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Red flames were seen everywhere in the lizard man city and screams of pain were heard from where the central building was.

None of the lizard men understood what was happening.

Two minutes ago, they were all happily living their lives.

The thing that dragged them into despair and caused them to run around in panic was the red flames.

These flames appeared out of nowhere and spread quickly, covering the entire city. The most surprising thing was that none of the buildings in the city were made of flammable materials.

All the buildings in the city were either made of stone or carved out of stone, so they couldn't burn.

There were some flammable materials in some small buildings, but they were insignificant. After all, they were small in size and couldn't cause such a big fire.

"Lord of the dark dimension, please protect us." A lizard man prayed to his god when he saw his house in red flames.

"I'm sorry, but no one can protect you."

The lizard man felt a pain in his chest before he could find out who these words belonged to. He slowly lowered his head towards his chest while blood dripped from his mouth.

When the lizard man lowered his head and saw what caused the pain in his chest, he felt an incredible pain and his vision darkened in just a second.

Swain sucked the lizard man's soul and pulled his demon arm out of his back and threw the lizard man's corpse to the ground.

"Normal lizard men's souls no longer strengthen my demon energy. If I want to improve, I have to kill lizard men who draw power from the dark dimension."

Swain's demon energy grew and strengthened, making it much harder for him to improve. Now, normal lizard men's souls increased his demon energy by a very small amount.

The biggest contribution to Swain's demon energy improvement was the quality of the soul rather than the number of souls.

The soul quality of the lizard men was utterly disgraceful.

Lizard men who drew power from the dark dimension had a piece of Dormammu in their souls, so they were one step ahead of normal lizard men in terms of soul quality.

Lizard men who drew power from the dark dimension didn't know about this piece in their souls.

This piece was placed by Dormammu himself and according to Swain's guess, this piece was in all beings who drew power from the dark dimension.

Swain examined this piece a little and gained some understanding of it.

Actually, the task of this piece was very simple.

This piece worked just like Swain's demon energy. Its only task was to sacrifice the soul and body of the being it carried to Dormammu.

In short, Dormammu could activate these pieces whenever he wanted and have a nice and satisfying feast and strengthen himself.

Swain was undecided at first whether to assimilate it or not, but when his demon energy felt this piece, it acted as if it had been starving for years and assimilated it.

Thus, Swain realized that this piece posed no threat to him. In fact, this piece improved his demon energy faster. Actually, this was understandable, after all, this piece was a part of the soul of a real god who had his own dimension.

This was one of the things Swain learned in the 65 years he spent in this cave.

Swain was busy destroying another kingdom right now. He didn't need any tactics or preparation. Swain used the death hand spell and headed towards the center of the city without hesitation.

As he did this, he killed every lizard man he encountered. Swain's demon energy reserves filled up quickly as he killed lizard men. Thus, the amount of demon energy consumed by the death hand spell per second was replenished by the lizard man souls.

Swain threw a dried lizard man corpse to the side and looked around with a smile on his face.

He was surrounded by thousands of lizard men and had nowhere to escape.

"Asgardian, you dared to attack one of the great lizard man kingdoms!" a lizard man shouted.

"If you don't want to die in pain, surrender so that-"

"You talk too much."

The lizard man couldn't finish his sentence before Swain interrupted his speech and pointed his left hand at him. At the same time, a red energy beam the size of a fist shot out of his left hand and killed dozens of lizard men, including the one who was screaming.

Swain didn't stop this energy beam and started to slaughter the large lizard man army that surrounded him as he spun around.

The red energy beam killed or severely wounded every lizard man it touched. The bodies of the dead lizard men dried up and their souls were sucked by Swain.

Swain had to stop the energy beam when he felt a great pain in his left arm.

He looked at his left arm and said, "I still haven't mastered this spell completely."

The lizard men who saw Swain stop his attack looked at him with a shocked expression on their faces. None of them could attack Swain, let alone recover from the shock of the previous attack.

"It seems I have to engage in a close combat." Swain said with a big smile on his face. This smile made Swain look like a madman.

"I will lose myself soon. So I apologize in advance for what I will do to you." Swain said with a chuckle.

None of the lizard men said anything when they heard these words.

Swain sighed when he saw that the lizard men didn't speak and attacked the lizard man closest to him.

Swain's sudden attack snapped the surviving lizard men out of their shock. So the lizard men attacked Swain.

Then a close and very bloody fight started between the lizard men and Swain.

During the fight, Swain laughed like a madman and killed or severely wounded a lizard man with every swing of his left hand with the claw.

The lizard men had a huge numerical advantage. So they hit Swain with many deadly blows during their fight. But Swain healed these wounds in just seconds.


Swain's demon energy was almost limitless when he had so many followers and easily killable enemies around him.

With his incredible regeneration added to this, there was nothing the lizard men could do against Swain.

Four hours had passed since Swain attacked this city and he continued to attack Swain as if their numbers meant nothing, even though he had killed hundreds of lizard men.

Swain was not complaining about this situation at all. He enjoyed this massacre immensely and shouted like a madman every time he killed a lizard man.


"Keep going!"

"Your soul is mine now!"


Swain's smile was so wide that it covered almost half of his face.

The fear in the lizard men who saw this smile grew even more.

As Swain slaughtered the lizard men, a purple energy beam quickly approached him from afar.

This purple beam didn't choose a target. It killed dozens of lizard men before it reached Swain.

The purple beam was about to hit Swain when Swain raised his left hand towards the purple beam. At the same time, a barrier with a radius of one meter formed in front of Swain.

The color of this barrier was red and there were red electric arcs on it.

When the purple beam and the barrier collided, they pushed each other's powers to the limit for a second. Then there was a big explosion.


The explosion was very close to Swain. So Swain flew back about five meters with the force of the explosion and then fell to the ground and slid.

"You finally showed yourself!" Swain shouted and stopped himself by sticking his left hand into the ground.

"I must say, I didn't know you were so arrogant and confident."

This voice was coming from the depths of the lizard man crowd.

Swain didn't answer when he heard these words and waited for the owner of the voice to appear.

The lizard man crowd parted as if to make way for someone and left a large gap in the middle.

Swain frowned when he saw this.

*The lizard men must have opened up so much because my opponent is very big.* Swain thought.

He actually wanted this to happen because it was very easy to hit and injure a big target.

About five seconds later, a figure emerged from the lizard man crowd.

This was not surprisingly a lizard man.

His skin was purple and he had black tattoos on it. These tattoos were shining and writhing as if they were alive.

The lizard man's eyes were the darkest shade of black and he had no pupils. There was only darkness in the lizard man's eyes.

The lizard man looked at Swain with an arrogant and angry expression on his face.

The lizard man had a staff that was twice as long as his height in his hand.

Swain didn't have a frown or a thoughtful expression on his face when he saw this lizard man.

Instead, he had a surprised and disappointed expression on his face. The reason for this was the lizard man's height.

This lizard man was 130 centimeters tall and looked like a goblin.

"Asgard, a society of people who think they are gods... They think they are very powerful, but they can't do anything against the real power!" the lizard man said with anger.

Swain didn't react when he heard these words. He still looked at the lizard man with the same expression.

"I will kill you and make Asgard understand the power of the lizard men!" the lizard man added.

Swain said what he wanted to say since he saw this lizard man when he heard these words.

"Your words are very ambitious, but..." Swain said and paused.

"I don't know if you realize it, but you look like a shitty goblin."


With this chapter, I will finish the lizard man arc.