looked very powerful and it was lighting up the throne room a little by scattering blue lightning around it.

Odin walked down the stairs slowly and majestically and came to the dark figure and handed him the hammer in his hand.

The dark figure took the hammer from Odin's hand with a big smile on his face. When he did this, the scene in front of Swain changed completely.

Swain was now in Asgard's square. He did not know why, but there was a big celebration here.

There was a dining table where Odin, Frigga and the dark figure sat in the middle of the square.

There were wine bottles in the hands of the Asgardians at this dining table and around, and there were some people playing music around.

As the Asgardians danced and drank wine, Odin got up from the table and shouted with all his might.

"I'm sure everyone knows, but the purpose of this celebration is my daughter's great success in war." Odin said. It was clear from his tone of voice and the cheerful smile on his face how happy he was right now.

Swain could not help but laugh and giggle when he saw Odin like this. He had lived in Asgard for years and had never seen Odin smile once.

"My daughter killed many soldiers by herself and brought a great victory to the Asgard army!" Odin shouted, happily.

When Odin's words were over, the crowd started dancing and having fun again and the musicians started playing music.

It was clearly seen that the Asgard people and Swain's family looked very happy. Odin's face was a little red because he drank so much wine.


Actually, Swain did not see Odin's face. He only saw that the dark figure's face was a little red.


There was a big smile on the face of the dark figure and the person who was the reason for this celebration, just like Odin's. This was understandable, after all he had won a great victory and there was a big celebration for him.

At the same time, from Odin's speech, it was understood that this dark figure was his daughter and Swain's sister.

The last person left at the table was Frigga. Frigga looked at her daughter with a warm smile on her face. Her smile was not as big and cheerful as Odin's. Instead, Frigga's smile was small, but it was understood that there was an incredible amount of happiness and pride in this smile.

When Swain saw this scene, the smile on his face dropped and he frowned. He did not know why, but when he looked at this scene, his anger grew even more.

Especially when he looked at the proud smile on Frigga's face.

Swain did not understand why this was. He was in a dream right now and it was not normal for him to be so emotional.

When he looked at Odin's daughter, his feeling increased even more.

"What is this feeling?" Swain whispered. This feeling, whatever it was, increased as he continued to watch the scene.


This voice seemed to answer Swain's question.

This voice echoed throughout Asgard and shook Swain's soul. Swain could not understand what was happening and who the voice belonged to before the voice spoke again.


When these words were over, the celebration in front of Swain froze as if time had stopped.

Swain could not get over his shock before all the dark figures in front of him turned to dust as if the sands of time had touched them and flew away with the wind.

Only two seconds later, only Swain was left in the big square.

Swain could not believe what he saw and heard. He knew this was a dream, but he could not help but panic.

"I have to calm down, this is a normal dream." Swain said and tried to calm himself down, but he was not very successful.

When he recovered enough, he lifted his head to look at the dark sky to understand who the voice belonged to.

When he looked at the sky, he clearly saw who these words belonged to.

This being was incredibly large and had a dark figure. The being's big purple eyes were looking carefully at Swain.

This being's black figure was merged with the dark space and looked very beautiful. But, there was also a great amount of majesty in this beauty.

This dark being was spreading an ominous aura around it. In fact, the black atmosphere that covered Asgard was nothing but this being's aura.

Swain was not seeing this dark being for the first time. This being was the same as the one he saw in his previous dream.

In his previous dream, when he made eye contact with this being, he woke up directly, but now, for some reason, he did not wake up even though he made eye contact with this being.

"This is definitely not a normal dream!" Swain shouted and tried to wake up by slapping himself, but no matter how hard he tried, he never woke up.


These words were the last words Swain heard.

Swain opened his eyes and quickly got up from where he was sitting. After seeing the dream he just saw, his body was sweating incredibly, just like the previous one.

"May our great fathers help me!" Swain said and put his hand on his heart and tried to calm down.